1. 1

    Bright Eyes - First Day Of My Life

  2. 2

    Bright Eyes - Lua

  3. 3

    Bright Eyes - At The Bottom Of Everything

  4. 4

    Bright Eyes - Poison Oak

  5. 5

    Bright Eyes - Bowl Of Oranges

  6. 6

    Bright Eyes - A Line Allows Progress, A Circle Does Not

  7. 7

    Bright Eyes - Don't Know When But A Day Is Gonna Come

  8. 8

    Bright Eyes - From A Balance Beam

  9. 9

    Bright Eyes - I Know You

  10. 10

    Bright Eyes - Landlocked Blues

  11. 11

    Bright Eyes - The Calendar Hung Itself

  12. 12

    Bright Eyes - Waste Of Paint

  13. 13

    Bright Eyes - We Are Nowhere And It's Now

  14. 14

    Bright Eyes - You Will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will

  15. 15

    Bright Eyes - Amy In The White Coat

  16. 16

    Bright Eyes - Cartoon Blues

  17. 17

    Bright Eyes - Hell Is Coming, Hell Is Here

  18. 18

    Bright Eyes - Hit The Switch

  19. 19

    Bright Eyes - I've Been Eating For You

  20. 20

    Bright Eyes - Just Once in the World

  21. 21

    Bright Eyes - Lover I Don't Have To Love

  22. 22

    Bright Eyes - Make A Plan To Love Me

  23. 23

    Bright Eyes - No Lies, Just Love

  24. 24

    Bright Eyes - Padraic My Prince

  25. 25

    Bright Eyes - Pull My Hair

  26. 26

    Bright Eyes - Road To Joy

  27. 27

    Bright Eyes - Sunrise, Sunset

  28. 28

    Bright Eyes - The Difference In The Shades

  29. 29

    Bright Eyes - Woke Up With This Song In My Head This Morning

  30. 30

    Bright Eyes - A Celebration Upon Completion

  31. 31

    Bright Eyes - A Few Minutes On Friday

  32. 32

    Bright Eyes - A Machine Spiritual (In The People's Key)

  33. 33

    Bright Eyes - A New Arrangement

  34. 34

    Bright Eyes - A Perfect Sonnet

  35. 35

    Bright Eyes - A Poetic Retelling Of An Unfortunate Seduction

  36. 36

    Bright Eyes - A Scale, A Mirror, And Those Indifferent Clocks

  37. 37

    Bright Eyes - A Song To Pass The Time

  38. 38

    Bright Eyes - A Spindle, A Darkness, A Fever, And A Necklace

  39. 39

    Bright Eyes - Act Of Contrition

  40. 40

    Bright Eyes - Air Mattress

  41. 41

    Bright Eyes - All Of The Truth

  42. 42

    Bright Eyes - An Attempt To Tip The Scales

  43. 43

    Bright Eyes - An Interview With Conor Oberst

  44. 44

    Bright Eyes - Another Travelin' Song

  45. 45

    Bright Eyes - Approximated Sunlight

  46. 46

    Bright Eyes - Arc Of Time

  47. 47

    Bright Eyes - Arienette

  48. 48

    Bright Eyes - Away In a Manger

  49. 49

    Bright Eyes - Bad Blood

  50. 50

    Bright Eyes - Beach Bum Song

  51. 51

    Bright Eyes - Beginner's Mind

  52. 52

    Bright Eyes - Bent on Broken Nerves

  53. 53

    Bright Eyes - Big Black Nothing

  54. 54

    Bright Eyes - Big Old House

  55. 55

    Bright Eyes - Black Comedy

  56. 56

    Bright Eyes - Bloodline

  57. 57

    Bright Eyes - Blue Angels Air Show

  58. 58

    Bright Eyes - Blue Christmas

  59. 59

    Bright Eyes - Bottom Of Everything (We Must Sing)

  60. 60

    Bright Eyes - Breezy

  61. 61

    Bright Eyes - Burn Rubber

  62. 62

    Bright Eyes - Cabbage Town

  63. 63

    Bright Eyes - Cape Canaveral

  64. 64

    Bright Eyes - Carrot Diamond

  65. 65

    Bright Eyes - Clairaudients (Kill Or Be Killed)

  66. 66

    Bright Eyes - Classic Cars

  67. 67

    Bright Eyes - Cleanse Song

  68. 68

    Bright Eyes - Closure

  69. 69

    Bright Eyes - Coat Check Dream Song

  70. 70

    Bright Eyes - Conor Oberst

  71. 71

    Bright Eyes - Contrast And Compare

  72. 72

    Bright Eyes - Coyote Song

  73. 73

    Bright Eyes - Danny Callahan

  74. 74

    Bright Eyes - Devil In The Details

  75. 75

    Bright Eyes - Devil Town

  76. 76

    Bright Eyes - Difference Is Time

  77. 77

    Bright Eyes - Down In a Rabbit Hole

  78. 78

    Bright Eyes - Driving Fast Through A Big City At Night

  79. 79

    Bright Eyes - Drunk Kid Catholic

  80. 80

    Bright Eyes - Eagle On A Pole

  81. 81

    Bright Eyes - Eagle On A Pole (outer South)

  82. 82

    Bright Eyes - Easy/Lucky/Free

  83. 83

    Bright Eyes - Emily, Sing Something Sweet

  84. 84

    Bright Eyes - Empty Canyon, Empty Canteen

  85. 85

    Bright Eyes - Empty Canyon/Empty Canteen

  86. 86

    Bright Eyes - Endless Entertainment

  87. 87

    Bright Eyes - Entry Way Song

  88. 88

    Bright Eyes - Everything Must Belong Somewhere

  89. 89

    Bright Eyes - Exaltation On A Cool Kitchen Floor

  90. 90

    Bright Eyes - Falling Out Of Love At This Volume

  91. 91

    Bright Eyes - False Advertising

  92. 92

    Bright Eyes - Famous to Me (Hurtful Kid)

  93. 93

    Bright Eyes - February Fifteenth

  94. 94

    Bright Eyes - Feeling It

  95. 95

    Bright Eyes - Firewall

  96. 96

    Bright Eyes - Forced Convalescence

  97. 97

    Bright Eyes - Four Winds

  98. 98

    Bright Eyes - Gentlemen's Pact (smoke Signals)

  99. 99

    Bright Eyes - Get Back

  100. 100

    Bright Eyes - Get-well-cards

  101. 101

    Bright Eyes - Go Find Yourself A Dry Place

  102. 102

    Bright Eyes - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

  103. 103

    Bright Eyes - Going For The Gold

  104. 104

    Bright Eyes - Gold Mine Gutted

  105. 105

    Bright Eyes - Haile Selassie

  106. 106

    Bright Eyes - Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh

  107. 107

    Bright Eyes - Happy Accident

  108. 108

    Bright Eyes - Happy Birthday To Me

  109. 109

    Bright Eyes - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

  110. 110

    Bright Eyes - Hot Knives

  111. 111

    Bright Eyes - How Many Lights Do You See?

  112. 112

    Bright Eyes - Hungry For A Holiday

  113. 113

    Bright Eyes - I believe in symmetry

  114. 114

    Bright Eyes - I Don't Want To Die (in A Hospital)

  115. 115

    Bright Eyes - I Got The Reason

  116. 116

    Bright Eyes - I Must Belong Somewhere

  117. 117

    Bright Eyes - I Watched You Take Off

  118. 118

    Bright Eyes - I Watched You Taking Off

  119. 119

    Bright Eyes - I Will Be Grateful For This Day

  120. 120

    Bright Eyes - I Will Be Grateful For This Day, I Will Be Grateful For Each Day To Come

  121. 121

    Bright Eyes - I Wish I Had A Parachute (Piñata Theme)

  122. 122

    Bright Eyes - I Woke Up With This Song In My Head This Morning

  123. 123

    Bright Eyes - I Won't Ever Be Happy Again

  124. 124

    Bright Eyes - I'll Be Your Friend

  125. 125

    Bright Eyes - I'm Sorry For Being Such A Crappy Friend

  126. 126

    Bright Eyes - If The Brakeman Turns My Way

  127. 127

    Bright Eyes - If Winter Ends

  128. 128

    Bright Eyes - It's Cool, We Can Still Be Friends

  129. 129

    Bright Eyes - Jejune Stars

  130. 130

    Bright Eyes - Jetsabel Removes the Undesireables

  131. 131

    Bright Eyes - Joy Division

  132. 132

    Bright Eyes - June On The West Coast

  133. 133

    Bright Eyes - Kathy With A K's Song

  134. 134

    Bright Eyes - Ladder Song

  135. 135

    Bright Eyes - Laura Laurent

  136. 136

    Bright Eyes - Lava Monster

  137. 137

    Bright Eyes - Lenders In The Temple

  138. 138

    Bright Eyes - Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And Be Loved)

  139. 139

    Bright Eyes - Light Pollution

  140. 140

    Bright Eyes - Lila

  141. 141

    Bright Eyes - Lime Tree

  142. 142

    Bright Eyes - Little Drummer Boy

  143. 143

    Bright Eyes - Loose Leaves

  144. 144

    Bright Eyes - Lovers Turn Into Monsters

  145. 145

    Bright Eyes - Make War

  146. 146

    Bright Eyes - Mariana Trench

  147. 147

    Bright Eyes - Messenger Bird's Song

  148. 148

    Bright Eyes - Method Acting

  149. 149

    Bright Eyes - Middleman

  150. 150

    Bright Eyes - Milk Thistle

  151. 151

    Bright Eyes - Mirrors And Fevers

  152. 152

    Bright Eyes - Moab

  153. 153

    Bright Eyes - Money Lenders

  154. 154

    Bright Eyes - Motion Sickness

  155. 155

    Bright Eyes - Mushaboom (Feist cover)

  156. 156

    Bright Eyes - N'en Parlons Plus

  157. 157

    Bright Eyes - Napoleon's Hat

  158. 158

    Bright Eyes - Neely O'hara

  159. 159

    Bright Eyes - Nikorette

  160. 160

    Bright Eyes - No One Would Riot For Less

  161. 161

    Bright Eyes - No One Would Riot For Less

  162. 162

    Bright Eyes - No Prayer

  163. 163

    Bright Eyes - North Of The City

  164. 164

    Bright Eyes - Nothing Gets Crossed Out

  165. 165

    Bright Eyes - Nothing Has Changed

  166. 166

    Bright Eyes - Nyc-gone, Gone

  167. 167

    Bright Eyes - Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem

  168. 168

    Bright Eyes - Oh, You Are The Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet And Hold The Earth In Place

  169. 169

    Bright Eyes - Old Soul Song

  170. 170

    Bright Eyes - Old Soul Song (For The New World Order)

  171. 171

    Bright Eyes - On My Way To Work

  172. 172

    Bright Eyes - One And Done

  173. 173

    Bright Eyes - One Foot In Front Of The Other

  174. 174

    Bright Eyes - One For You, One For Me

  175. 175

    Bright Eyes - One Straw (Please)

  176. 176

    Bright Eyes - Ouija

  177. 177

    Bright Eyes - Patient Hope In New Show

  178. 178

    Bright Eyes - Patient Hope In New Snow

  179. 179

    Bright Eyes - Persona Non Grata

  180. 180

    Bright Eyes - Pioneer's Park

  181. 181

    Bright Eyes - Please Please Please

  182. 182

    Bright Eyes - Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra

  183. 183

    Bright Eyes - Racing Towards The New

  184. 184

    Bright Eyes - Reinvent The Wheel

  185. 185

    Bright Eyes - Rollerskating

  186. 186

    Bright Eyes - Roosevelt Room

  187. 187

    Bright Eyes - Saturday As Usual

  188. 188

    Bright Eyes - Sausalito

  189. 189

    Bright Eyes - Seashell Tale

  190. 190

    Bright Eyes - Shell Games

  191. 191

    Bright Eyes - Ship in a Bottle

  192. 192

    Bright Eyes - Silent Night

  193. 193

    Bright Eyes - Silver Bells

  194. 194

    Bright Eyes - Sing, Sing, Sing

  195. 195

    Bright Eyes - Slowly (oh So Slowly)

  196. 196

    Bright Eyes - Smoke Without Fire

  197. 197

    Bright Eyes - Snake Hill

  198. 198

    Bright Eyes - Solid Jackson

  199. 199

    Bright Eyes - Something Vague

  200. 200

    Bright Eyes - Soon You Will Be Leaving Your Man

  201. 201

    Bright Eyes - Soul Singer In A Session Band

  202. 202

    Bright Eyes - Souled Out!!!

  203. 203

    Bright Eyes - Southern State

  204. 204

    Bright Eyes - Spent On Rainy Days

  205. 205

    Bright Eyes - Spoiled

  206. 206

    Bright Eyes - Spring Cleaning

  207. 207

    Bright Eyes - Stray Dog Freedom

  208. 208

    Bright Eyes - Supriya

  209. 209

    Bright Eyes - Susan Miller Rag

  210. 210

    Bright Eyes - Synesthete Song

  211. 211

    Bright Eyes - Take it Easy (Love Nothing)

  212. 212

    Bright Eyes - Ten Women

  213. 213

    Bright Eyes - Tereza And Thomas

  214. 214

    Bright Eyes - Tereza And Tomas

  215. 215

    Bright Eyes - The 'Feel Good'

  216. 216

    Bright Eyes - The Awful Sweetness Of Escaping Sweat

  217. 217

    Bright Eyes - The Awful Sweetness Of Escaping Sweet

  218. 218

    Bright Eyes - The Big Picture

  219. 219

    Bright Eyes - The Biggest Lie

  220. 220

    Bright Eyes - The Center Of The World

  221. 221

    Bright Eyes - The City Has Sex

  222. 222

    Bright Eyes - The Doctor And The Dj

  223. 223

    Bright Eyes - The Feel Good Revolution

  224. 224

    Bright Eyes - The First Day Of My Life

  225. 225

    Bright Eyes - The First Noel

  226. 226

    Bright Eyes - The Joy in Discovery

  227. 227

    Bright Eyes - The Joy in Forgetting

  228. 228

    Bright Eyes - The Joy in Forgetting / The Joy in Acceptance

  229. 229

    Bright Eyes - The Movement Of A Hand

  230. 230

    Bright Eyes - The Night Before Christmas

  231. 231

    Bright Eyes - The Trees Get Wheeled Away

  232. 232

    Bright Eyes - The Vanishing Act

  233. 233

    Bright Eyes - Theme From Pinata

  234. 234

    Bright Eyes - Time Code

  235. 235

    Bright Eyes - To All Lights In The Windows

  236. 236

    Bright Eyes - To All The Lights In The Windows

  237. 237

    Bright Eyes - Touch

  238. 238

    Bright Eyes - Tourist Trap

  239. 239

    Bright Eyes - Train Under Water

  240. 240

    Bright Eyes - Train Underwater

  241. 241

    Bright Eyes - Trees Get Wheeled Away

  242. 242

    Bright Eyes - Triple Spiral

  243. 243

    Bright Eyes - Tripped

  244. 244

    Bright Eyes - True Blue

  245. 245

    Bright Eyes - Untitled (Lovers Turn Into Monsters)

  246. 246

    Bright Eyes - Valle Mí­stico (ruben's Song)

  247. 247

    Bright Eyes - We Are Free Men

  248. 248

    Bright Eyes - We Are Nowhere, And It's Now

  249. 249

    Bright Eyes - We Must Sing

  250. 250

    Bright Eyes - We're Going To Be Friends

  251. 251

    Bright Eyes - Weather Reports

  252. 252

    Bright Eyes - Well Whiskey

  253. 253

    Bright Eyes - When The Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass

  254. 254

    Bright Eyes - When The President Talks To God

  255. 255

    Bright Eyes - White Christmas

  256. 256

    Bright Eyes - White Shoes

  257. 257

    Bright Eyes - Worldwide

An Interview With Conor Oberst

Bright Eyes

Radio: Hi, we're back. This is Radio KX and we're here with Conor Oberst of the band Bright Eyes. How are you doing Conor?

Conor: Fine, thanks. Just a little wet

Radio: Oh yeah, it's still coming down out there

Conor: Yeah, I sort of had to run from the car

Radio: Well, we are glad you made it. Now your new album, Fevers and Mirrors. Tell us a little bit about the title. I noticed there was a good deal of repeated imagery in the lyrics, fevers . . . mirrors, scales, clocks. Could you discuss some of this?

Conor: Sure. Let's see, the fever is

Radio: First let me say, that this is a brilliant record, man, we're all really into it here at the station. We get lots of calls, it's really good stuff

Conor: Thanks, thanks a lot

Radio: So talk a little bit about some of the symbolism

Conor: The fever?

Radio: Sure

Conor: Well the fever is basically whatever ails you or oppresses you, it could be anything. In my case it's my neurosis, my depression, but I don't want to be limited to that. It's certainly different for different people. It's whatever keeps you up at night

Radio: I see

Conor: And then the mirror is like, as you might have guessed, self-examination or reflection or whatever form. This could be vanity or self-loathing. I don't know, I'm guilty of both

Radio: That's interesting. How about the scale?

Conor: The scale is essentially our attempt to solve our problems quantitatively through logic or rationalization. In my opinion it's often fruitless, but always, well, not always. And the clocks and calendars, etcetera, its just time, our little measurements. It's like, it's always chasing after us

Radio: It is, it is. How about this Arienette, how does she fit in to all of this?

Conor: I'd prefer not talk about it, in case she's listening

Radio: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize she was a real person

Conor: She's not, but I made her up

Radio: Oh, so she's not real?

Conor: Just as real as you or I

Radio: I don't think I understand

Conor: Neither do I, but after I grow up I will. I mean, you know what, a lot of things are really unclear for me right now

Radio: That's interesting. Now you mentioned your depression

Conor: No I didn't

Radio: You're from Nebraska, right?

Conor: Yeah so

Radio: Now let me know if I'm getting to personal, but there seems to be a pretty dark past back there somewhere. What was it like for you growing up?

Conor: Dark? Not really. Actually I had a great childhood. My parents were wonderful. I went to a Catholic school. They have, I had money, so it was all easy. I basically had everything that I wanted anytime

Radio: Really? So some of the references like babies in bathtubs are not biographical?

Conor: Well I did have a brother who died in a bathtub . . . he drowned. Well actually I had five brothers that way

Radio: (Chuckle)

Conor: No, I'm serious. My mother drowned one every year for five consecutive years. They were all named Padraic, and that's why they only got one song. It's kind of like walking out a door and discovering that it's a window

Radio: But your music is certainly very personal

Conor: Of course, I put a lot of myself into what I do. It's like being an author, you have to free yourself to use symbolism and allegory to meet your goal. And part of that is compassion, empathy for other people and their situations. Some of what I sing about comes from other people's experiences. It shouldn't matter, the message is intended to be universal

Radio: I see what you mean

Conor: Could you make that sound stop, please?

Radio: Yes. And your goal?

Conor: I don't know. Create feelings I guess. A song never ends up the way you planned it

Radio: That's funny you'd say that, do you think that

Conor: Do you ever hear things that aren't really there?

Radio: I'm sorry, what?

Conor: Never mind. How long have you worked at this station?

Radio: Oh, just a few minutes. Now you mentioned empathy for others. Would you say that that motivates you to make the music that you make?

Conor: No, not really. It's more a need for sympathy. I want people to feel sorry for me. I like to feel the burn of the audience's eyes on me when I'm revealing all my darkest secrets into the microphone. When I was a kid I used to carry a safety pin around with me every where I went in my pocket, and when people weren't paying enough attention to me, I'd dig it into my arm until I started crying. Everyone would stop what they were doing and ask me what was the matter. I guess, I guess I kind of liked that

Radio: Really, you're telling me that you're doing all of this for attention?

Conor: No, I hate it when people look at me, I get nauseous. In fact, I could care less what people think about me-- Do you feel alright? Do you wanna dance?

Radio: No, I feel sick

Conor: I really just want to be this warm yellow light that pours over everyone that I love

Radio: So you're going to play something for us now? Is this a new song?

Conor: Yeah, but I haven't written it yet. It's one I've been meaning to write called A Song to Pass the Time

Radio: Oh, that's a nice title

Conor: You should write your own scripts

Radio: Yeah, I know

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