- 1
Hot Mulligan - Please Don't Cry, You Have Swag
- 2
Hot Mulligan - End Eric Sparrow and the Life of Him
- 3
Hot Mulligan - How do You Know It's Not Armadillo Shells?
- 4
Hot Mulligan - SPS
- 5
Hot Mulligan - Equip Sunglasses
- 6
Hot Mulligan - I Replied To Tyler With Three Blue Cars
- 7
Hot Mulligan - Feal Like Crab
- 8
Hot Mulligan - Fly Move (The Whole Time)
- 9
Hot Mulligan - Green Squirrel in Pretty Bad Shape
- 10
Hot Mulligan - Pop Shuvit (Hall Of Meat, Duh)
- 11
Hot Mulligan - Stickers of Brian
- 12
Hot Mulligan - BCKYRD
- 13
Hot Mulligan - Betty
- 14
Hot Mulligan - Featuring Mark Hoppus
- 15
Hot Mulligan - Heem Wasn’t There
- 16
Hot Mulligan - I Fell In Love With Princess Peach
- 17
Hot Mulligan - If You Had Spun Out In Your Oldsmobile, This Probably Wouldn't Have Happened
- 18
Hot Mulligan - No Shoes In The Coffee Shop (Or Socks)
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Hot Mulligan - OG Blue Sky
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Hot Mulligan - Shaylee, Shanel
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Hot Mulligan - Shhhh! Golf Is On
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Hot Mulligan - Shouldn’t Have a Leg Hole But I do
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Hot Mulligan - Smahccked My Head Awf
- 24
Hot Mulligan - The Song Formerly Known As Intro
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Hot Mulligan - The Soundtrack To Missing a Slam Dunk
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Hot Mulligan - All You Wanted By Michelle Branch
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Hot Mulligan - Analog Fade (New Bule Sky)
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Hot Mulligan - And I Smoke
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Hot Mulligan - Christ Alive My Toe Dammit Hurts
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Hot Mulligan - Cock Party 2 (Better Than The First)
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Hot Mulligan - Dary
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Hot Mulligan - Deluxe Capacitor
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Hot Mulligan - Digging In
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Hot Mulligan - Dirty Office Bongos
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Hot Mulligan - Drink Milk And Run
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Hot Mulligan - Gans Media Retro Games
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Hot Mulligan - Good Ol' Mr. Rags
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Hot Mulligan - I Hate The Gooey Disk
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Hot Mulligan - I Played Tony Hawk's Ride Once, And It Sucked
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Hot Mulligan - I'm Tuning To O-Positive
- 41
Hot Mulligan - It's a Family Movie She Hates Her Dad
- 42
Hot Mulligan - Jimmy Neutron Had A Dog, So Why Can't I Have A Friend?
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Hot Mulligan - John The Rock Cena, Can You Smell What The Undertaker
- 44
Hot Mulligan - Legen
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Hot Mulligan - Losing Days
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Hot Mulligan - M.O.M.
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Hot Mulligan - One For The Boy
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Hot Mulligan - Pluto Was Never Really a Planet Either Even
- 49
Hot Mulligan - Scream Mountain
- 50
Hot Mulligan - Something About a Bunch Of Dead Dogs
- 51
Hot Mulligan - The Hammer Guy Is At It Again
- 52
Hot Mulligan - There Was a Semi Fight On I-69
- 53
Hot Mulligan - This Song Is Called It's Called What's It Called
- 54
Hot Mulligan - Visited salmon, I mean transity balcony
- 55
Hot Mulligan - Wait For It
- 56
Hot Mulligan - We're Gonna Make it To Kilby!
- 57
Hot Mulligan - Wes Dault Can't Find The Madison Falcon
- 58
Hot Mulligan - Whispers Thank You
No Shoes In The Coffee Shop (Or Socks)
Hot Mulligan
I'll buy a camera to record some stuff
All I thought
Is that it could be fun
The question that came next
Is if my memories lead to stark regret
Well then why would I watch
For every crater on the Moon
There's an empty beer around the room
Only wanted sleep
Could you show me my options
Nothing left to drink
Holding on so the nausea might subside
So what then
Do nothing for fear I'll remember what I've been
No prodigal son
Maybe an inconvenience
Poison tends to taste sweet
Failures tend to think they know
What's good for themselves but then I see
For every crater on the Moon
There's an empty beer around the room
Only wanted sleep
Could you show me my options
Nothing left to drink
Holding on till the nausea breaks
Is this the punishment I've earned
Relive who I've been when at my worst
Every single night
Looking for a distraction
Waiting for the Sun to rise
Pretty sight for some hollow eyes
Peeling at labels, the minor stimulation keeps my mind up
Laying in bed there's a brave assumption I won't try to crawl out
Hiding my face when in public, let's avoid all confrontation
They say you can't force it, then how can I change myself
The question that came next
Is if my memories lead to stark regret
Well then why would I watch
For every crater on the Moon
There's an empty beer around the room
Only wanted sleep
Could you show me my options
Nothing left to drink
Holding on till the nausea breaks
Is this the punishment I've earned
Relive who I've been when at my worst
Every single night
Looking for a distraction
Waiting for the Sun to rise
Pretty sight for some hollow eyes
Retrospect is best
It's always there so it can hold me back
From the things that I want