Stop running
Time is all yours
Stop running
Time is all yours
And close your eyes, my friend
And take her with you
Stop thinking
You own your thoughts
Stop suffering
Oh, oh oh
Oh, oh oh
Stop suffering
The pain is not yours
The pain is not yours
Stop making
Everything is almost done
Everything is almost done
Oh, oh oh
Oh, oh oh
Stop hating
No one cares
About your pain
Oh, oh oh
Oh, oh oh
Stop running
Time is all yours
Time is all yours
Time is all yours
Stop thinking
The thoughts are yours
The thoughts are yours
The thoughts are yours
Everybody asks where are you going
Everybody is asking where are you going
There is not a logical direction
Just go
Just go
Just go
Go go go following the Sun
Go go go following the Sun
Following the light to the place where we all end
Stop hating
No one cares about your pain
It's all yours