- 1
The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
- 2
The Dandy Warhols - We Used to be Friends
- 3
The Dandy Warhols - Get Off
- 4
The Dandy Warhols - You Were The Last High
- 5
The Dandy Warhols - Boys Better
- 6
The Dandy Warhols - Good Morning
- 7
The Dandy Warhols - Horny As A Dandy
- 8
The Dandy Warhols - I Am Sound
- 9
The Dandy Warhols - Lance
- 10
The Dandy Warhols - Mohammed
- 11
The Dandy Warhols - Sleep
- 12
The Dandy Warhols - Stars
- 13
The Dandy Warhols - Talk Radio
- 14
The Dandy Warhols - The Autumn Carnival
- 15
The Dandy Warhols - The Legend Of The Last Of The Outlaw Truckers Aka The Ballad Of Sheriff Sho
- 16
The Dandy Warhols - You Are Killing Me
- 17
The Dandy Warhols - (Tony, This Song Is Called) Lou Weed
- 18
The Dandy Warhols - All The Girls In London
- 19
The Dandy Warhols - All The Money Or The Simple Life Honey
- 20
The Dandy Warhols - And Then I Dream Of Yeas
- 21
The Dandy Warhols - Be-In
- 22
The Dandy Warhols - Best Friend
- 23
The Dandy Warhols - Big Indian
- 24
The Dandy Warhols - Call Me
- 25
The Dandy Warhols - Catcher In The Rye
- 26
The Dandy Warhols - Coffee And Tea Wrecks
- 27
The Dandy Warhols - Colder Than The Coldest Winter Was Cold
- 28
The Dandy Warhols - Cool As Kim Deal
- 29
The Dandy Warhols - Cool Scene
- 30
The Dandy Warhols - Country Leaver
- 31
The Dandy Warhols - Dick
- 32
The Dandy Warhols - Did You Make A Song With Otis
- 33
The Dandy Warhols - Down Like Disco
- 34
The Dandy Warhols - Easy
- 35
The Dandy Warhols - Everyday Shoul Be A Holiday
- 36
The Dandy Warhols - Everyone Is Totally Insane
- 37
The Dandy Warhols - Fast Driving Rave Up
- 38
The Dandy Warhols - Genius
- 39
The Dandy Warhols - Give
- 40
The Dandy Warhols - Godless
- 41
The Dandy Warhols - Green
- 42
The Dandy Warhols - Grunge Betty
- 43
The Dandy Warhols - Hard On For Jesus
- 44
The Dandy Warhols - Head
- 45
The Dandy Warhols - Heavenly
- 46
The Dandy Warhols - Hell's Bells
- 47
The Dandy Warhols - Heroin Is So Passe
- 48
The Dandy Warhols - Hit Rock Bottom
- 49
The Dandy Warhols - Holding Me
- 50
The Dandy Warhols - Horse Pills
- 51
The Dandy Warhols - I am A Scientist
- 52
The Dandy Warhols - I Am Free
- 53
The Dandy Warhols - I Am Over It
- 54
The Dandy Warhols - I Love You
- 55
The Dandy Warhols - Insincere Because
- 56
The Dandy Warhols - Introduction By Young Tom
- 57
The Dandy Warhols - It's A Fast-Driving Rave-Up With The Dandy Warhols Sixteen Minutes
- 58
The Dandy Warhols - Just Try
- 59
The Dandy Warhols - Little Drummer Boy
- 60
The Dandy Warhols - Love Is The New Feel Awful
- 61
The Dandy Warhols - Minnesoter
- 62
The Dandy Warhols - Mis Amigos
- 63
The Dandy Warhols - Mission Control
- 64
The Dandy Warhols - Nietzsche
- 65
The Dandy Warhols - Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth
- 66
The Dandy Warhols - Not Your Bottle
- 67
The Dandy Warhols - Nothin' To Do
- 68
The Dandy Warhols - Nothing
- 69
The Dandy Warhols - Now You Love Me
- 70
The Dandy Warhols - Ohio
- 71
The Dandy Warhols - One Ultra Lame White Boy
- 72
The Dandy Warhols - Orange
- 73
The Dandy Warhols - Plan A
- 74
The Dandy Warhols - Pope Reverend Jim
- 75
The Dandy Warhols - Rave Up
- 76
The Dandy Warhols - Retarded
- 77
The Dandy Warhols - Ride
- 78
The Dandy Warhols - Rock Bottom
- 79
The Dandy Warhols - Rooster
- 80
The Dandy Warhols - Sad Vacation
- 81
The Dandy Warhols - Semper Fidelis
- 82
The Dandy Warhols - Shakin'
- 83
The Dandy Warhols - Smoke It
- 84
The Dandy Warhols - Solid
- 85
The Dandy Warhols - Styggo
- 86
The Dandy Warhols - The Coffee And Tea Wrecks
- 87
The Dandy Warhols - The Dandy Warhols Love Almost Everyone
- 88
The Dandy Warhols - The Dope
- 89
The Dandy Warhols - The Gospel
- 90
The Dandy Warhols - The Grow Up Song
- 91
The Dandy Warhols - The Jean Genie
- 92
The Dandy Warhols - The New Country
- 93
The Dandy Warhols - The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
- 94
The Dandy Warhols - There Is Only This Time
- 95
The Dandy Warhols - Tv Theme Song
- 96
The Dandy Warhols - Welcome To The Monkey House
- 97
The Dandy Warhols - Welcome to the third world
- 98
The Dandy Warhols - Well They're Gone
- 99
The Dandy Warhols - Whipping Tree
- 100
The Dandy Warhols - Wonderful You
- 101
The Dandy Warhols - You Come In Burned
Smoke It
The Dandy Warhols
I been thinkin' about nothin' yeah
Now I been thinkin about nothin' to do and nothin' but thinkin' oh yeah
I know what it is to be there
And now people there ain't nothin' here but people
Dig it yeah
Now if people got problems and they got problems with people oh yeah
I know what it is to be there
you gotta smoke it (smoke it)
just as long as you can smoke it (smoke it) yeah (yeah)
if people got problems and they got problems with people oh yeah
i know what it is to be there
uninsured cop payment amortization
local collection at its latest litigation
i should of stayed in college for about another 100 years(LEAVE ME ALONE!) but
i know what it is to be there
alimony PALIMONY don't get too drunk in vegas
AT LEAST NOT with the waitress from any those places
people got more bagage than JFK, Yeah
And i'm talkin about the airport man
you gotta smoke it (smoke it)
just as long as you can smoke it (smoke it) yeah (yeah)
we got child-proof containers we use only as directed
Inspected by (Number 9) it seems like he checked it
alright, here we go, everybody together (here we go), everybody together
so lets get a big round of applause, big round of applause
to brothers and sisters, brothers mothers, sisters other mothers
other brothers sisters mothers anyone, anyone whos here yeah
lets have a big round of applause anyone who can do it
yeah yeah
smoke it (smoke it)
just as long as you can smoke it (smoke it) yeah (yeah)
if people got problems and they got problems with people oh yeah
i know what it is to be there
paid off our house and then fell into the ocean
grown up quicker and handlin' my liquor
you know what it is to be there
i registered to vote so i could extate my exemption
i thought LAUNDRY was the fifth dimension
thats why i never voted in the presidential election
cause women are clearly more qualified to SUBMIT TO
smoke it (smoke it)
just as long as you can smoke it (smoke it) yeah (yeah)
so if your gonna be a dog then at least be a good dog
come on and sit, beg, stay
smoke it (smoke it)
just as long as you can smoke it (smoke it) yeah (yeah)
if people got problems and they got problems with people oh yeah
i know wHAT it is to be there