The last of the 20th Century Girls
Born into the burden of a post modern world
Children of change pretty strange to live
In the narrative that told us we have nothing left to give
Shallow motivations keeping us in check
The artificial triumphs of a new age suffragette
Seeing is believing for a bygone generation
Who don't know what to do with all this useless information
Bare feet on the dirty floor
Fast food for the soul
Dark nights, how I do adore
Your faith in my lack of control
My lack of control
The last of the 20th Century Girls
Analog brains diving for digital pearls
The monologue remains that somehow I should feel fulfillеd
Biologically deranged, mechanically unskillеd
Bare feet on the dirty floor
Fast food for the soul
Dark nights, how I do adore
Your faith in my lack of control
My lack of control
My lack of control
My lack of control
My lack of control
The last of the 20th Century Girls
Nostalgic for a rose tinted and old desired world
And I misunderstood or am I purposefully ignored?
Bitch, sister, daughter, mother, virgin, goddess, whore
Bitch, sister, daughter, mother, virgin, goddess, whore
Bare feet on the dirty floor
Fast food for the soul
Dark nights, oh I do adore
Oh, your faith in my lack of control
Oh, my lack of control
My lack of control
My lack of control
Lack of control