Into drugs At eleven years of age Town of Northport Ricky's head all in a rage Deny authority Drugs worsen everyday Using pot to selling meth Stepped where demons play Once in a bookshop Wired on L One book seemed alive Reaching on the shelf, saw his future Relaxing in his hands Ricky's eyes widened As he saw the title Satanic Spells, Book of the Dead Now was time For first incantation Pentagram, cats skull Satanic reputation Hanging out at Midway Possessed and full of hate Offered Christ, spit in His face Ricky sealed his fate Out on the streets And out on his town Here sits the acid king Upon his paper throne A line was crossed Gary stole some meth No one steals from the acid king! He muttered under his breath
Aztakea woods The acid kings holds court He screamed blasphemies As the knife met Gary's throat Say you love Satan! Ricky uttered for reply No, I love my mother! Gary cried as he died Bragging to his friends On what he'd done Evil shows true colors Busted murder one Satan is no future Usurper is dethroned Hanged himself in a prison cell This Judas met his end