Looking to the sky of the city
With my head held high
I’m looking proud
Looking to the sky of the city
With my head held high
I’m looking proud
But deep inside I feel so frightened
I’m looking to the sky to see if I can find an
Angel that takes me
Looking to the sidewalk of the city
I see you walking
Side by side with me
You are looking to the billboards and the
Shopping windows
With your brilliant eyes
You’re looking proud
But deep inside you feel so frightened too
You’re looking to the sky to see if you can
Find a message that says
That you are the Lord’s child
That you can tell wrong from right
That you are in the right play
That all the scribbles on the wall will make a
Drawing someday soon
Looking to the sky of the city
All I see are airplanes, flying saucers and the
Radio waves
You are looking to the billboards and the
Shopping windows
But there is no sign of love between the bold
Letters they print
And deep inside we both feel frightened
We’re looking to the sky to see if we can find
A message that says
That we are the Lord’s child
That we can tell wrong from right
That we are in the right play
That all the scribbles on the wall will make a
Drawing someday soo