I am just a fucking slave
Bust my ass for minimum wage
Before I'm paid
The system comes and takes half away
For bombs someday
My boss hates my fucking guts
I was never good enough
If I'm injured on the job
He'll say tough luck
He'll find someone else to fuck
My job, my life
Landlords pissed, rent is due
Haven't worked in a few
I don't pay I get evicted
I'm fucking screwed
What am I suppose to do
Each day I die
Your, your job sucks
The system fucks
A time clock head, I'm dead
Employed mind void
Destroyed can't avoid
I try to survive
Work work
Socialized death sentence
System system
Fucked all around
Work work
Like taking cyanide
System system
Washing it down
And I die again tomorrow
When I wake up