- 1
Earth Crisis - Firestorm
- 2
Earth Crisis - Gomorrah's Season Ends
- 3
Earth Crisis - All Out War
- 4
Earth Crisis - Wrath Of Sanity
- 5
Earth Crisis - Forged In The Flames
- 6
Earth Crisis - New Ethic
- 7
Earth Crisis - The Discipline
- 8
Earth Crisis - The Wrath Of Sanity
- 9
Earth Crisis - Destroy The Machines
- 10
Earth Crisis - Forced March
- 11
Earth Crisis - Killing Brain Cells
- 12
Earth Crisis - Nemesis
- 13
Earth Crisis - Unseen Holocaust
- 14
Earth Crisis - Against The Current
- 15
Earth Crisis - Agress
- 16
Earth Crisis - Arc Of Descent
- 17
Earth Crisis - Asphyxiate
- 18
Earth Crisis - Behind The Wire
- 19
Earth Crisis - Biomachines
- 20
Earth Crisis - Born From Pain
- 21
Earth Crisis - Born From Pain 2
- 22
Earth Crisis - Breed The Killer
- 23
Earth Crisis - Broken Foundation
- 24
Earth Crisis - Cease To Exist
- 25
Earth Crisis - Cities Fall
- 26
Earth Crisis - Cling To The Edge
- 27
Earth Crisis - Constrict
- 28
Earth Crisis - Control Through Fear
- 29
Earth Crisis - Death Rate Solution
- 30
Earth Crisis - Deliverance
- 31
Earth Crisis - Drug Related Homicide
- 32
Earth Crisis - Earth A.D.
- 33
Earth Crisis - Ecocide
- 34
Earth Crisis - Edens Demise
- 35
Earth Crisis - End Begins
- 36
Earth Crisis - Escape
- 37
Earth Crisis - Eye Of Babylon
- 38
Earth Crisis - Fate Of The Neo-Gods
- 39
Earth Crisis - Filthy Hands To Famished Mouths
- 40
Earth Crisis - Firestorm / Forged In The Flames
- 41
Earth Crisis - Forgiveness Denied
- 42
Earth Crisis - Fortress
- 43
Earth Crisis - Gomorrah's Season
- 44
Earth Crisis - Hairtrigger
- 45
Earth Crisis - Inherit The Wasteland
- 46
Earth Crisis - Into The Fray
- 47
Earth Crisis - Loss Of Humanity
- 48
Earth Crisis - Mass Arrest
- 49
Earth Crisis - Mechanism
- 50
Earth Crisis - Morality Dictates
- 51
Earth Crisis - Names Carved Into Granite
- 52
Earth Crisis - Neutralize The Threat
- 53
Earth Crisis - No Allegiance
- 54
Earth Crisis - One Against All
- 55
Earth Crisis - Overseers
- 56
Earth Crisis - Provoke
- 57
Earth Crisis - Raise
- 58
Earth Crisis - Situation Degenerates
- 59
Earth Crisis - Slither
- 60
Earth Crisis - Smash Or Be Smashed
- 61
Earth Crisis - So Others Live
- 62
Earth Crisis - Stand By
- 63
Earth Crisis - Sunshine Of Your Love
- 64
Earth Crisis - To Ashes
- 65
Earth Crisis - To The Death
- 66
Earth Crisis - Total War
- 67
Earth Crisis - Ultramilitance
- 68
Earth Crisis - Unvanquished
- 69
Earth Crisis - What Horrifies
- 70
Earth Crisis - When Slaves Revolt
- 71
Earth Crisis - Wither
Earth Crisis
Program the programmer to program.
Produce to pay for necessities and
luxuries. Function in every facet in total willing isolation.
What will become the difference between the operator and the
machine? Until complete automation leaves them obsolete.
Tracked from the heavens by the gods of this world. Laughter fills
glass towers. All is seen by unseen overseers
as boots crush down slowly onto throats.
All to maximize net gain the
unpoliceable funnel spews misinformation,
Yet most embrace the invasion, the strangulation of liberty itself.
Peering forward
into the evolution as the latticework of our future rises around us.
A cage to imprison the eventual outcome.
Unknowing inmates on the grid for execution.
Function in every facet in total willing isolation.
What will become the difference
between the operator and the machine?
Until complete automation pushes them into obsoletion.
Phased out to maximize net gain.
Subvert or this will be the end.