I wouldn't mind If everyday Was like the day I had just yesterday You and I, Hanging on every kiss On all of this
I wouldn't mind If all of my nights Were like the nights You held me so tight Your lips, so close, so close On the back of my neck Little sounds, little breaths
But these times They just won't stand still They slip away And haunt me until The next time You take me in Take me in (again) and Let me begin
I wouldn't mind If all my big plans Fell apart Left me empty-handed I'll start again, like new If you're with me How can I lose?
But these thoughts Are only just that Nice thoughts Nothing like facts And the facts, as they are Are harder to take 'Cause there's a part of me That's ready to break
And I'm afraid Yes, I am afraid That you will go That you'll go away And believe, that I'll be O.K. That I'll be fine That I will not mind, in time
(And yes) I wouldn't mind If things weren't as they are I wouldn't care If it weren't for my heart And that is why Still I try To give you every reason