Oyez! Oyez!
This is a gala evening!
Veiled angels crowd the theatre
To see a play of hopes and fears
Motley mimes toss about the scene
Held up by threads sinking in the deep
Onstage in a corner hidden behind myself
I hold my breath in the airless air
Shards of crushed rainbows
Fill my limbo, placed somewhere
Between world and toys
Do you want to play with me?
In the soundtrack of my survival
The furious small hammers
Fully uprooted from their key-shaped skeleton
Cruelly explore every cranial path
Always closer, always more painful
The sharks' fin is sighting straight for me
Creatures or spirits
I beg you
Maybe it's the delirium of my morbid ratio
Or that voice that lies deep in my intimate self
To allow this swimming through the lymphs of victims
While dark reigns over the sons of putrefaction!
Father of sons all deformed
That like a ghastly stream
Surge out through the rusted gates of time
A deaf dumb eyeless throng
Laughing forever but smiling no more
The God absent or still
Haec verba Audi: Vitam aeternam!
Like the Shaman who ingratiates himself
With the deity of the animal he hunts
Seeking possession with the spirit of the beast
So the innocents, pervaded with
The spirit of the great predator
Princeps huius mundi
Though burnt on our pyres will transcend time
Soaring over physical extinction
Mama, I'm cold
Mama, let me in
Let me in
Domine te voco
Iustum mihi ostende unicum
Talis monstris ob spectaculum
Stupefactus ego moriar
On meurt a moins!
Hooked hands stretched out above
In the ultimate endeavor to clutch an atom
That does not sink
Dies irae!
Dies, dies irae!
In the day of wrath the hungry marionettes
Wake up, come alive
While birds of soul usher in
The rays of chaos
Fatal infection for all!
Epidemy! Epidemy!
Feeding on fragments of gangrene
Teeth crumble, toes fall apart
We crawl like earthworms
That rats and birds fight over
Scored by silence spirits creep
Out of the secret nooks
Scatter in the streets each one
Choosing his own beloved prey
Among the trees, holding her out my hands
What about a walk?
I avoid the sharp splinters of her
Sweet shattered gaze
Step by step, into the labyrinths of doubt
Every shelter, a trap
While distresses I witness the twilight of my heart
You spread around drops of light
Unaware of the rustle of invisible syllables
You will not get out of eternal peace!
And the virgin blade kisses, freeing
Your white throat
No pain
I'm quite sure
She feels no pain!
The voice still throbs
Each man kills the thing he loves!
Once upon a time there was a pretty fly
He had a pretty wife, this pretty fly
But one night she flew away
Flew away
He had two pretty children
But one night these two pretty children
Flew away
Flew away
Into the sky
Into the
Wake me up!
I know, it begins
The dance of Death
The children are watching!
The children are watching!
Carnival is over, carrousels no more
And then if it should be the will of my inquisitor
The privilege to die!
Each man kills the thing he loves
Each man kills the thing he loves
Vincant arma crucifera! Hostis pereat!
Vincant arma crucifera! Hostis pereat!
Piis adauge gratiam
Reisque dele crimina
Piis adauge gratiam
Reisque dele crimina
Piis adauge gratiam
And finally… Despair!
Can anybody hear me?
Can anybody hear me?
Who are you?
I'm the beating of your heart
The footstep of an assassin
In the purple flashes of the blazing blood
Slowly we vanish in and around ourselves
Cells of spirit dissolve bit by bit
You will not get out of eternal peace!
You will not get out of eternal peace!
Suddenly the void fills your first-born vibration
Just the still splendor of your icy wards endures
I see you through my tears
Tears that nobody ever will dry
You will not get out of eternal peace!
You will not get out of eternal
Kill, Peace, Sleep, Murder
Death, Kill, Peace, Murder
Sleep, Breath, Kill, Peace, Murder
Sleep, Breath, Kill, Death
The last word of my script is now declaimed
Time is over, and there's no whispering prompter
To ease my scenic solitude
The crawling shape intrudes and
While I open my arms
It seizes me in its jaws!
This is my body, which is sacrificed for you!
Out. Out are the lights. Out all
And over each quivering form
The curtain comes down
Like a funeral pall
With a rush of storm
While angels pale and silent
Rising and unveiling
Affirm that we are witnessing
The tragedy, Man
And its hero is
The conqueror worm
Yet I would lose no sting, would wish no torture less
The more that anguish racks the earlier it will bless
And robed in fires of hell or bright in heavenly shine
If it but herald death the vision is divine
The still look curled up in the strait-jacket fading of tears
Behind every kiss, a potential Judas
Desire of biting the vital artery mine
Or of the first passer-by insects
With legs torn off
My nails one by one
Shards of glass in eyes of cat
Smile or simply ivory
Good night. Plug disconnected
Some flowers in the first month
Then just Earth
See how her hair drifts dreamy and gentle as river grass
And see the fresh, new mouth, slashed so neatly beneath her dreaming chin