- 1
Horrible Histories - Viking Peace
- 2
Horrible Histories - Cleopatra
- 3
Horrible Histories - Divorced, Beheaded, Died
- 4
Horrible Histories - Opening Theme
- 5
Horrible Histories - The Borgia Family
- 6
Horrible Histories - The Kings And Queens Song (Ruthless Rulers)
- 7
Horrible Histories - Blue Blooded Blues
- 8
Horrible Histories - Burke and Hare
- 9
Horrible Histories - Charles II
- 10
Horrible Histories - Dick Turpin
- 11
Horrible Histories - Hieroglyphics
- 12
Horrible Histories - RAF Pilots
- 13
Horrible Histories - Suffragettes
- 14
Horrible Histories - William Wallace, Scottish Rebel
- 15
Horrible Histories - Work, Terrible Work
- 16
Horrible Histories - (Not So) Silent Night
- 17
Horrible Histories - Alexander The Great Song
- 18
Horrible Histories - Aztec Priests Song
- 19
Horrible Histories - Bad Duke Wenceslas
- 20
Horrible Histories - Blackbeard's Song
- 21
Horrible Histories - Boudicca
- 22
Horrible Histories - British Things
- 23
Horrible Histories - Caveman Love
- 24
Horrible Histories - Celtic Boast Battle
- 25
Horrible Histories - Charles Dickens
- 26
Horrible Histories - Death's Favourite Things
- 27
Horrible Histories - English Civil War
- 28
Horrible Histories - Evil Roman Emperors (Bad)
- 29
Horrible Histories - Flame
- 30
Horrible Histories - Funky Monks
- 31
Horrible Histories - George IV
- 32
Horrible Histories - Georgian Lady
- 33
Horrible Histories - Georgian Navy
- 34
Horrible Histories - Henry VII: The Original Tu-Tu-Tudor
- 35
Horrible Histories - I'm a Greek
- 36
Horrible Histories - I'm a Knight
- 37
Horrible Histories - It's Not True
- 38
Horrible Histories - Joan Of Arc
- 39
Horrible Histories - Literally (The Viking Song)
- 40
Horrible Histories - Luddites
- 41
Horrible Histories - Making A Mummy
- 42
Horrible Histories - Mary I
- 43
Horrible Histories - Mary Seacole
- 44
Horrible Histories - Minted
- 45
Horrible Histories - Natural Selection (Charles Darwin)
- 46
Horrible Histories - Norman Family Tree
- 47
Horrible Histories - O Christmas Tree
- 48
Horrible Histories - Owain Glyndwr
- 49
Horrible Histories - Pachacuti Song
- 50
Horrible Histories - Pilgrim Rap
- 51
Horrible Histories - Richard III
- 52
Horrible Histories - Rosa Parks: I Sat On a Bus
- 53
Horrible Histories - Shooby Dooby Dooby Shakespeare
- 54
Horrible Histories - Spartan High School Musical
- 55
Horrible Histories - The 4 Georges: Born 2 Rule
- 56
Horrible Histories - The Ages of Stone
- 57
Horrible Histories - The Cowboy Song
- 58
Horrible Histories - The Grate Plague
- 59
Horrible Histories - The Thinkers
- 60
Horrible Histories - Transportation Song
- 61
Horrible Histories - Victoria And Albert
- 62
Horrible Histories - Victorian Inventions
- 63
Horrible Histories - We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- 64
Horrible Histories - We're Tudors
- 65
Horrible Histories - World War Two Girls
The Kings And Queens Song (Ruthless Rulers)
Horrible Histories
My enemies stood no chance
They call me the first english king
Although I come from france
1077, The domesday book
I gave to history
So fat, on death my body burst
But enough about me
To help remember all your kings
I've come up with this song
A simple rhyme and ditty
For you all to sing along!
Oh! William!
(Bit short, init. We need more kings. who came next?)
William second, cheeks were red
Killed out hunting, so it's said
I took over, henry one
That's my next eldest son
Then king stephen, it's true, check it!
Hi, henry two, killed thomas beckett
Richard lionheart? That's right!
Always spoiling for a fight
Oh, king john! What a disaster!
Rule restrained by magna carta!
William, william, henry, stephen
Henry, richard, john, oi!
Time for my mate, king henry eight
To take up this song
Henry three built the abbey
Ed one hated scots
A red hot poker killed ed two
That must have hurt him lots!
Edward third was a chivalry nerd
Began the hundred years war
Then richard two was king, aged ten
Then henry, yes one more!
King henry four, plots galore
Not least from henry five, moi
I killed ten score at agincourt
Then henry six arrived!
Edward four, edward five
Richard the third, he's bad
'Cause he fought wars with henry seventh
First tudor and my dad
So henry eight, I was great
Six wives, two were beheaded
Edward the sixth came next, but he died young
And so my dreaded
Daughter mary ruled, so scary
Then along came... Me!
I'm liz the first, I had no kids
So tudors rip!
William, william, henry, stephen
Henry, richard, john, oi!
Henry, ed, ed, ed, rich two
Then three more henrys join our song!
Edward, edward, rich the third
Henry, henry, ed again
Mary one, good queen bess
That's me! Time for more men!
James six of scotland next
Is english james the first, he led
Then stuarts ruled, so charles the first
The one who lost his head
No monarchy until came me,
Charles two, I liked to party
King jimmy two was scary, oooh!
Then mary was a smarty
She ruled with bill, their shoes were filled
By sourpuss queen anne gloria
And so from then, you were ruled by men
Till along came me, victoria!
William, william, henry, stephen
Henry, richard, john, oi!
Henry, ed, ed, ed, rich two
Then three more henrys join our song!
Edward, edward, rich the third
Henry, henry, ed again
Mary one, good queen bess
Jimmy, charles and charles and then
Jim, will, mary, anne gloria
Still to come, it's queen victoria!
And so began the hanover gang
George one and george two... Grim!
Then george the third was quite absurd
Till I replaced old him
King george the fourth and known henceforth
As angry, fat and cross... Hang on!
It's true you beat napoleon
But were mostly a dead loss... Bang on!
Old william four was a sailor... Ahoy!
It's nearly the end of the storya
As onto the scene comes the best loved queen
Hail to queen victoria!
William, william, henry, stephen
Henry, richard, john, oi!
Henry, ed, ed, ed, rich two
Then three more henrys join our song!
Edward, edward, rich the third
Henry, henry, ed again
Mary one, good queen bess
Jimmy, charles and charles and then
Jim, will, mary, anne gloria
George, george, george, george
Will, victoria!
(I ruled for sixty four years, you know!)
Ed seven, george five
Then ed, george sixth
Those two then reigned and how!
And so our famous monarch song
Is brought right up to now! Oh!
William, william, henry, stephen
Henry, richard, john, oi!
Henry, ed, ed, ed, rich two
Then three more henrys join our song!
Edward, edward, rich the third
Henry, henry, ed again
Mary one, good queen bess
Jimmy, charles and charles and then
Jim, will, mary, anne gloria
George, george, george, george
Will, victoria!
Edward, george, edward, george six
And queen liz two completes the mix!
That's all the english kings and queens
Since william first that there have been!