- 1
Gil Scott-Heron - Me And The Devil
- 2
Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
- 3
Gil Scott-Heron - Whitey On The Moon
- 4
Gil Scott-Heron - We Almost Lost Detroit
- 5
Gil Scott-Heron - Designer Love
- 6
Gil Scott-Heron - Home Is Where the Hatred Is
- 7
Gil Scott-Heron - Lady Day and John Coltrane
- 8
Gil Scott-Heron - 1980
- 9
Gil Scott-Heron - Angel Dust
- 10
Gil Scott-Heron - Bottle
- 11
Gil Scott-Heron - Winter in America
- 12
Gil Scott-Heron - 17th Street
- 13
Gil Scott-Heron - B Movie
- 14
Gil Scott-Heron - I'll Take Care of U
- 15
Gil Scott-Heron - Is That Jazz?
- 16
Gil Scott-Heron - Must Be Something
- 17
Gil Scott-Heron - Or Down You Fall
- 18
Gil Scott-Heron - Save the Children
- 19
Gil Scott-Heron - When You Are Who You Are
- 20
Gil Scott-Heron - A Prayer For Everybody / To Be Free
- 21
Gil Scott-Heron - A Sign of the Ages
- 22
Gil Scott-Heron - A Very Precious Time
- 23
Gil Scott-Heron - Ain't No Such Thing As Superman
- 24
Gil Scott-Heron - Angola, Louisiana
- 25
Gil Scott-Heron - Better Days Ahead
- 26
Gil Scott-Heron - Billy Green Is Dead
- 27
Gil Scott-Heron - Brother
- 28
Gil Scott-Heron - Combinations
- 29
Gil Scott-Heron - Delta Man (Where I'm Comin' From)
- 30
Gil Scott-Heron - Did You Hear What They Said?
- 31
Gil Scott-Heron - Enough
- 32
Gil Scott-Heron - Grandma's Hands
- 33
Gil Scott-Heron - Gun
- 34
Gil Scott-Heron - H2O Gate Blues
- 35
Gil Scott-Heron - Hello Sunday! Hello Road!
- 36
Gil Scott-Heron - I Think I'll Call It Morning
- 37
Gil Scott-Heron - It's Your World
- 38
Gil Scott-Heron - Johannesburg
- 39
Gil Scott-Heron - Jose Campos Torres
- 40
Gil Scott-Heron - Liberation Song (Red, Black and Green)
- 41
Gil Scott-Heron - Lovely Day
- 42
Gil Scott-Heron - Madison Avenue
- 43
Gil Scott-Heron - Message to the Messengers
- 44
Gil Scott-Heron - Morning Thoughts
- 45
Gil Scott-Heron - No Knock
- 46
Gil Scott-Heron - Offering
- 47
Gil Scott-Heron - Pieces of a Man
- 48
Gil Scott-Heron - Plastic Pattern People
- 49
Gil Scott-Heron - Racetrack in France
- 50
Gil Scott-Heron - Revolution (And Flashback)
- 51
Gil Scott-Heron - Sex Education: Ghetto Style
- 52
Gil Scott-Heron - Song For Bobby Smith
- 53
Gil Scott-Heron - Storm Music
- 54
Gil Scott-Heron - The Bottle
- 55
Gil Scott-Heron - The Get Out Of The Ghetto Blues
- 56
Gil Scott-Heron - The Klan
- 57
Gil Scott-Heron - The Needle's Eye
- 58
Gil Scott-Heron - The Prisoner
- 59
Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will No Be Televised
- 60
Gil Scott-Heron - The Vulture
- 61
Gil Scott-Heron - Three Miles Down
- 62
Gil Scott-Heron - Waiting For the Axe to Fall
- 63
Gil Scott-Heron - We Beg Your Pardon (Pardon Our Analysis)
- 64
Gil Scott-Heron - Where Did The Night Go
- 65
Gil Scott-Heron - Who'll Pay Reparations On My Soul?
- 66
Gil Scott-Heron - Work For Peace
- 67
Gil Scott-Heron - Your Daddy Loves You
Jose Campos Torres
Gil Scott-Heron
I had confessed to myself all along, tracer of life, poetry trends
That awareness, consciousness, poems that screamed of pain and the origins of pain and death had blanketed my tablets
And therefore, my friends, brothers, sisters, in-laws, outlaws, and besides
They already knew
But brother Torres, common ancient bloodline brother Torres is dead
I had said I wasn't going to write no more poems like this
I had said I wasn't going to write no more words down about people kicking us when we're down, about racist dogs that attack us and drive us down, drag us down and beat us down but the dogs are in the street
The dogs are alive and the terror in our hearts has scarcely diminished
It has scarcely brought us the comfort we suspected
The recognition of our terror and the screaming release of that recognition
has not removed the certainty of that knowledge, how could it
The dogs rabid foaming with the energy of their brutish ignorance
Stride the city streets like robot gunslingers
And spread death as night lamps flash crude reflections from gun buts and police shields
I had said I wasn't going to write no more poems like this
But the battlefield has oozed away from the stilted debates of semantics
beyond the questionable flexibility of primal screaming
The reality of our city, jungle streets and their kastapos
Has become an attack on home, life, family and philosophy, total
It is beyond the question of the advantages of didactic niggerism
The mother fucking dogs are in the street
In Houston maybe someone said Mexicans were the new niggers
In LA maybe someone said Chicanos were the new niggers
In Frisco maybe someone said Orientals were the new niggers
Maybe in Philadelphia and North Carolina they decided they didn't need no new niggers
I had said I wasn't going to write no more poems like this
But dogs are in the streets; It's a turn around world where things are all too quickly turned around
It was turned around so that right looked wrong; it was turned around so that up looked down
It was turned around so that those who marched in the streets with bibles and signs of peace became enemies of the state and risk to national security
So that those who questioned the operations of those in authority on the principles of justice, liberty, and equality became the vanguard of a communist attack
It became so you couldn't call a spade a mother-fucking spade
Brother Torres is dead, the Wilmington ten are still incarcerated
Ed Davis, Ronald Regan, James Hunt, and Frank Rizzo are still alive
And the dogs are in the mother-fucking street
I had said I wasn't going to write no more poems like this
I made a mistake