- 1
Greg Brown - Spring Wind
- 2
Greg Brown - In the Water
- 3
Greg Brown - Old Smokey
- 4
Greg Brown - Who Killed Cock Robin?
- 5
Greg Brown - 'Cept You & Me, Babe
- 6
Greg Brown - (I Sure Hope the) Tornado (Don't Come)
- 7
Greg Brown - 857-5413
- 8
Greg Brown - A Grown Woman (A Woman Like Me)
- 9
Greg Brown - A Little Excited
- 10
Greg Brown - A Little Place in the Country
- 11
Greg Brown - A Poison Tree
- 12
Greg Brown - Ah! Sun-Flower
- 13
Greg Brown - Ain't Life A Brook
- 14
Greg Brown - Ain't No One Like You
- 15
Greg Brown - All Day Rain
- 16
Greg Brown - All the Little Places around the Town
- 17
Greg Brown - All the Money's Gone
- 18
Greg Brown - Almost Out of Gas
- 19
Greg Brown - America Will Eat You
- 20
Greg Brown - Ashamed of Our Love
- 21
Greg Brown - Back Home Again
- 22
Greg Brown - Bad Roads in Spring
- 23
Greg Brown - Ballingall Hotel
- 24
Greg Brown - Band of Gold
- 25
Greg Brown - Banjo Moon
- 26
Greg Brown - Bathtub Blues
- 27
Greg Brown - Beatniks Gonna Rise Again
- 28
Greg Brown - Betty Ann
- 29
Greg Brown - Billy from the Hills
- 30
Greg Brown - Blue Car
- 31
Greg Brown - Blues Go Walking
- 32
Greg Brown - Boomtown
- 33
Greg Brown - Bozo's in Love Again
- 34
Greg Brown - Brand New '64 Dodge
- 35
Greg Brown - Bucket
- 36
Greg Brown - Build a Little Village
- 37
Greg Brown - Butane Lighter Blues
- 38
Greg Brown - Canned Goods
- 39
Greg Brown - Cheapest Kind
- 40
Greg Brown - Cold & Dark & Wet
- 41
Greg Brown - Comin' into You
- 42
Greg Brown - Coneville Slough
- 43
Greg Brown - Counting Feedcaps
- 44
Greg Brown - Cronies
- 45
Greg Brown - Dancing 'Round and 'Round
- 46
Greg Brown - Daughters
- 47
Greg Brown - Dear Wrinkled Face
- 48
Greg Brown - Don't You Think Too Much
- 49
Greg Brown - Down at the Mill
- 50
Greg Brown - Down In The Valley
- 51
Greg Brown - Downtown
- 52
Greg Brown - Dream Cafe
- 53
Greg Brown - Dream City
- 54
Greg Brown - Dream On
- 55
Greg Brown - Driftin'" (Greg Brown and Dick Pinney)
- 56
Greg Brown - Driftless
- 57
Greg Brown - Dusty Woods
- 58
Greg Brown - Early
- 59
Greg Brown - Ella Mae
- 60
Greg Brown - Enough
- 61
Greg Brown - Eugene
- 62
Greg Brown - Evening Call
- 63
Greg Brown - Every Street in Town
- 64
Greg Brown - Fairfield
- 65
Greg Brown - Famous Friends
- 66
Greg Brown - Flabbergabble
- 67
Greg Brown - Flat Stuff
- 68
Greg Brown - Fooled Me Once
- 69
Greg Brown - Four Wet Pigs
- 70
Greg Brown - Further In
- 71
Greg Brown - Good Morning Coffee
- 72
Greg Brown - Grand Junction
- 73
Greg Brown - Green Grows The Laurel
- 74
Greg Brown - Green Leaf
- 75
Greg Brown - Hacklebarney
- 76
Greg Brown - Hacklebarney Tune
- 77
Greg Brown - Heart of My Country
- 78
Greg Brown - Help Me Make It through This Funky Day
- 79
Greg Brown - Here in the Going Going Gone
- 80
Greg Brown - Hillbilly Girl
- 81
Greg Brown - How Black the Fields
- 82
Greg Brown - Hurt So Nice
- 83
Greg Brown - I Believe I'll Go Back Home
- 84
Greg Brown - I Can't Get Used to It
- 85
Greg Brown - I Don't Know That Guy
- 86
Greg Brown - I Don't Want to Be the One
- 87
Greg Brown - I Don't Want Your Millions, Mister
- 88
Greg Brown - I Must Be in Oregon
- 89
Greg Brown - I Never Will Marry
- 90
Greg Brown - I Remember When
- 91
Greg Brown - I Slept All Night by My Lover
- 92
Greg Brown - I Wish I Was a Painter
- 93
Greg Brown - If I Had Known
- 94
Greg Brown - If You Don't Get It at Home
- 95
Greg Brown - In the Dark with You
- 96
Greg Brown - InaBell Sale
- 97
Greg Brown - It Gets Lonely in a Small Town
- 98
Greg Brown - Jesus & Elvis
- 99
Greg Brown - Joy Tears
- 100
Greg Brown - Just a Bum
- 101
Greg Brown - Just by Myself
- 102
Greg Brown - Just Live
- 103
Greg Brown - King Corn
- 104
Greg Brown - Kokomo
- 105
Greg Brown - Late Night Radio
- 106
Greg Brown - Lately
- 107
Greg Brown - Laughing River
- 108
Greg Brown - Let Me Be Your Gigolo
- 109
Greg Brown - Letters from Europe
- 110
Greg Brown - Like a Dog
- 111
Greg Brown - Living in a Prayer
- 112
Greg Brown - Loneliness House
- 113
Greg Brown - Lord, I Have Made You a Place in My Heart
- 114
Greg Brown - Lotsa Kindsa Money
- 115
Greg Brown - Love Is a Chain
- 116
Greg Brown - Lull It By
- 117
Greg Brown - Lullaby
- 118
Greg Brown - Lullaby at the Edge of Town
- 119
Greg Brown - Marriage Chant
- 120
Greg Brown - Mattie Price
- 121
Greg Brown - Mighty Sweet Watermelon
- 122
Greg Brown - Milk of the Moon
- 123
Greg Brown - Mississippi Moon
- 124
Greg Brown - Mississippi Serenade
- 125
Greg Brown - Monsters and Giants
- 126
Greg Brown - Mose Allison Played Here
- 127
Greg Brown - Mud
- 128
Greg Brown - My Home in the Sky
- 129
Greg Brown - My New Book
- 130
Greg Brown - My Pa, He Came Home Quiet as the Evening
- 131
Greg Brown - Never Shine Sun
- 132
Greg Brown - Never So Far
- 133
Greg Brown - Nice When It Rains
- 134
Greg Brown - No Place Away
- 135
Greg Brown - Oh You
- 136
Greg Brown - On New Year's Day
- 137
Greg Brown - On Records the Sound Just Fades Away
- 138
Greg Brown - One Big Town
- 139
Greg Brown - One Cool Remove
- 140
Greg Brown - One More Goodnight Kiss
- 141
Greg Brown - One Wrong Turn
- 142
Greg Brown - Our Little Town
- 143
Greg Brown - Out in the Country
- 144
Greg Brown - Payday
- 145
Greg Brown - People Hide Their Love
- 146
Greg Brown - People with Bad Luck
- 147
Greg Brown - Poor Backslider
- 148
Greg Brown - Pound It on Down
- 149
Greg Brown - Pretty One More Time
- 150
Greg Brown - Railroad Bill
- 151
Greg Brown - Real Good Friend
- 152
Greg Brown - Rexroth's Daughter
- 153
Greg Brown - Ring around the Moon
- 154
Greg Brown - River Will Take You
- 155
Greg Brown - Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon
- 156
Greg Brown - Sadness
- 157
Greg Brown - Samson
- 158
Greg Brown - Say a Little Prayer
- 159
Greg Brown - Shake Sugaree
- 160
Greg Brown - Ships
- 161
Greg Brown - Shit Out of Luck
- 162
Greg Brown - Skinny Days
- 163
Greg Brown - Sleeper
- 164
Greg Brown - Small Dark Movie
- 165
Greg Brown - Smell of Coffee
- 166
Greg Brown - So Hard
- 167
Greg Brown - So Long, You Old Tooth
- 168
Greg Brown - Solid Heart
- 169
Greg Brown - Speaking in Tongues
- 170
Greg Brown - Speed Trap Boogie
- 171
Greg Brown - Spring and All
- 172
Greg Brown - Steady Love
- 173
Greg Brown - Summer Evening
- 174
Greg Brown - Tell Me It's Gonna Be Alright
- 175
Greg Brown - Telling Stories
- 176
Greg Brown - The Foggy Foggy Dew
- 177
Greg Brown - The Iowa Waltz
- 178
Greg Brown - The Last Shepherd
- 179
Greg Brown - The Monkey
- 180
Greg Brown - The Moon Is Nearly Full
- 181
Greg Brown - The Poet Game
- 182
Greg Brown - The Train Carrying Jimmie Rodgers Home
- 183
Greg Brown - The Way They Get Themselves Up
- 184
Greg Brown - Things Go On
- 185
Greg Brown - Think about You
- 186
Greg Brown - This Blue
- 187
Greg Brown - Treat Each Other Right
- 188
Greg Brown - Twenty or So
- 189
Greg Brown - Two Little Boys
- 190
Greg Brown - Two Little Feet
- 191
Greg Brown - Vivid
- 192
Greg Brown - Waiting
- 193
Greg Brown - Waiting on You
- 194
Greg Brown - Walkin' Daddy
- 195
Greg Brown - Walkin' Down to Casey's
- 196
Greg Brown - Walking the Beans
- 197
Greg Brown - Wash My Eyes
- 198
Greg Brown - Whatever It Was
- 199
Greg Brown - Where Do the Wild Geese Go?"
- 200
Greg Brown - Whippoorwill
- 201
Greg Brown - Who Do You Think You're Fooling?"
- 202
Greg Brown - Who Woulda Thunk It?
- 203
Greg Brown - Why Do You Even Say That?
- 204
Greg Brown - Why Don't You Just Go Home?
- 205
Greg Brown - Wild Like A Sonny Boy
- 206
Greg Brown - Winter Rain
- 207
Greg Brown - Worrisome Years
- 208
Greg Brown - You Are a Flower
- 209
Greg Brown - You Can Watch Me
- 210
Greg Brown - You Don't Really Get Me, Babe
- 211
Greg Brown - You Drive Me Crazy
- 212
Greg Brown - You Might as Well Go to Sleep
- 213
Greg Brown - Young Robin
- 214
Greg Brown - Your Town Now
Dream On
Greg Brown
she'll be so wise and so kind
Love her 'til we're a hundred 'n' seven
Body 'n' the soul an' the mind.
That's right, dream on,
Little dreamers
Dream on
This world ain't what you think it is
It's just what it is!
OK, I will meet some nice person
In a quiet little cafe
We'll make such sweet love that the birds will applaud
And then we'll go on our understanding ways.
Good luck, dream on,
Little dreamer
Dream on.
The world ain't what you think it is
It's just what it is!
The president he gonna start laughin'
Pass to the general a toke.
All the world bigshots gonna lay down their guns
And say "hey folks, it was all just a joke!"
(spoken with jazzy fingersnapping)
Bombs & stuff?
Droppin' on you?
You know we would'n' do that to you.
We're the leaders-of-the-world
We're the real cool guys
We're elected, respected, we try to be wise
We're not gonna drop a bunch a' bombs on everybody, blow up the whole world
over some little political difficulty or border dispute or somethin'
Us leaders-of-the-world we'r' like all you people,
Jus' to sit back, relax, take it easy....
Dream on, little dreamers
Dream on.
The world ain't what you think it is
It's just what it is.
I 'as feeling kinda troubled 'n' upset 'n' confused 'n' out of it.
You know how that goes? Time goes along........... things change, you wake
up some mornin'g 'n' you realize that you're jus' out of it,
I find mysel' at some friend's apartment on a nice spring day, little birds
be singin' in the trees?......... All my friends, they be sittin' aroun'
inside......... They was gittin' kinda out of it too, I guess, but, seemed
to be workin' out awright for 'em....... They be sittin' aroun' in a
little apartment watchin' TV, you know, on a nice spring day..........
they'd be watchin' like reruns of "Three's Company", stuff like
that........ They be laughin', you know, jus' havin' a great time. I
didn' get it........ So I knew I must be kinda outta sync, 'n' outta
swing......... I need a little bit a' help.
Well, jus' luckily for me, the great Swami, Prisnidadirapi was comin'
through town....... (I think he was on his way up to Boulder, Colorado, or
somewhere.) He was givin' a li'l advice as he went by 'n' I went to see
the guy.......... 'n' in so many words I said to him: "I'm in bad shape
here.......... An' I heard you got the true knowledge, which you c'ld give
to me, which w'ld clear up all my doubts and difficulties, 'n' git me back
on the track, back in the swing, fully adjusted to life in the 20th
century....... An' the only trouble I heard about, Swami, is you charge
about eight hundred dollars fer the true knowledge............. That's all
right, I mean........ I never expected there to be a blue light special on
enlightenment or anythin' like that, but I..... I'm just a guitar player,
your holy Swaminess, an' I was hopin' we could make a deal where...... I
would give you, like, maybe, four hundred dollars........an' I was hopin'
maybe you would give me, like, jus' maybe half of the true
knowledge?........Jus' enough to git me by for a month or six weeks at the
most, 'n' I'll give you the rest of the cash......... you give me the rest
of the knowledge, I'll be enlightened, your pockets'll be a little heavy,
we both be doing awright, whaddaya say?"
Well, the Swami, he looked at me from under his heavy-lidded eyes,...his
mysterious eyes...... He smiled at me......... That was nuthin' new, you
know, the Swami was always kinda smiling......... Like he knew sumpin'
that you didn't know...... Like those people that............ they jus'
levitate jus' a lit'l bit, you know, 'n' they git a little smile on their
He smiled......... He looked at me 'n' he said:
"Dream on, little dreamer
Dream on.
This world ain't what you think it is
it's jus' what it is."
This quiet rain will always continue
Our kids will always think we're great
The world won't keep reeling like a poor drunken fool
Who's lost an' upset an' too late
Dream on, little dreamers,
Dream on.
This world ain't what you think it is,
This world ain't what you wish it was,
Uh, the world
Ain't what you think it is
It's just
What it is.