- 1
Bomb The Music Industry! - 9/11 Fever!!!
- 2
Bomb The Music Industry! - Side Projects Are Never Successful
- 3
Bomb The Music Industry! - Slumlord
- 4
Bomb The Music Industry! - Syke! Life Is AWESOME!
- 5
Bomb The Music Industry! - (Shut) Up The Punx!!!
- 6
Bomb The Music Industry! - $2,400,000
- 7
Bomb The Music Industry! - 25 Hour Goddamn Telethon
- 8
Bomb The Music Industry! - 25!
- 9
Bomb The Music Industry! - 493 Ruth
- 10
Bomb The Music Industry! - 5 Funerals
- 11
Bomb The Music Industry! - All Ages Shows
- 12
Bomb The Music Industry! - All Alone In My Big Empty Apartment
- 13
Bomb The Music Industry! - Anywhere I Lay My Head
- 14
Bomb The Music Industry! - Big Plans Of Sleeping In
- 15
Bomb The Music Industry! - Bike Test 1 2 3
- 16
Bomb The Music Industry! - Blow Your Brains Out On Live TV!!!
- 17
Bomb The Music Industry! - Bomb The Music Industry! - Bomb The Music Industry! (And Action Action) (And Refused) (And Born Against) Are Fucking Dead
- 18
Bomb The Music Industry! - Brian Wilson Says SMiLE Aka Beard Of Defiance
- 19
Bomb The Music Industry! - Campaign For a Better Next Weekend
- 20
Bomb The Music Industry! - Can I Pay My Rent In Fun?
- 21
Bomb The Music Industry! - Can't Complain
- 22
Bomb The Music Industry! - Cold Chillin' Cold Chillin'
- 23
Bomb The Music Industry! - Congratulations, John, On Joining Every Time I Die
- 24
Bomb The Music Industry! - Depression is NO FUN
- 25
Bomb The Music Industry! - Does Your Face Hurt? No? 'Cause It's Killing Me!!!
- 26
Bomb The Music Industry! - Dude, Get With The Program
- 27
Bomb The Music Industry! - Even Winning Feels Bad
- 28
Bomb The Music Industry! - Everybody That Loves You
- 29
Bomb The Music Industry! - Everybody That You Love
- 30
Bomb The Music Industry! - Felt Just Like Vacation
- 31
Bomb The Music Industry! - Fresh Attitude, Young Body
- 32
Bomb The Music Industry! - From Martyrdom To Star(tyr)dom
- 33
Bomb The Music Industry! - Frrreeeeeeeee Biiiiiiirrrrrrd!!! Frrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee Biiiiiiiiirrrd!!!!
- 34
Bomb The Music Industry! - Fuck The Fans
- 35
Bomb The Music Industry! - Funcoland Verus The Southern Electorate
- 36
Bomb The Music Industry! - Future 86
- 37
Bomb The Music Industry! - Gang Of Four Meets The Stooges (But Boring)
- 38
Bomb The Music Industry! - Get Wamer
- 39
Bomb The Music Industry! - Get Warmer
- 40
Bomb The Music Industry! - Ghost of Corporate Future
- 41
Bomb The Music Industry! - Grudge Report
- 42
Bomb The Music Industry! - Happy Anterrabae Day!!!
- 43
Bomb The Music Industry! - Hurricane Waves
- 44
Bomb The Music Industry! - I Don't Love You Anymore
- 45
Bomb The Music Industry! - I Don't Love You Anyore
- 46
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm A Panic Bomb, Baby!
- 47
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm Terrorfied!!!!
- 48
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm Too Cooool For Music
- 49
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm Too Cooooool For Music
- 50
Bomb The Music Industry! - If Assholes Got Awards I'd Have A Trophy Case
- 51
Bomb The Music Industry! - It Ceases to Be "Whining" If You're Still "Shitting" Blood
- 52
Bomb The Music Industry! - It Shits!!!
- 53
Bomb The Music Industry! - It's Official! We're Booooorrrrring!
- 54
Bomb The Music Industry! - Jobs Schmobs
- 55
Bomb The Music Industry! - King Of Minneapolis Pts. I & II
- 56
Bomb The Music Industry! - King Of Minneapolis Pts. III & IV
- 57
Bomb The Music Industry! - My Response To An Article In Alternative Press
- 58
Bomb The Music Industry! - Never Trust A Man Without A Horribly Embarrassing Secret
- 59
Bomb The Music Industry! - No Rest For The Whiny
- 60
Bomb The Music Industry! - Old And Unprofessional
- 61
Bomb The Music Industry! - Pike St
- 62
Bomb The Music Industry! - Pizza Claus Is Comin' To Town
- 63
Bomb The Music Industry! - Ready... Set... No!!!!
- 64
Bomb The Music Industry! - Saddr Weirdr
- 65
Bomb The Music Industry! - Save The War
- 66
Bomb The Music Industry! - Savers
- 67
Bomb The Music Industry! - Showerbeers!!!
- 68
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sick, Later
- 69
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sorry, Brooklyn. Dancing Won't Solve Anything.
- 70
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sort Of Like Being Pumped
- 71
Bomb The Music Industry! - Stand There Until You're Sober
- 72
Bomb The Music Industry! - Stuff That I Like
- 73
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sweet Home Cananada
- 74
Bomb The Music Industry! - Tell My Boss, "I Hate You"
- 75
Bomb The Music Industry! - The First Time I Met Sanawon
- 76
Bomb The Music Industry! - The Last Party (Foul)
- 77
Bomb The Music Industry! - The Shit That You Hate
- 78
Bomb The Music Industry! - The Soul Crushing Northeast
- 79
Bomb The Music Industry! - This Graceless Planet
- 80
Bomb The Music Industry! - This is a Singalong
- 81
Bomb The Music Industry! - This Year for Presidents' Day, I'm Giving Up on Rock and Roll
- 82
Bomb The Music Industry! - Unlimited Breadsticks, Soup and Salad Days
- 83
Bomb The Music Industry! - Vocal Coach
- 84
Bomb The Music Industry! - Wednesday Night Drinkball
- 85
Bomb The Music Industry! - Why, Oh Why, Oh Why
- 86
Bomb The Music Industry! - You Still Believe In Me?
Can I Pay My Rent In Fun?
Bomb The Music Industry!
Two years off and on and not even the chance to quit
Just a letter on the fridge
That I got from human resources
I know that six weeks was kind of a bit much
And that nothing is forever and that nothing should be
Someday it all stops, and I can't sleep now
Because I'm not a real fucking adult
But I guess now I'll have my life from 7:00 to 6:45
Marie, Marie, Marie, I'm sorry I've been too busy
For the promise of an unfulfilling life
The risks I took were mine to take
We couldn't communicate in anything but rote responses and shit eating grins
And everything starts dwindling when it's all built on
Power trips and pandering, power trips and pandering
The letter arrived yesterday, I didn't have a drop to drink
I had to play and drive four hours to Brooklyn
To my apartment of dirty shit
And a thousand lonely days ahead
But I guess now I'll have my life
With red and blackout of my eyes
Marie, Marie, Marie I'm really stoked you set me free
From the promise of an unfulfilling life
Where I can pay my bills and pass out at eleven and not
Wake up in the morning and start feeling bad
Worst case of the Mondays that I've ever had
Though I treat every weekday like a Saturday night
Except for drinks I can't afford
A can of Shmidty's, nothing more
I need some more security
Than that provided by choosing between a job you hate
A job you hate and a job that doesn't pay
I got to caught up with me to behave responsibly
Michael, Nathan and Christine, I've got no rent, Marie, Marie, Marie!
I was arguing with cops while I had a fake mustache on
Poorly handling emotions while swimming naked in the ocean
Breaking bottles on stranger's floors and leaving without our fucking passports
Drinking gin and Zicam until 2 AM while playing Rock Band
Inviting myself into homes of strangers to drink all alone
Leaving sweat-soaked boxers on a bar 'cause they said "put a t-shirt on"
Acting irresponsibly and trying to make a choice between
A job you hate and a job that doesn't pay