Nita and her black haired mother in the warmth and in the glow
Sow them up like any other, sow them up like one you know
Sow them up like one you know, sow them up like one you know
Vulture vulture uncoverd vulture vulture disclosed
And the best you left here for others, is the best the rest of
us know
Gilly in the summer lazing in the warmth and in the glow
Sow them up like any other, sow them up like one you know
Sow them up like one you know, sow them up like one you know
Vulture vulture uncoverd vulture vulture disclosed
And the best you left here for others, is the best the rest of
us know
Vulture vulture in pieces, vulture vulture disclosed
And the best you left other people, is the best the rest of us