- 1
Clutch - Oh, Isabella
- 2
Clutch - The Regulator
- 3
Clutch - Noble Savage
- 4
Clutch - Binge And Purge
- 5
Clutch - Crucial Velocity
- 6
Clutch - Electric Worry
- 7
Clutch - Gone Cold
- 8
Clutch - Drink To The Dead
- 9
Clutch - Land Of Pleasant Living
- 10
Clutch - Mr. Freedom
- 11
Clutch - Muchas Veces
- 12
Clutch - Sleestak Lightning
- 13
Clutch - Spacegrass
- 14
Clutch - The Devil & Me
- 15
Clutch - The Mob Goes Wild
- 16
Clutch - Tight Like That
- 17
Clutch - You Can't Stop Progress
- 18
Clutch - (In The Wake Of) The Swollen Goat
- 19
Clutch - 05
- 20
Clutch - 10,000 Witnesses
- 21
Clutch - 10001110101
- 22
Clutch - 12 Ounce Epilogue
- 23
Clutch - 24 Earth Years
- 24
Clutch - 50,000 Unstoppable Watts
- 25
Clutch - 50,000 Unstoppable Watts
- 26
Clutch - 7 Jam
- 27
Clutch - A Quick Death In Texas
- 28
Clutch - A Shogun Named Marcus
- 29
Clutch - Abraham Lincoln
- 30
Clutch - Abraham Lincoln
- 31
Clutch - American Sleep
- 32
Clutch - Animal Farm
- 33
Clutch - Apache
- 34
Clutch - Arcadia
- 35
Clutch - Army Of Bono
- 36
Clutch - Bacchanal
- 37
Clutch - Basket Of Eggs
- 38
Clutch - Big Fat Pig
- 39
Clutch - Big News I
- 40
Clutch - Big News II
- 41
Clutch - Big News III
- 42
Clutch - Black Umbrella
- 43
Clutch - Book, Saddle, & Go
- 44
Clutch - Brazenhead
- 45
Clutch - Burning Beard
- 46
Clutch - Careful With That Mic
- 47
Clutch - Child Of The City
- 48
Clutch - Circus Maximus
- 49
Clutch - Cross-Eyed Mary
- 50
Clutch - Cyborg Bette
- 51
Clutch - Cypress Grove
- 52
Clutch - D.C. Sound Attack
- 53
Clutch - David Rose
- 54
Clutch - Day Of The Jackalope
- 55
Clutch - Droid
- 56
Clutch - Earth Rocker
- 57
Clutch - Earthworm
- 58
Clutch - Easy Breeze
- 59
Clutch - Effigy
- 60
Clutch - Eight Times Over Miss October
- 61
Clutch - El Jefe Speaks
- 62
Clutch - Escape From The Prison Planet
- 63
Clutch - Eulogy For A Ghost
- 64
Clutch - Far Country
- 65
Clutch - Firebirds!
- 66
Clutch - Fortunate Son
- 67
Clutch - Four Lords
- 68
Clutch - Four Lords (and One More)
- 69
Clutch - Frankenstein
- 70
Clutch - Frankenstien
- 71
Clutch - Freakonomics
- 72
Clutch - Freakonomics
- 73
Clutch - Ghost
- 74
Clutch - Ghoul Wrangler
- 75
Clutch - Gifted And Talented
- 76
Clutch - Gimme The Keys
- 77
Clutch - Gnome Enthusiast
- 78
Clutch - Gone Unsung
- 79
Clutch - Gravel Road
- 80
Clutch - Green Buckets
- 81
Clutch - Guild Of Mute Assassins
- 82
Clutch - Gullah
- 83
Clutch - Hale Bopp Blues
- 84
Clutch - Heirloom 13
- 85
Clutch - High Caliber Consecrator
- 86
Clutch - Hoodoo Operator
- 87
Clutch - I Have The Body Of John Wilkes Booth
- 88
Clutch - I Send Pictures
- 89
Clutch - Immortal
- 90
Clutch - Impetus
- 91
Clutch - Juggernaut
- 92
Clutch - King Of Arizona
- 93
Clutch - Let A Poor Man Be
- 94
Clutch - Let A Poor Man Be
- 95
Clutch - Mercury
- 96
Clutch - Mice & Gods
- 97
Clutch - Milk Of Human Kindness
- 98
Clutch - Minotaur
- 99
Clutch - Minotaur
- 100
Clutch - Molt
- 101
Clutch - Motherless Child
- 102
Clutch - Motherless Child
- 103
Clutch - Mr. Shiny Caddylackness
- 104
Clutch - Never Be Moved
- 105
Clutch - Nickel Dime
- 106
Clutch - Notes From The Trial Of (La Curandera)
- 107
Clutch - One Eyed Dollar
- 108
Clutch - Open Up The Border
- 109
Clutch - Opossum Minister
- 110
Clutch - Oregon
- 111
Clutch - Passive Restraints
- 112
Clutch - Pile Driver
- 113
Clutch - Power Player
- 114
Clutch - Profits Of Doom
- 115
Clutch - Promoter (Of Earthbound Causes)
- 116
Clutch - Pulaski Skyway
- 117
Clutch - Pure Rock Fury
- 118
Clutch - Raised By Horses
- 119
Clutch - Rapture Of Riddley Walker
- 120
Clutch - Rats
- 121
Clutch - Red Horse Rainbow
- 122
Clutch - Release The Kraken
- 123
Clutch - Rising Son
- 124
Clutch - Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw
- 125
Clutch - Sea Of Destruction
- 126
Clutch - Ship Of Gold
- 127
Clutch - Sink 'em Low
- 128
- 129
Clutch - Sleestak Lightning
- 130
Clutch - Slow Hole To China
- 131
Clutch - Small Upsetters
- 132
Clutch - Smoke Banshee
- 133
Clutch - Son Of Virginia
- 134
- 135
Clutch - Spleen Merchant
- 136
Clutch - Struck Down
- 137
Clutch - Struck Down
- 138
Clutch - Subtle Hustle
- 139
Clutch - Super Duper
- 140
Clutch - Texan Book Of The Dead
- 141
Clutch - The Amazing Kreskin
- 142
Clutch - The Amazing Kreskin
- 143
Clutch - The Dragonfly
- 144
Clutch - The Drifter
- 145
Clutch - The Elephant Riders
- 146
Clutch - The Face
- 147
Clutch - The Great Outdoors!
- 148
Clutch - The House That Peterbilt
- 149
Clutch - The Incomparable Mr. Flannery
- 150
Clutch - The Package
- 151
Clutch - The Soapmakers
- 152
Clutch - The Yeti
- 153
Clutch - Unto The Breach
- 154
Clutch - Vision Quest
- 155
Clutch - Walking In The Great Shining Path Of Monster Trucks
- 156
Clutch - When Vegans Attack
- 157
Clutch - White's Ferry
- 158
Clutch - Who Wants To Rock?
- 159
Clutch - Who's Been Talking?
- 160
Clutch - Wicker
- 161
Clutch - Willie Nelson
- 162
Clutch - Wishbone
- 163
Clutch - Worm Drink
- 164
Clutch - X-Ray Vision
Acting foolishly on American Band Stand
Agog with spastic baskets, the latest fashions
Here I am Here I am Here I am
But that chin music sound, oh how it drown
Gotta shake 'em on down
Scaling up the heights of folly.
Scaling up the heights of folly.
Kill the lights and bring the music down. Everybody be quiet.
Sudden movement on the Serengeti, get ready Freddy,
Opportunity only knocks once.
Never mind the fat ones, just go for the slow ones
See how they run see how they run see how they run.
While you busy lighting roman candles on the yellow cake
They shook you on down.
When the rain start falling, boatman calling,
Shake 'em on down.
The flood receding, the mountain appears,
Send out the black bird, send out the dove.
You Babel rabble-rousers
In polyester trousers
Big bright cities.
Ain't no doubt Vishnu missed you, then Kali kissed you,
Better get busy. Better get busy. Better get busy.
Days get shorter, air gets colder,
Tune on in to the N.O.A.A. radio
Scaling up the heights of folly.
Scaling up the heights of folly.
While you busy lighting roman candles on the yellow cake
They shook you on down.
When the rain start falling, boatman calling,
Shake 'em on down.
While you busy lighting roman candles on the yellow cake
They shook you on down.
When the rain start falling, boatman calling,
Shake 'em on down.
The flood receding, the mountain appears,
Send out the black bird, send out the dove.