Why is it we compare the truth to staring at the sun? (Listen to me) I don’t (Listen to me) want to (All that fever) could be (So much more) fun
Lover, could you remind me kindly what the feeling was like? (Listen to me) I will (Listen to me) this time (There is no) place to (Nowhere to) run
If I open my eyes I fear I’ll fall forever Tell us the truth but tell it to us gently Lest we all go blind
Why am I bracing for a fall the way an enemy might? (Listen to me) is it (listen to me) because (Maybe you should) I don’t (Have a little) trust?
I’m ready to know before I fall. Oh what’s the crux of it all? (Listen to me) Maybe (Listen to me) that we (Only see) only (See what we) want
If I open my eyes I fear I’ll fall forever Tell us the truth but tell it to us gently “Lest we all go blind” Let go of all the lies We’ll learn to be untethered! Go anywhere we want to Go anywhere we want to Go anywhere we want to
My heart’s open I’ve become fond of staring at the sun My heart’s open I’ve become fond of staring at the sun