Endless voices
Shattered thoughts that cloud my head
Sleepless nights of agony
Wretched and twitching in a pool of sweat
Searching for the words to say
Babble spills out of my mouth
Starring into space
I didnt hear what you said
I wish I could explain whats wrong with me
Why cant I think straight
Im lost because I think to much
Misery of life
No esteem from proding eyes
My confidence mistakes
Scarred to sleep or stay awake
Lifetimes pass in a blink of an eye
I am dumbfucked
All my pride sucked
I fight to gain control
Of what the fututre holds
But im fucking lost
Because I think to much
About misery
Of life no esteem from proding eyes
My confidence mistakes
Scarred to sleep or stay awake
Lifetimes pass in a blink of an eye
I ambumbfucked
All my pride sucked
Nails dig into my head
Tossing and turning in my bed
Biting my lips
Blood stained mouth
Need something more to calm me down
Will I end up dead
Or can I digest it all this shit im fed
Endured for so long
I am suprised that ive made it this far
In my lifetime
I watch people waste their lives away
It makes me sick
To think I could end up like them
But I wont