- 1
Bif Naked - Any Day Now
- 2
Bif Naked - I Love Myself Today
- 3
Bif Naked - Snowboarding
- 4
Bif Naked - Tango Shoes
- 5
Bif Naked - 32 Fuetes
- 6
Bif Naked - Abandonment
- 7
Bif Naked - Alcohol Is The Root
- 8
Bif Naked - Alcoholor Comedy
- 9
Bif Naked - All You Ever Do
- 10
Bif Naked - Alphabet Poem
- 11
Bif Naked - Anything
- 12
Bif Naked - Back In The Day
- 13
Bif Naked - Bluejay
- 14
Bif Naked - Calling All
- 15
Bif Naked - Canadians
- 16
Bif Naked - Choking On The Truth
- 17
Bif Naked - Chotee
- 18
Bif Naked - Ciao, Bella
- 19
Bif Naked - Crash And Burn
- 20
Bif Naked - Cruel To Be Kind
- 21
Bif Naked - Daddy's Getting Married
- 22
Bif Naked - Dawn
- 23
Bif Naked - Dress
- 24
Bif Naked - Eine Tasse Tee
- 25
Bif Naked - Everyday
- 26
Bif Naked - Everything
- 27
Bif Naked - Factory Hot Rod
- 28
Bif Naked - Fuck You 2
- 29
Bif Naked - Funeral of a Good Girl
- 30
Bif Naked - Funeral Of A Good Grrl
- 31
Bif Naked - Gig Tits
- 32
Bif Naked - Goodbye
- 33
Bif Naked - Half A Day A Week
- 34
Bif Naked - Henry
- 35
Bif Naked - Hold On
- 36
Bif Naked - Honeybee
- 37
Bif Naked - I Died
- 38
Bif Naked - I Want
- 39
Bif Naked - I'm Afraid Of Britney Spears
- 40
Bif Naked - I'm Yer Peer
- 41
Bif Naked - If I
- 42
Bif Naked - Infected Tattoo
- 43
Bif Naked - Insomnia
- 44
Bif Naked - Intro
- 45
Bif Naked - Isabelle
- 46
Bif Naked - Ladybug Waltz
- 47
Bif Naked - Leader
- 48
Bif Naked - Let Down
- 49
Bif Naked - Lifeline
- 50
Bif Naked - Lucky
- 51
Bif Naked - Make Like a Tree
- 52
Bif Naked - Metal Queen
- 53
Bif Naked - Moment Of Weakness
- 54
Bif Naked - My Bike
- 55
Bif Naked - My Innocence
- 56
Bif Naked - My Satan Poem
- 57
Bif Naked - My whole life
- 58
Bif Naked - Never Alone
- 59
Bif Naked - No Me Drink
- 60
Bif Naked - Nothing Else Matters
- 61
Bif Naked - Obsessed With Childhood
- 62
Bif Naked - October Song
- 63
Bif Naked - October Songs
- 64
Bif Naked - Only The Girl
- 65
Bif Naked - Over You
- 66
Bif Naked - Papa Va Se Marier
- 67
Bif Naked - Poem #357651
- 68
Bif Naked - Porno Brainwash
- 69
Bif Naked - Red Flag
- 70
Bif Naked - Regular Guy
- 71
Bif Naked - Religion
- 72
Bif Naked - Rich And Filthy
- 73
Bif Naked - Rock Star Man
- 74
Bif Naked - Sick
- 75
Bif Naked - Singin
- 76
Bif Naked - Sophia
- 77
Bif Naked - Spaceman
- 78
Bif Naked - Stolen Sidewalk
- 79
Bif Naked - Story Of My Life
- 80
Bif Naked - Stumpy The Mouse
- 81
Bif Naked - Succulent
- 82
Bif Naked - T.V. Baby
- 83
Bif Naked - Tell On You (Letter To My Rapist)
- 84
Bif Naked - Tengo Shoes
- 85
Bif Naked - Test
- 86
Bif Naked - That's Life
- 87
Bif Naked - The Gross, Gross Man
- 88
Bif Naked - The Letter
- 89
Bif Naked - The Peacock Song
- 90
Bif Naked - The Question Song
- 91
Bif Naked - The World is Over
- 92
Bif Naked - Twitch
- 93
Bif Naked - Vampire
- 94
Bif Naked - Violence
- 95
Bif Naked - We Are Not Gonna Take It
- 96
Bif Naked - We're Assholes
- 97
Bif Naked - We're Not Gonna Take It
- 98
Bif Naked - Yeah, You
- 99
Bif Naked - You Are The Master
- 100
Bif Naked - You Got The Job
- 101
Bif Naked - You Star Man
- 102
Bif Naked - You'll Never Know
- 103
Bif Naked - Zoinks!
Obsessed With Childhood
Bif Naked
If I fell off my bike and got a scrape, it would be infected. When I had the chicken pox, I was hospitalized because each pock was infected. Each one! In my eyelids, everywhere. The nurses had to dab each pock with a medicated cotton ball. My dad used to take us camping, and this one time I stepped on a dirty nail, you know, like rusty, with my barefoot. My whole hell became infected (laughs). It was hug! My heel was the size of a volleyball! I had to go to the doctor and get it drained. I was so ticklish all the time it took 5 or 6 doctors and nurses to hold me down and then the feeling of the lanced hell, and I was screaming. My older sister was laughing her head off, right there. I had scarletina this one time, and was quarantined. I had a tonsillectomy. I even remember one time in the hospital, of course for you know the reason. A nurse was trying to put a suppository in my rear end. I was squirming and wrigglin' and gigglin'. You know, cause I was getting tickled. Then I'd cry, c
ause I was all tense, you know, and it hurt. Sooner or later, I had to make a run for it to the bathroom. Boy, those nurses sure got mad at me for leavin' a trail. Someone's always mad, hey? You know, I took lots of things as a kid; ballet and jazz, dance, soccer, piano. I was always in trouble, always bein' a ham. When I was 5 we were all on the stage with these cardboard clocks like, you know, two feet across, tied around us with string, like a sandwich board. We were all moving our arms back and forth, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock . I was wearing red buckle shoes, that I know. Well, my string broke and the clock fell off, night there on stage, I just stood there, frozen, and bawling. The teacher had to walk on to the stage and carry me off. You know, I reacted the same way when that stagedivin' crowd surfer kicked my microphone into my teeth. Hey, the more things change. I quit all of it eventually. Dance class cause I got lazy, soccer cause I grew boobs, and piano cause my teac
her, Mrs. Davies, got mad at me and called me a stupid girl and banged my hands on the keys. You know I was even a cheerleader. Hey, in grade 6 in Kentucky it was a cool thing. ‘S-U-C-C-E-S-S, that's the way we spell success!'. I can't believe it. (laughs) ‘V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, victory, victory is our cry gotta go'. That's how it went. I don't really remember the hand movements. But, uh, I was never one of the popular cheerleaders. I remember this girl April was very popular, and this other girl Jennifer was very popular. There were like, we were all in grade 6, but they had, like, bodies of 17year old people. And, and hey looked like Farrah Fawcett, you know all blond with feathered hair and endless teeth. I didn't look like that. I wonder if my dad wouldn't have moved us around so much, what if I woulda turn out different? You know, normal? Or am I? I, I'm obsessed with my childhood. Cause I dont' think I'm fully grown up. Are you? I mean really? I am my inner child. I
had to search for my inner adult. And I'm still lookin'. I still eat 6 hot dogs for lunch, they're just vegetarian now.