Why does life treat you so badly Although you try to do the thing that's right And why are you always wanting Wanting in your heart or in everyday life It's my happy privilege To inform you of some great news You don't have to live as someone Who's been abused
He will meet you at At the point of your need Please don't believe what you hear From the enemy He will do much more Much more than we ask or think He's not to high To hear His children's cry He'll meet you at the point of your need
How can I face the darkness That comes to cast a shadow in my path And where can I find the strength I need And the courage that it takes for me to laugh It may seem impossible To overcome your fears Jesus knows your heart And He makes the answers clear
Always keep in mind He'll be there on time He's left it up to you To take Him at His word A God that will not lie Has promised He will not deny