Juanita has got a brand new car I gave her the money She's been dealing at the bar And she jumps Que maravilla She's only 15 she's learned a lot You know what I mean You know what I mean Oh you got to see her on the streets Ai Ai Ai the Puerto-Rico girl
Mimi frenchy glass girl Puts lipstick (traces) All over the world I gave her the permit For her french service She licks she sucks Que rico Oh she does it Oh she does it
Oh you got to see it on streets Ai Ai Ai the Puerto-Rico show
Marlene is the last of the Goering's Tits full of cke nothing under the stockings (Cocaine) And she gets high
Conchita OIGA you do the smack You're new in the business Let's say at half past seven I want you back All right?