- 1
Current 93 - I Have A Special Plan For This World
- 2
Current 93 - A Sad Sadness Song
- 3
Current 93 - Calling For Vanished Faces I
- 4
Current 93 - Calling For Vanished Faces II
- 5
Current 93 - Bloodstreamruns
- 6
Current 93 - Fields Of Rape
- 7
Current 93 - Hitler As Kalki
- 8
Current 93 - Larkspur And Lazarus
- 9
Current 93 - The Bloodbells Chime
- 10
Current 93 - The Final Church
- 11
Current 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind II
- 12
Current 93 - Where The Long Shadows Fall
- 13
Current 93 - (Hey Ho) The Noddy (Oh)
- 14
Current 93 - 26 April 2007
- 15
Current 93 - 30 Red Houses
- 16
Current 93 - A Beginning
- 17
Current 93 - A Gothic Lovesong
- 18
Current 93 - A Lament For My Suzanne
- 19
Current 93 - A Sadness Song
- 20
Current 93 - A Silence Song
- 21
Current 93 - A Song For Douglas After He's Dead (Rebirth)
- 22
Current 93 - A Thousand Witches
- 23
Current 93 - A Voice From Catland
- 24
Current 93 - Abba Amma (Babylon Destroyer)
- 25
Current 93 - Aleph Is The Butterfly Net
- 26
Current 93 - All The Pretty Little Horses
- 27
Current 93 - All The Pretty Little Horsies
- 28
Current 93 - All The Stars Are Dead Now
- 29
Current 93 - All The World Makes Great Blood
- 30
Current 93 - Alone
- 31
Current 93 - An Ending
- 32
Current 93 - Angel
- 33
Current 93 - Anti-Christ And Bar Codes
- 34
Current 93 - Anyway, People Die
- 35
Current 93 - As Real As Rainbows
- 36
Current 93 - At The Blue Gates Of Death
- 37
Current 93 - Baalstorm! Baalstorm!
- 38
Current 93 - Be
- 39
Current 93 - Beausoleil
- 40
Current 93 - Benediction/Malediction
- 41
Current 93 - Bind Your Tortoise Mouth
- 42
Current 93 - Black Flowers Please
- 43
Current 93 - Black Ships Ate The Sky
- 44
Current 93 - Black Ships In The Sky
- 45
Current 93 - Black Ships Were Sinking Into Idumea
- 46
Current 93 - Black Sun Bloody Moon
- 47
Current 93 - Blue Gates Of Death (Before And Beyond Them)
- 48
Current 93 - Bonewhiteglory
- 49
Current 93 - Bright Dead Star
- 50
Current 93 - Broken Birds Fly
- 51
Current 93 - Chewing On Shadows
- 52
Current 93 - Chicka Woo
- 53
Current 93 - Christ And The Pale Queen Mighty In Sorrow
- 54
Current 93 - Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- 55
Current 93 - Crowleymass Unveiled
- 56
Current 93 - Current 93 - A Song For Douglas After He's Dead (Rebirth)
- 57
Current 93 - Death Of The Corn
- 58
Current 93 - December 1971
- 59
Current 93 - Diana
- 60
Current 93 - Dögun
- 61
Current 93 - Dormition And Dominion
- 62
Current 93 - Earth Covers Earth
- 63
Current 93 - Epilogue
- 64
Current 93 - Fair Weather
- 65
Current 93 - Falling
- 66
Current 93 - Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- 67
Current 93 - Forever Changing
- 68
Current 93 - From Broken Cross, Locusts
- 69
Current 93 - God Has Three Faces And Wood Has No Name
- 70
Current 93 - Good Morning, Great Moloch
- 71
Current 93 - Happy Birthday Pigface Christus
- 72
Current 93 - Hooves
- 73
Current 93 - Horsey
- 74
Current 93 - Hourglass
- 75
Current 93 - Hourglass For Diana
- 76
Current 93 - I Dance Narcoleptic
- 77
Current 93 - i dreamt i was aeon
- 78
Current 93 - Idumaea
- 79
Current 93 - Immortal Bird
- 80
Current 93 - Imperium I
- 81
Current 93 - Imperium II
- 82
Current 93 - Imperium IV
- 83
Current 93 - Imperium V
- 84
Current 93 - In The Heart Of The Wood and What I Found There
- 85
Current 93 - Into The Bloody Hole I Go
- 86
Current 93 - Into The Menstrual Night I Go
- 87
Current 93 - Invocation of Almost
- 88
Current 93 - It Is Time, Only Time
- 89
Current 93 - Judas As Black Moth
- 90
Current 93 - Kings And Things
- 91
Current 93 - Lament For Her
- 92
Current 93 - Lament For My Suzanne
- 93
Current 93 - Let Us Go To The Rose
- 94
Current 93 - Locust
- 95
Current 93 - Love's Young Dream
- 96
Current 93 - Lucifer Over London
- 97
Current 93 - Malediction
- 98
Current 93 - Mary Waits In Silence
- 99
Current 93 - Misery Farm
- 100
Current 93 - Mockingbird
- 101
Current 93 - Moonlight, Or Other Stars, Or Other Fields
- 102
Current 93 - Moonlight, You Will Say
- 103
Current 93 - Mourned Winter Then
- 104
Current 93 - Neimandswasser
- 105
Current 93 - niemandswasser
- 106
Current 93 - North
- 107
Current 93 - Not Because The Fox Barks
- 108
Current 93 - Oh Coal Black Smith
- 109
Current 93 - Oh Merry-Go-Round
- 110
Current 93 - On Docetic Mountain
- 111
Current 93 - Or
- 112
Current 93 - Panzer Rune
- 113
Current 93 - passenger aleph in name
- 114
Current 93 - Passing Horses
- 115
Current 93 - Patripassian
- 116
Current 93 - poppyskins
- 117
Current 93 - Quiero Hablarte
- 118
Current 93 - Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- 119
Current 93 - Red Hawthorn Tree
- 120
Current 93 - Riverdeadbank
- 121
Current 93 - Rome For Duglas P
- 122
Current 93 - Rosy Star Tears From Heaven
- 123
Current 93 - Sad Go Round
- 124
Current 93 - Scarlet Woman
- 125
Current 93 - She Is Dead And All Fall Down
- 126
Current 93 - Since Yesterday
- 127
Current 93 - Sleep Has His House
- 128
Current 93 - So This Empire Is Nothing
- 129
Current 93 - Soft Black Stars
- 130
Current 93 - St. Peters Keys All Bloody
- 131
Current 93 - Steven And I In The Field Of Stars
- 132
Current 93 - Sunset (The Death Of Thumbelina)
- 133
Current 93 - Tanks of Flies
- 134
Current 93 - Terra Tegit Terram
- 135
Current 93 - The Ballad Of The Pale Christ
- 136
Current 93 - The Beautiful Dancing Dust
- 137
Current 93 - The Bench and the Fetch
- 138
Current 93 - The Birds Are Sweetly Singing
- 139
Current 93 - The Blue Gates Of Death
- 140
Current 93 - The Carnival Is Dead And Gone
- 141
Current 93 - The Cloud Of Unknowing
- 142
Current 93 - The Darkly Splendid World
- 143
Current 93 - The Descent Of Long Satan And Babylon
- 144
Current 93 - The Dilly Song
- 145
Current 93 - The Dream Of A Shadow Of Smoke
- 146
Current 93 - The Fall Of Christopher Robin
- 147
Current 93 - The Frolic
- 148
Current 93 - The God Of Sleep Has Made His House
- 149
Current 93 - The Great, Bloody And Bruised Veil Of The World
- 150
Current 93 - The Inmost Light
- 151
Current 93 - The Inmost Light Itself
- 152
Current 93 - The Inmost Night
- 153
Current 93 - The Invisible Church
- 154
Current 93 - The Kettle’s On
- 155
Current 93 - The Long Shadow Falls
- 156
Current 93 - The Magical Bird In The Magical Woods
- 157
Current 93 - The Milkmaid Sings
- 158
Current 93 - The Nudes Lift Shields for War
- 159
Current 93 - The Policeman Is Dead
- 160
Current 93 - The Postman Is Singing
- 161
Current 93 - The Seven Seals Are Revealed At The End Of Time As
- 162
Current 93 - The Signs In The Stars
- 163
Current 93 - The Stair Song
- 164
Current 93 - The Summer Of Love
- 165
Current 93 - The Teeth Of The Winds Of The Sea
- 166
Current 93 - Then Kill Caesar
- 167
Current 93 - They Returned To Their Earth (For My Christ Thorn)
- 168
Current 93 - This Autistic Imperium Is Nihil Reich
- 169
Current 93 - This Shining Shining World
- 170
Current 93 - Those Flowers Grew
- 171
Current 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind I
- 172
Current 93 - Time Stands Still
- 173
Current 93 - Time Tryeth Truth
- 174
Current 93 - To Blackened Earth
- 175
Current 93 - Twilight Twilight Nihil Nihil
- 176
Current 93 - Valediction
- 177
Current 93 - Vauvauvau (Black Ships in Their Harbor)
- 178
Current 93 - Walking Like Shadow
- 179
Current 93 - When The May Rain Comes
- 180
Current 93 - Whilst The Night Rejoices Profound And Still
- 181
Current 93 - Why Caesar Is Burning Pt. 2
- 182
Current 93 - With Flowers in the Garden of Fires
- 183
Current 93 - With The Dromedaries
- 184
Current 93 - Your Future Cartoon
I Have A Special Plan For This World
Current 93
When everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
When all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
As by a shining brainless beacon
Or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
You will finally execute your special plan
One needs to have a plan someone said who was turned away into the shadows
And who i had believed was sleeping or dead
Imagine he said all the flesh that is eaten
The teeth tearing into it
The tongue tasting its savor
And the hunger for that taste
Now take away that flesh he said
Take away the teeth and the tongue
The taste and the hunger
Take away everything as it is
That was my plan
My own special plan for this world
I listened to these words and yet i did not wonder
If this creature whom i had thought sleeping or dead would ever approach his vision
Even in his deepest dreams
Or his most lasting death
Because i had heard of such plans such visions
And i knew they did not see far enough
But what was demanded in a way of a plan
Needed to go beyond tongue and teeth and hunger and flesh
Beyond the bones and the very dust of bones and the wind that would come to blow the dust away
And so i began to envision a darkness that was long before the dark of night
And a strangely shining light
That owed nothing to the light of day
That day may seem like other days
Once more we feel the tiny legged trepidations
Once more we are mangled by a great grinding fear
But that day willhave no others after
No more worlds like this will follow
Because i have a plan
A very special plan
No more worlds like this
No more days like that
There are but four ways to die a sardonic spirit might have said to me
There is dying that occurs relatively suddenly
There is dying that occurs relatively gradually
There is dying that occurs relatively painlessly
There is the death that is full of pain
Thus by various means they are combined
The sudden and the gradual
The painless and the painful
To yield but four ways to die
And there are no others
Even after the voice stopped speaking
I listened for it to speak again
After hours and day and years have passed
I listened for some further words
Yet all I heard were the faintest echoes reminding me
There are no others
There are no others
Was it then that I began to conceive for this world
A special plan?
There are no means for escaping this world
It penetrates even into your sleep
And is his substance
You are caught in your own dreaming
Where there is no space
And a hell forever where there is no time
You cant do nothing you aren't told to do
There is no hope for escape from this dream
That was never yours
The very words you speak are only its very words
And you talk like a traitor
Under its incessant torture
There are many who have designs upon this world
And dream of wild and vast reformations
I have heard them talking in their sleep
Of elegant mutations
And cunning annihilations
I have heard them whispering in the corners of crooked houses
And in the alleys and narrow back streets of this crooked creaking universe
Which they with their new designs were made straight and sound
But each of these new and ill conceived designs
Is deranged in its heart
For they see this world as if it were alone and original
And not as only one of count with others
Whose nightmares all precede
Like a hideous garden grown from a single seed
I have heard these dreamers talking in their sleep
And i stand waiting for them
As at the top of a darkened flight of stairs
They know nothing of me
And none of the secrets of my special plan
While i know every crooked creaking step of theirs
It was the voice of someone who was waiting in the shadows
Who was looking at the Moon and waiting for me to turn the corner
And enter a narrow street
And stand with him in the dull glaze of moonlight
Then he said to me
He whispered
That my plan was misconceived
That my special plan for this world was a terrible mistake
Because, he said, there is nothing to do and there is no where to go
There is nothing to be and there is no one to know
Your plan is a mistake, he repeated
This world is a mistake, i replied
The children always followed him
When they saw him hopping by
A funny walk
A funny man
A funny funny funny man
He made them laugh sometimes
He made them laugh oh yes he did
He did he did he did he did
Oh how he made them roll
One day he took them to a place
He knew a special place
And told them things about this world
This funny funny funny world
Which made them laugh sometimes
He made them laugh oh yes he did
He did he did he did he did
Oh how he made them roll
Then the funny man who made them laugh
Sometimes he did
Revealed to them his special plan
His very special funny plan
Knowing they would understand
And maybe laugh sometimes
He made them laugh
Oh yes he did
He did he did he did he did
Their eyes grew wide beneath there lids
And how he made them roll
I first learned the facts from a lunatic
In a dark and quiet room that smelled of stale time and space
There are no people
Nothing at all like that
The human phenomenon is but the sum of densely coiled layers of illusion
Each of which winds itself upon the supreme insanity
But there are persons of any kind
When all that can be is mindless mirrors
Laughing and screaming as they parade about
In an endless dream
But when i asked the lunatic what it was
It swore itself within these mirrors
As they marched endlessly in stale time and space
He only looked and smiled
Then he laughed and screamed
And in his black and empty eyes
I saw for a moment as in a mirror
A form the shade of divinity
In flight from its stale infinity
Oftime and space and the worst of all
Of this world dreams
My special plan for the laughter
And the screams
We went to see some little show
That was staged in an old shed
Past the edge of town
And in its beginnings all seemed well
The miniature curtain stage glowed in the darkness
While those dolls bounced along on their strings before our eyes
And in its beginnings all seemed well
But then there came a suttle turning point which some have noticed
And i was one
Who quietly left the show
No i did not
Because i could see where things were going
As the antics of those dolls grew strange
And the fragile strings grew taut
With their tiny pullings, tiny limbs
The others around me became appalled
And turned away and abandoned the show
That was staged in an old shed
Past the edge of town
But i wanted to witness what could never be
I wanted to see what could not be seen
But the moment of consummate disaster
My puppets turned to face the puppet master
It was twilight and i stood in a grayish haze of the vast empty building
When the silence was enriched by a reverberant voice
All the things of this world it said
Are of but one essence
For which there are no words
This is the greater part which has no beginning or end
And the one essence of this world for which there can be no words
Is that all the things of this world
This is the lesser part which had a beginning and shall have an end
And for which words were conceived solely to speak of
The tiny broken beings of this world it said
The beginnings and endings of this world it said
For which words were conceived solely to speak of
Now remove these words and what remains it asks me
As i stood in the twilight of that vast empty building
But i did not answer
The question echoed over and over
But i remained silent until the echoes died
And as twilight passed into the evening i felt my
Special plan for which there are no words
Moving towards a greater darkness
There are some who have no voices
Or none that will ever speak
Because of the things they know about this world
And the things they feel about this world
Because the thoughts that fill a brain
That is a damaged brain
Because the pain that fills a body
That is a damaged body
Exists in other worlds
Countless other worlds
Each of which stands alone in an infinite empty blackness
For which no words are being conceived
And whereno voices are able to speak
When a brain is filled only with damaged thoughts
When a damaged body is filled only with pain
And stands alone in a world surrounded by infinite empty blackness
And exists in a world for which there is no special plan
When everyone you have ever loved is finally gone
When everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
When all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
As by a shining brainless beacon
Or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
You will finally execute your special plan