- 1
Bomb The Music Industry! - Slumlord
- 2
Bomb The Music Industry! - 9/11 Fever!!!
- 3
Bomb The Music Industry! - Side Projects Are Never Successful
- 4
Bomb The Music Industry! - Syke! Life Is AWESOME!
- 5
Bomb The Music Industry! - (Shut) Up The Punx!!!
- 6
Bomb The Music Industry! - $2,400,000
- 7
Bomb The Music Industry! - 25 Hour Goddamn Telethon
- 8
Bomb The Music Industry! - 25!
- 9
Bomb The Music Industry! - 493 Ruth
- 10
Bomb The Music Industry! - 5 Funerals
- 11
Bomb The Music Industry! - All Ages Shows
- 12
Bomb The Music Industry! - All Alone In My Big Empty Apartment
- 13
Bomb The Music Industry! - Anywhere I Lay My Head
- 14
Bomb The Music Industry! - Big Plans Of Sleeping In
- 15
Bomb The Music Industry! - Bike Test 1 2 3
- 16
Bomb The Music Industry! - Blow Your Brains Out On Live TV!!!
- 17
Bomb The Music Industry! - Bomb The Music Industry! - Bomb The Music Industry! (And Action Action) (And Refused) (And Born Against) Are Fucking Dead
- 18
Bomb The Music Industry! - Brian Wilson Says SMiLE Aka Beard Of Defiance
- 19
Bomb The Music Industry! - Campaign For a Better Next Weekend
- 20
Bomb The Music Industry! - Can I Pay My Rent In Fun?
- 21
Bomb The Music Industry! - Can't Complain
- 22
Bomb The Music Industry! - Cold Chillin' Cold Chillin'
- 23
Bomb The Music Industry! - Congratulations, John, On Joining Every Time I Die
- 24
Bomb The Music Industry! - Depression is NO FUN
- 25
Bomb The Music Industry! - Does Your Face Hurt? No? 'Cause It's Killing Me!!!
- 26
Bomb The Music Industry! - Dude, Get With The Program
- 27
Bomb The Music Industry! - Even Winning Feels Bad
- 28
Bomb The Music Industry! - Everybody That Loves You
- 29
Bomb The Music Industry! - Everybody That You Love
- 30
Bomb The Music Industry! - Felt Just Like Vacation
- 31
Bomb The Music Industry! - Fresh Attitude, Young Body
- 32
Bomb The Music Industry! - From Martyrdom To Star(tyr)dom
- 33
Bomb The Music Industry! - Frrreeeeeeeee Biiiiiiirrrrrrd!!! Frrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee Biiiiiiiiirrrd!!!!
- 34
Bomb The Music Industry! - Fuck The Fans
- 35
Bomb The Music Industry! - Funcoland Verus The Southern Electorate
- 36
Bomb The Music Industry! - Future 86
- 37
Bomb The Music Industry! - Gang Of Four Meets The Stooges (But Boring)
- 38
Bomb The Music Industry! - Get Wamer
- 39
Bomb The Music Industry! - Get Warmer
- 40
Bomb The Music Industry! - Ghost of Corporate Future
- 41
Bomb The Music Industry! - Grudge Report
- 42
Bomb The Music Industry! - Happy Anterrabae Day!!!
- 43
Bomb The Music Industry! - Hurricane Waves
- 44
Bomb The Music Industry! - I Don't Love You Anymore
- 45
Bomb The Music Industry! - I Don't Love You Anyore
- 46
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm A Panic Bomb, Baby!
- 47
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm Terrorfied!!!!
- 48
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm Too Cooool For Music
- 49
Bomb The Music Industry! - I'm Too Cooooool For Music
- 50
Bomb The Music Industry! - If Assholes Got Awards I'd Have A Trophy Case
- 51
Bomb The Music Industry! - It Ceases to Be "Whining" If You're Still "Shitting" Blood
- 52
Bomb The Music Industry! - It Shits!!!
- 53
Bomb The Music Industry! - It's Official! We're Booooorrrrring!
- 54
Bomb The Music Industry! - Jobs Schmobs
- 55
Bomb The Music Industry! - King Of Minneapolis Pts. I & II
- 56
Bomb The Music Industry! - King Of Minneapolis Pts. III & IV
- 57
Bomb The Music Industry! - My Response To An Article In Alternative Press
- 58
Bomb The Music Industry! - Never Trust A Man Without A Horribly Embarrassing Secret
- 59
Bomb The Music Industry! - No Rest For The Whiny
- 60
Bomb The Music Industry! - Old And Unprofessional
- 61
Bomb The Music Industry! - Pike St
- 62
Bomb The Music Industry! - Pizza Claus Is Comin' To Town
- 63
Bomb The Music Industry! - Ready... Set... No!!!!
- 64
Bomb The Music Industry! - Saddr Weirdr
- 65
Bomb The Music Industry! - Save The War
- 66
Bomb The Music Industry! - Savers
- 67
Bomb The Music Industry! - Showerbeers!!!
- 68
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sick, Later
- 69
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sorry, Brooklyn. Dancing Won't Solve Anything.
- 70
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sort Of Like Being Pumped
- 71
Bomb The Music Industry! - Stand There Until You're Sober
- 72
Bomb The Music Industry! - Stuff That I Like
- 73
Bomb The Music Industry! - Sweet Home Cananada
- 74
Bomb The Music Industry! - Tell My Boss, "I Hate You"
- 75
Bomb The Music Industry! - The First Time I Met Sanawon
- 76
Bomb The Music Industry! - The Last Party (Foul)
- 77
Bomb The Music Industry! - The Shit That You Hate
- 78
Bomb The Music Industry! - The Soul Crushing Northeast
- 79
Bomb The Music Industry! - This Graceless Planet
- 80
Bomb The Music Industry! - This is a Singalong
- 81
Bomb The Music Industry! - This Year for Presidents' Day, I'm Giving Up on Rock and Roll
- 82
Bomb The Music Industry! - Unlimited Breadsticks, Soup and Salad Days
- 83
Bomb The Music Industry! - Vocal Coach
- 84
Bomb The Music Industry! - Wednesday Night Drinkball
- 85
Bomb The Music Industry! - Why, Oh Why, Oh Why
- 86
Bomb The Music Industry! - You Still Believe In Me?
Bike Test 1 2 3
Bomb The Music Industry!
I can feel it in my forehead and while that always fails, my lungs are getting clearer.
I see trucks racing by on the roof above my trail, cops are waiting to ticket anyone with out-of-state plates.
I'm not missing anything.
Swore off all prescribed medication and rode two miles through nowhere to a water fountain spitting out hot water.
I sit at a bench at a compost heap and I'm about to pedal up a sixty degree slope.
At the top of a hill at a very rapidspeed there's only one place to go.
At the top of a hill at a very high speed there's nowhere to go but down.
And it gets easier as I ascend my bike uphill on foot 'cause last time I kicked it into first I broke a gear by going too hard.
And it gets easier as I pass the Edward Scissorhands village where privileged white kids date rape girls and taunt me in their SUV's.
And it gets easier as I see the double vans in our driveways, I'm glistening but I know that some day I won't even break a sweat.
And it gets easier, as time goes things can only get better.
R-I-D-E. I wanna ride.