- 1
Carman - Jesus Is The Light
- 2
Carman - That's My King
- 3
Carman - Fear Not My Child
- 4
Carman - The Prayer Anthem
- 5
Carman - Whiter Than Snow
- 6
Carman - It Happened To Me
- 7
Carman - Our Turn Now
- 8
Carman - Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross
- 9
Carman - Mission 3:16
- 10
Carman - Sunday School Rock
- 11
Carman - Sunday's On The Way
- 12
Carman - 1955
- 13
Carman - 7 Ways 2 Praise
- 14
Carman - 7 Ways To Worship
- 15
Carman - A Little Bit More Conviction
- 16
Carman - A Yo
- 17
Carman - Abundance Of Rain
- 18
Carman - Addicted To Jesus
- 19
Carman - All In Life
- 20
Carman - Always Will
- 21
Carman - Amen
- 22
Carman - America Again
- 23
Carman - Ask Of Me
- 24
Carman - Awesome God
- 25
Carman - Bethlehem
- 26
Carman - Blessed Is He Who Comes
- 27
Carman - Celebrating Jesus
- 28
Carman - Celebration Day
- 29
Carman - Come Into This House
- 30
Carman - Do I Do
- 31
Carman - Everybody Praise The Lord
- 32
Carman - Faith Enough
- 33
Carman - Give Thanks
- 34
Carman - God God God
- 35
Carman - God Is Exalted
- 36
Carman - God Will Take Care Of Me
- 37
Carman - God's Got An Army
- 38
Carman - Good To Me
- 39
Carman - Great God
- 40
Carman - Hall Of Faith
- 41
Carman - Happy Birthday
- 42
Carman - Heart Of A Champion
- 43
Carman - Holdin' On
- 44
Carman - Holy Ghost Hop
- 45
Carman - House Of Praise
- 46
Carman - Hunger For Holiness
- 47
Carman - I Feel Jesus
- 48
Carman - I Got The Joy
- 49
Carman - I Have Decided
- 50
Carman - I Praise You
- 51
Carman - I Promise
- 52
Carman - Jericho: The Shout Of Victory
- 53
Carman - Jesus Is The Lamb
- 54
Carman - Jesus Paid It All
- 55
Carman - Jesus Period
- 56
Carman - Just As I Am
- 57
Carman - Just Believe
- 58
Carman - Just Like He Said
- 59
Carman - Lazarus Come Forth
- 60
Carman - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
- 61
Carman - Legendary Mission
- 62
Carman - Let The Church Rise
- 63
Carman - Let The Fire Fall
- 64
Carman - Lord I Lift Your Name On High
- 65
Carman - Lord I Love You
- 66
Carman - Lord Of All
- 67
Carman - Love As Yours
- 68
Carman - Love Can
- 69
Carman - Marchin' And Movin'
- 70
Carman - Medley: Nothing But The Blood
- 71
Carman - Medley: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
- 72
Carman - My Pledge
- 73
Carman - My Story
- 74
Carman - Never Be
- 75
Carman - No Monsters
- 76
Carman - No Way We Are Not Ashamed
- 77
Carman - No Way/we Are Not Ashamed
- 78
Carman - Not 4 Sale
- 79
Carman - Now's The Time
- 80
Carman - Overcomin' Child Of God
- 81
Carman - People Of God
- 82
Carman - Prayer
- 83
Carman - Prepare To Die
- 84
Carman - R.i.o.t
- 85
Carman - Radically Saved
- 86
Carman - Revival In The Land
- 87
Carman - Revive Us, Oh Lord
- 88
Carman - Satan, Bite The Dust
- 89
Carman - Serve The Lord
- 90
Carman - Shout To The Lord
- 91
Carman - Slam
- 92
Carman - Soap Song
- 93
Carman - Some - O - Dat
- 94
Carman - Stand Up
- 95
Carman - Step Of Faith
- 96
Carman - Temptation Boogie
- 97
Carman - The Champion
- 98
Carman - The Courtroom
- 99
Carman - The Destination Is There
- 100
Carman - The Light Of Jesus To The World
- 101
Carman - The River
- 102
Carman - The Third Heaven
- 103
Carman - There Is A God
- 104
Carman - This Blood
- 105
Carman - This Is My Bible
- 106
Carman - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
- 107
Carman - Washed In The Blood
- 108
Carman - We Are Not Ashamed
- 109
Carman - Welcome Into This Place
- 110
Carman - Who's In The House
- 111
Carman - Witch's Invitation
The Third Heaven
I could hear their cries and sense their grief
But was physically incapable
Of responding to them in any way
There was surprisingly no sensation of death
But without doubt, I knew I was dying
As my spirit and body naturally
And without effort began to separate
An entirely new dimension of reality unfolded
Like the slow opening of a rare flower
Celestial mysteries were revealed from beyond
The atmosphere was permeated
With the healing melody of an invisible choir
And I knew I had entered the domain of the living god
My eyes beheld a vast concourse of souls from every nation
Dressed in the spotless garments of the redeemed
With a loud voice they echoed praises to their king
I saw a mighty throne around which was seated
Four and twenty elders with crowns of glory
And like the sound of rushing waters they began to sing
Holy, holy, holy
They sang
Holy, holy, holy
I heard them say
Holy, holy, holy is the lord
They said
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is lord
The whole principle of living was different
Food and water wasn't needed to sustain life
There was no mental agony, tears
Source of tears or any physical pain
Light did not come from one source like the sun
But god's glory illuminated everything
So shadows did not exist, neither did elemental changes
Like snow, storms or even rain
Then, in all of it's pristine graduer, I saw the holy city
Suspended like a cube at the expanse of eternity
Fifteen hundred miles high and just as deep as it was wide
Indescribable colors were refracting everywhere
From the precious stones it was made of
With twelve angels guarding the gates
Fashioned from one solid pearl on each side
Then, from behind me, I could sense the presence
Of one whose virtue shot through the very fibers of my being
As I slowly turned, a glorious radiance consumed my eyes
His silhouette was backdropped by the immense sea of glass
And for the very first time
My eyes beheld one altogether lovely
The lily of the valley, the fairest of ten thousands
My lord, my saviour Jesus christ
I threw up my hands and cried
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is the lord
My soul said
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is the lord
His eyes were filled with tenderness
Encouragement, strength and love
His countenance proclaimed he knew everything
There was to know or ever worth knowing
Being with him was to have everything I ever wanted
Be everything I ever imagined
And arrive at everywhere I only dreamed of going
Then the same voice that spoke the worlds into existence
Spoke my name in affectionate tones
He said, "my beloved child, there are those left behind
Who are deeply grieved at your death
They've prayed I return you to your earthly life
And because of their faithfulness to me
I am willing to grant their request"
I said, "lord, if my loved ones only knew
The limitless wonders of heaven
If they could steal but one brief glimpse of glory
I know what they would do"
"Because they loved me, they'd never ask
That I return to the confines of my human body
Lord, I can't go back, please let me stay with you"
For you are the resurrection of the life
The son of the living god
You're the only one worthy of honor
And glory and power and praise
Master, only you make all things new
For you alone are lord and god, saviour and king
And forever and ever, throughout all eternity
I'll join the hosts of heaven
As they praise you day, after day, after day singing
Lord of all the earth
Forever he shall reign
Lord of glory, lamb of god
And holy is his name
My soul says
Lord of all the earth
Forever he shall reign
Lord of glory, lamb of god
And holy is his name
And holy is his name