I could not stay with you more, had to go away baby, I know you can live without me or not ... don't cry that's gonna be all right, be a man and Hold everything that's this cruel world and don't forget to not be fake, don't get lost in an illusion that I still on your side
Refrão: don't pretend that I'm on your side here there still kissing you, for I am the distant elsewhere, no use crying and say that my soul is with you, if my soul was there my body would think in reality dead baby
I know, we were a perfect couple But all that is good is always an end Hold on then, I know that you hold not be waiting for me why not go back, and you never not please me an illusion it can to make it worse than this trance is not about me not think so many people in this world has to think of just a Refrao not so depressed not be stopped is happy girl who may look different to you happy, that you can smile in a put face, don't pretend that I still go back, fall into the real, to imagine your life to do what his life might not what she can not refrao2x