There was an old woman who sat in the tree On the side of the road The other side of the hill There was a river rushing wild With no time to say hello And have you seen my daughter? No time to say hello Have you seen my son?
Please excuse me mister No time to say hello No time to say hello No time at all Please excuse mister Have you seen my daughter? Have you seen my daughter? Have you seen my daughter?
Hexed by a wizard some years prior She limps cross-eyed like the tower of pisa She was born the prettiest of six girls Now toothless can't even get a job With no time to say hello And have you seen my daughter? No time to say hello
Please excuse mister Have you seen my daughter? I'm her only mother I'm your only mother
I'm your only mother (you seen) I'm your only mother I'm your only mother I'm your only mother I'm her only mother I'm your only mother I'm your only mother I'm your only mother I'm your only mother