- 1
Grant Lee Buffalo - Fuzzy
- 2
Grant Lee Buffalo - Bethlehem Steel
- 3
Grant Lee Buffalo - Honey, Don't Think
- 4
Grant Lee Buffalo - Happiness
- 5
Grant Lee Buffalo - Mockingbirds
- 6
Grant Lee Buffalo - Truly, Truly
- 7
Grant Lee Buffalo - Sing Along
- 8
Grant Lee Buffalo - Wish You Well
- 9
Grant Lee Buffalo - You Just Have To Be Crazy
- 10
Grant Lee Buffalo - 8 Mile Road
- 11
Grant Lee Buffalo - All That I Have
- 12
Grant Lee Buffalo - America Snoring
- 13
Grant Lee Buffalo - APB
- 14
Grant Lee Buffalo - Armchair
- 15
Grant Lee Buffalo - Arousing Thunder
- 16
Grant Lee Buffalo - Better For Us
- 17
Grant Lee Buffalo - Burning Love
- 18
Grant Lee Buffalo - Change Your Tune
- 19
Grant Lee Buffalo - Come To Mama, She Say
- 20
Grant Lee Buffalo - Comes To Blows
- 21
Grant Lee Buffalo - Crackdown
- 22
Grant Lee Buffalo - Crashing At Corona
- 23
Grant Lee Buffalo - Crooked Dice
- 24
Grant Lee Buffalo - Demon Called Deception
- 25
Grant Lee Buffalo - Dixie Drug Store
- 26
Grant Lee Buffalo - Dixie Drug Store (Juju Mix)
- 27
Grant Lee Buffalo - Drag
- 28
Grant Lee Buffalo - Even The Oxen
- 29
Grant Lee Buffalo - Everybody Needs A Little Sanctuary
- 30
Grant Lee Buffalo - Fine How'd Ya Do
- 31
Grant Lee Buffalo - For The Turnstiles
- 32
Grant Lee Buffalo - Goodnight John Dee
- 33
Grant Lee Buffalo - Grace
- 34
Grant Lee Buffalo - Halloween
- 35
Grant Lee Buffalo - Homespun
- 36
Grant Lee Buffalo - Hyperion And Sunset
- 37
Grant Lee Buffalo - I Will Take Him
- 38
Grant Lee Buffalo - In My Room
- 39
Grant Lee Buffalo - It's The Life
- 40
Grant Lee Buffalo - Jubilee
- 41
Grant Lee Buffalo - Jupiter And Teardrop
- 42
Grant Lee Buffalo - Lady Godiva And Me
- 43
Grant Lee Buffalo - Last Days Of Tecumseh
- 44
Grant Lee Buffalo - Let Go Of My Hand
- 45
Grant Lee Buffalo - Lone Star Song
- 46
Grant Lee Buffalo - Mighty Joe Moon
- 47
Grant Lee Buffalo - My, My, My
- 48
Grant Lee Buffalo - Orpheus
- 49
Grant Lee Buffalo - Rock Of Ages
- 50
Grant Lee Buffalo - Seconds
- 51
Grant Lee Buffalo - Side By Side
- 52
Grant Lee Buffalo - Soft Wolf Tread
- 53
Grant Lee Buffalo - Stars N´ Stripes
- 54
Grant Lee Buffalo - Superslomotion
- 55
Grant Lee Buffalo - Testimony
- 56
Grant Lee Buffalo - The Bridge
- 57
Grant Lee Buffalo - The Hook
- 58
Grant Lee Buffalo - The Only Way Down
- 59
Grant Lee Buffalo - The Shallow End
- 60
Grant Lee Buffalo - The Shining Hour
- 61
Grant Lee Buffalo - The Whole Shebang
- 62
Grant Lee Buffalo - Two & Two
- 63
Grant Lee Buffalo - We're Coming Down
- 64
Grant Lee Buffalo - Were You There
Dixie Drug Store
Grant Lee Buffalo
Ooh Jambalaya
It was muggy July around supper time
When I pulled into New Orleans
I got dropped off at South Rampart Street
I was hungry for a plate of greens
I made my way down the banquette
Where I could see an open door
And overhead a sign made of painted pine read
The Dixie Drug Store
Peppers and roots were hanging
From the rafters above
There were oils and sprays all on display
For money luck and for love
I reached down to pick one up
When a dark hand grabbed my arm
And before I could see just who it was
She said you don't want that charm
Ooh Jambalaya
The last man to walk that thing out of here
Just up and disappeared
Found his wallet and his wingtip shoes
Near a tombstone down in Algiers
What you need my travelling friend
Is a place to wash your jeans
And I wouldn't be the least surprised
If you were hungry for a plate of greens
She beckoned me on up the stairs
For she'd done made up her mind
Said take off your hat and kick off your boots
And leave your pride behind
Ooh Jambalaya
She took me down to a secret place
In the bayou of her blankets
She offered to share her bourbon
I thanked her then I drank it
Thru a small crack in the ceiling
Burst the Louisiana moon
It shone down on our bodies
And we began to croon
Like a couple of coyotes
We were howling thru the night
And I swear they were a beatin' those
Congo drums outside
Ooh Jambalaya
We laughed until the mornin'
By then my pants had dried
I picked up my hat and pulled on my boots
And I gathered up my pride
I figured she had done stepped out
I didn't see her anywhere
And I set out to find her
I headed on downstairs
Got down to the bottom
I couldn't believe my eyes
Gone were all the bottles
And the remedy supplies
Ooh Jambalaya
I shouted out for Marie
I darted out the door
An old man on the wooden porch said
What you in there for
Son you got no business
The hoodoo store's been closed
Long as I remember
A century I suppose
But Mister I just spent the night
With a young gal named Laveau
He said the Widow Paris
Done had a little laugh on you
I said you mean to tell me
That was the voodooin'
He nodded yes none other
The Queen of New Orleans
Ooh Jambalaya [Scraps of phrases - Till the end]
Ooh Jambalaya
Ooh Jambalaya
Ooh Jambalaya
Ooh Jambalaya
Ooh Jambalaya