Look at all the fucks I give, look what little fucks I give, Look how many fucks I give, look what little fucks I give, Look how many fucks I give, look at all the girls I fuck.
(Puss. Puss. puss.)
Listen, who am I? Shere am I? say who am I? Even deaf people tell me the answer g-d, g-o-d, (oppa), I’ll be your happiness like g-o-d (oh god!)
No fact. No fame No fortune (no fortune) No love (no love)
Look at all the fucks I give, look what little fucks I give, Look how many fucks I give, look what little fucks I give, Look how many fucks I give, look at all the girls I fuck.
No fact. No fame No fortune (no fortune) No love (no love) haha