- 1
Elliott Smith - Between The Bars
- 2
Elliott Smith - Say Yes
- 3
Elliott Smith - Angeles
- 4
Elliott Smith - Miss Misery
- 5
Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay
- 6
Elliott Smith - Waltz #2 (Xo)
- 7
Elliott Smith - Pitseleh
- 8
Elliott Smith - A Fond Farewell
- 9
Elliott Smith - Son Of Sam
- 10
Elliott Smith - Alameda
- 11
Elliott Smith - Ballad Of Big Nothing
- 12
Elliott Smith - Everything Reminds Me Of Her
- 13
Elliott Smith - Independence Day
- 14
Elliott Smith - Better Be Quiet Now
- 15
Elliott Smith - Happiness
- 16
Elliott Smith - Somebody That I Used To Know
- 17
Elliott Smith - Speed Trials
- 18
Elliott Smith - The White Lady Loves You More
- 19
Elliott Smith - 2:45 Am
- 20
Elliott Smith - Cupid's Trick
- 21
Elliott Smith - Everything's Okay
- 22
Elliott Smith - Because
- 23
Elliott Smith - Can't Make A Sound
- 24
Elliott Smith - Christian Brothers
- 25
Elliott Smith - Coming Up Roses
- 26
Elliott Smith - Easy Way Out
- 27
Elliott Smith - Everything Means Nothing to Me
- 28
Elliott Smith - I Didn't Understand
- 29
Elliott Smith - Oh Well, Okay
- 30
Elliott Smith - Pretty (Ugly Before)
- 31
Elliott Smith - Roman Candle
- 32
Elliott Smith - These Days
- 33
Elliott Smith - Twilight
- 34
Elliott Smith - Bye
- 35
Elliott Smith - Can't Be Touched
- 36
Elliott Smith - Dancing On The Highway
- 37
Elliott Smith - I Better Be Quiet Now
- 38
Elliott Smith - Last Call
- 39
Elliott Smith - Last Hour
- 40
Elliott Smith - No Name #1
- 41
Elliott Smith - Pictures Of Me
- 42
Elliott Smith - Single File
- 43
Elliott Smith - Some Song
- 44
Elliott Smith - Stickman
- 45
Elliott Smith - Stupidity Tries
- 46
Elliott Smith - The Biggest Lie
- 47
Elliott Smith - Waltz #1
- 48
Elliott Smith - Abused
- 49
Elliott Smith - All Cleaned Out
- 50
Elliott Smith - Alphabet Town
- 51
Elliott Smith - Baby Britain
- 52
Elliott Smith - Bottle Up And Explode!
- 53
Elliott Smith - Clementine
- 54
Elliott Smith - Condor Ave
- 55
Elliott Smith - Don't Go Down
- 56
Elliott Smith - Either/Or (No More)
- 57
Elliott Smith - Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands
- 58
Elliott Smith - Everything Remembers Me Of Her
- 59
Elliott Smith - First Timer
- 60
Elliott Smith - Georgia, Georgia
- 61
Elliott Smith - Half Right
- 62
Elliott Smith - I Don't Think I'm Ever Gonna Figure It Out
- 63
Elliott Smith - I Figured You Out
- 64
Elliott Smith - I Love My Room
- 65
Elliott Smith - In The Lost And Found (honky Bach)
- 66
Elliott Smith - Jealous Guy (John Lennon Cover)
- 67
Elliott Smith - Junk Bond Trader
- 68
Elliott Smith - L.A.
- 69
Elliott Smith - Little One
- 70
Elliott Smith - No Confidence Man
- 71
Elliott Smith - Ostriches & Chirping
- 72
Elliott Smith - Place Pigalle
- 73
Elliott Smith - Plainclothes Man
- 74
Elliott Smith - Pretty Mary K
- 75
Elliott Smith - Punch And Judy
- 76
Elliott Smith - Rose Parade
- 77
Elliott Smith - Southern Belle
- 78
Elliott Smith - St. Ides Heaven
- 79
Elliott Smith - Stained Glass Eyes
- 80
Elliott Smith - The Last Hour
- 81
Elliott Smith - Thirteen
- 82
Elliott Smith - True Love
- 83
Elliott Smith - You Make It Seem Like Nothing
- 84
Elliott Smith - 1.4.98
- 85
Elliott Smith - 10.14.99 1
- 86
Elliott Smith - 10.14.99 2
- 87
Elliott Smith - A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free
- 88
Elliott Smith - A Living Will
- 89
Elliott Smith - A Passing Feeling
- 90
Elliott Smith - A Question Mark
- 91
Elliott Smith - A Silver Chain
- 92
Elliott Smith - A Song About You
- 93
Elliott Smith - All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down
- 94
Elliott Smith - Almost Over
- 95
Elliott Smith - Amanda Cecilia
- 96
Elliott Smith - Amity
- 97
Elliott Smith - Angel In The Snow
- 98
Elliott Smith - Antonio Carlos Jobim (Heatmiser cover)
- 99
Elliott Smith - Between the Bars (orchestral)
- 100
Elliott Smith - Big Decision
- 101
Elliott Smith - Blackbird
- 102
Elliott Smith - Blackout
- 103
Elliott Smith - Bled White
- 104
Elliott Smith - Blue Highway
- 105
Elliott Smith - Blue Mood
- 106
Elliott Smith - Bottle Rocket
- 107
Elliott Smith - Brand New Game
- 108
Elliott Smith - Buick
- 109
Elliott Smith - Candyland
- 110
Elliott Smith - Cannibal
- 111
Elliott Smith - Care Of Cell 44
- 112
Elliott Smith - Chelsea Girls
- 113
Elliott Smith - Clouds
- 114
Elliott Smith - Coast To Coast
- 115
Elliott Smith - Color Bars
- 116
Elliott Smith - Colorbars
- 117
Elliott Smith - Come To Me
- 118
Elliott Smith - Confidence Artist
- 119
Elliott Smith - Confusion
- 120
Elliott Smith - Coraliza
- 121
Elliott Smith - Crazy Fucker
- 122
Elliott Smith - Dead Air
- 123
Elliott Smith - Dirt
- 124
Elliott Smith - Dirty Dream
- 125
Elliott Smith - Division Day
- 126
Elliott Smith - Don't Fear The Reaper
- 127
Elliott Smith - Don't Look Down
- 128
Elliott Smith - Don't Take Her Love Away From Me
- 129
Elliott Smith - Drive All Over Town
- 130
Elliott Smith - Easy Way Out (early Version)
- 131
Elliott Smith - Everybody Has It
- 132
Elliott Smith - Fear City
- 133
Elliott Smith - Figure 8
- 134
Elliott Smith - Flowers For Charlie
- 135
Elliott Smith - From A Poisoned Well
- 136
Elliott Smith - Give Me Love
- 137
Elliott Smith - Go By
- 138
Elliott Smith - Going Nowhere
- 139
Elliott Smith - Good To Go
- 140
Elliott Smith - Grand Mal
- 141
Elliott Smith - Hangin Out With Me
- 142
Elliott Smith - Harvest Moon
- 143
Elliott Smith - High Times
- 144
Elliott Smith - How To Take a Fall
- 145
Elliott Smith - I Can't Answer You Anymore
- 146
Elliott Smith - I Me Mine
- 147
Elliott Smith - I'll Be Back (The Beatles Cover)
- 148
Elliott Smith - I'm Doing Okay, Pretty Good
- 149
Elliott Smith - I'm Only Sleeping
- 150
Elliott Smith - King's Crossing
- 151
Elliott Smith - KiwI Maddog 20/20
- 152
Elliott Smith - L.a.
- 153
Elliott Smith - Let's Get Lost
- 154
Elliott Smith - Let's Turn The Record Over
- 155
Elliott Smith - Living In a Cage
- 156
Elliott Smith - Looking Over My Shoulder
- 157
Elliott Smith - Lowlife
- 158
Elliott Smith - Memory Lane
- 159
Elliott Smith - mock-up
- 160
Elliott Smith - Morning After
- 161
Elliott Smith - Mr. Good Morning
- 162
Elliott Smith - My New Freedom
- 163
Elliott Smith - New Disaster
- 164
Elliott Smith - New Monkey
- 165
Elliott Smith - Nightime
- 166
Elliott Smith - No Life
- 167
Elliott Smith - No More
- 168
Elliott Smith - No Name #2
- 169
Elliott Smith - No Name #3
- 170
Elliott Smith - No Name #4
- 171
Elliott Smith - No Name #5
- 172
Elliott Smith - No Name #6
- 173
Elliott Smith - Now You Want To Show Me How
- 174
Elliott Smith - Placeholder
- 175
Elliott Smith - Poem #1 (Point A)
- 176
Elliott Smith - Poem #2
- 177
Elliott Smith - Riot Coming
- 178
Elliott Smith - Saint Ide's Heaven
- 179
Elliott Smith - Sands Hotel
- 180
Elliott Smith - Satellite
- 181
Elliott Smith - See you later
- 182
Elliott Smith - Seen How Things Are Hard
- 183
Elliott Smith - Shooting Star
- 184
Elliott Smith - So Many People
- 185
Elliott Smith - Somebody's Baby
- 186
Elliott Smith - Sorry My Mistake
- 187
Elliott Smith - Splitzville
- 188
Elliott Smith - Sticks And Stones
- 189
Elliott Smith - Still
- 190
Elliott Smith - Stray
- 191
Elliott Smith - Struck Down Again
- 192
Elliott Smith - Strung Out Again
- 193
Elliott Smith - Suicide Machine
- 194
Elliott Smith - Sweet Adeline
- 195
Elliott Smith - Taking a Fall
- 196
Elliott Smith - Taking The Easy Way Out
- 197
Elliott Smith - Talking To Mary
- 198
Elliott Smith - The Enemy Is You
- 199
Elliott Smith - The Morning After
- 200
Elliott Smith - The Worst Parts Almost Over
- 201
Elliott Smith - Tom's Start
- 202
Elliott Smith - Tomorrow Tomorrow
- 203
Elliott Smith - Trouble
- 204
Elliott Smith - Unlucky Charm (Come Out Now)
- 205
Elliott Smith - Untitled Song
- 206
Elliott Smith - Waltz #2
- 207
Elliott Smith - Watch The Worlds Collide (Alternate I Didn't Understand)
- 208
Elliott Smith - Waterloo Sunset
- 209
Elliott Smith - Whatever
- 210
Elliott Smith - When I Paint My Masterpiece
- 211
Elliott Smith - Wouldn't Mama Be Proud?
Poem #1 (Point A)
Elliott Smith
which was where everybody was hanging out anyways
at first there was a lot of talk about point C
and some speculation about D, and the points after that
but as time went by at point B
this kind of talk made everybody annoyed
i mean, point A hadn't worked out for anyone except for a couple folks in the past
and they just receded immediately to point C, supposedly
actually for most people at point B
if you could gain their confidence,
they'd practically scraped out A's existence
the more time that passed at point B
more suspect even the idea of point A became
not just for us, but really for anyone
including those people who left
so we trashed point A because it worked great wonders for us
in consoling ourselves about the fact that point B
had begun to look increasingly like a permanent home for us
so there were a few ladies around, dreamer types
who refused to cop to point B
and suddenly insisted on this possibility
as well as C, D, E and on out to Z
but this made everybody feel bad, you know
like they were lacking, or failing
so it was tacitly agreed upon that these people were just crazy
and since they wouldn't pledge their allegiance to point B
it was hard to accomodate them
but some usefuls eventually made a bit
which didn't pay well
but seemed to appease them
and amuse the rest of us for a while
until the bulk of them developed dehabilitating addictions
and died off
then we were sad
but not overly so, and not for too long
because it was these addictions that did the men,
not point B, not us
i mean, christ, we gave them they wanted
which was condescending applause for their little dances and songs
pictures and skits, humerous memoirs
filled with melodramatic and ridiculous nonsense
all about points A and C
which, come on, you know it's useless
if you live in the real world
shit, i couldn't get anything done anyways because people are always calling me on the telephone
saying "we love you jesse, we love you joseph, we love you helmet, we love you draco,
we love you tricky dick, we love you lawn, ron, and even dan even though you can't spell for shit
but we don't love you, despite the fact that you have no vision, but because you don't
and we don't either"
i could barely keep my own campaign going, with all the freaks and distractions from point B
much less drum up some interest about other people's crap
in other people's places
you can't live in a castle made out of sand unless it's got a sand bank
that dispenses actual paper currency
i mean, the point is we live here, in the middle, point B
so get with the fucking program
sure you might ask, what is the program?
and i won't really be able to tell you
but i will really be able to rent it
and that's good enough for me, because that's the way things are
point A, point C, D, T, O, N, A, T, O, B