- 1
Burzum - Jesus' Tod
- 2
Burzum - Dunkelheit
- 3
Burzum - Erblicket Die Tochter Des Firmaments
- 4
Burzum - Lost Wisdom
- 5
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
- 6
Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var
- 7
Burzum - Ea - Lord Of The Depths
- 8
Burzum - Jeg Faller
- 9
Burzum - Dunkelheit
- 10
Burzum - Valen
- 11
Burzum - Gullaldr
- 12
Burzum - Stemmen Fra Taarnet
- 13
Burzum - The Great Sleep
- 14
Burzum - Alfadanz
- 15
Burzum - Black Spell Of Destruction
- 16
Burzum - War
- 17
Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
- 18
Burzum - Belus Død
- 19
Burzum - Burzum
- 20
Burzum - Dominus Sathanas
- 21
Burzum - En Ring Til Å Herske
- 22
Burzum - My Journey To The Stars
- 23
Burzum - Sverddans
- 24
Burzum - Gebrechlichkeit
- 25
Burzum - Heill Odinn
- 26
Burzum - Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale S
- 27
Burzum - Fallen
- 28
Burzum - Glemselens Elv
- 29
Burzum - Jóln
- 30
Burzum - Æra
- 31
Burzum - Blóðstokkinn
- 32
Burzum - Daudi Baldrs
- 33
Burzum - Jesu DøD
- 34
Burzum - Kaimadalthas Nedstigning
- 35
Burzum - Morgenrøde
- 36
Burzum - The Password
- 37
Burzum - Til Hel Og Tilbake Igjen
- 38
Burzum - Vanvidd
- 39
Burzum - Balferd Baldrs
- 40
Burzum - Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament
- 41
Burzum - Budstikken
- 42
Burzum - Der Tod Wuotans (The Death of Wuotan)
- 43
Burzum - Die Liebe Nerpus' (Nerpus' Love)
- 44
Burzum - Dumkelheit
- 45
Burzum - Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown
- 46
Burzum - Forgotten Realms
- 47
Burzum - God From The Machine
- 48
Burzum - Heiðr
- 49
Burzum - Hermodr A Helferd
- 50
Burzum - Hvis Luset Tar Oss
- 51
Burzum - I Heimr Heljar
- 52
Burzum - Illa tidandi
- 53
Burzum - In The Castle Of The Dream
- 54
Burzum - Moti Ragnargkum
- 55
Burzum - Níðhöggr
- 56
Burzum - Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn
- 57
Burzum - The Reckoning of Man
- 58
Burzum - Valgaldr
- 59
Burzum - Die Kraft de Mitgefuehls (The Power of Empathy)
- 60
Burzum - Ansuzgardaraiwo
- 61
Burzum - Autumn Leaves
- 62
Burzum - Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament (Alemão)
- 63
Burzum - Belus' tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)
- 64
Burzum - Channelling The Power Of Souls Into a New God
- 65
Burzum - Das Einsame Trauern Von Frijo (The Lonesome Mourning of Frijo)
- 66
Burzum - Decrepitude
- 67
Burzum - Decriptude (Alemão: Gebrechlichkeit)
- 68
Burzum - Den Onde Kysten
- 69
Burzum - Den Store Søvn
- 70
Burzum - Det Son Em Gang Var
- 71
Burzum - Dungeons Of Darkness
- 72
Burzum - Ea, Lord Of The Deeps
- 73
Burzum - Ea, Lord Of The Depths
- 74
Burzum - Emptiness
- 75
Burzum - En Ring Til AA Herskeom
- 76
Burzum - Enhver Til Sitt
- 77
Burzum - Fijo's Golden Tears
- 78
Burzum - Fra Verdenstreet
- 79
Burzum - Frijo's Golden Tears
- 80
Burzum - Galgviðr
- 81
Burzum - Han Som Reiste
- 82
Burzum - Heil Freyja
- 83
Burzum - Heill Óðinn, Sire
- 84
Burzum - Hit helga Tré
- 85
Burzum - If the light Take us
- 86
Burzum - In das Schloss Der Traeume
- 87
Burzum - Inn I Slottet Fra Droemmen
- 88
Burzum - Jesus's Death
- 89
Burzum - Keliohesten
- 90
Burzum - Key To The Gate
- 91
Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon)
- 92
Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
- 93
Burzum - One Ring To Rule
- 94
Burzum - RundtgåIng Av Den Transcendentale Egenhetens StøTte
- 95
Burzum - Sôl Austan
- 96
Burzum - Stemmen Fra Taarnet (Norueguês)
- 97
Burzum - Suarte Troiner
- 98
Burzum - Surtr Sunnan
- 99
Burzum - The Coming Of Ettins
- 100
Burzum - The Crying Hadnur
- 101
Burzum - The Crying Orr
- 102
Burzum - The Death of Wuotan
- 103
Burzum - The Lady In The Lake
- 104
Burzum - The Lonesome Mourning of Frijo
- 105
Burzum - The Power of Empathy
- 106
Burzum - The Ways Of Yore
- 107
Burzum - To Hel And Back Again
- 108
Burzum - Tomhet
- 109
Burzum - Tuisto's Heart
- 110
Burzum - Tuistos Herz (Tuisto's Heart)
- 111
Burzum - Turn the sign of microcosm
- 112
Burzum - Was Einst War
- 113
Burzum - Wenn Das Licht Uns Nimmt
- 114
Burzum - What Once Was
Tuistos Herz (Tuisto's Heart)
The isles of Skapis
A blonde, fur-clad man immortalises
His memory of Mannus
The oldest Ing
A large manlike shape is engraved in the rock
Bloodred in colour, with a large phallus
His hands are stretching toward the sky
Mannus, the son of Tuisto
Made sure his tribe survived the cold north
Together with his sons
Inguz, Herminuz and Istwo
Tuisto's heart is warmed by the sight of his descendants
He knows the gods are not forgotten
Then, he reasons, there is hope after all
For the coming generations