Either side of the world chase the sun pay the maximum rate to feel so lonesome wrapped up like little lambs safe from harm enjoy it while you can happiness is far from home
You know it, he knows it, everybody knows it when you're in luck the world moves with you whatever you want they are happy to give you at the last resort
Where the famous have come to be alone they try to work it out the same progression sometimes i try too hard to overcome sometimes i think too much wish I could have held my tongue
You know it, he knows it, everybody knows it when you're in luck the world moves with you whatever they want you turn yourself into and then you're in hell luxury and leisure never meant pleasure we like it different passion and commitment
You know it, he knows it, everybody knows it when you're in luck the world moves with you whatever they want you'll turn yourself into then you're in hell luxury and leisure never meant pleasure we like it different passion and commitment