1. 1

    Bethany Dillon - For My Love

  2. 2

    Bethany Dillon - Beautiful

  3. 3

    Bethany Dillon - Dreamer

  4. 4

    Bethany Dillon - Hallelujah

  5. 5

    Bethany Dillon - Top Of The World

  6. 6

    Bethany Dillon - All I Need

  7. 7

    Bethany Dillon - How Great Is Our God

  8. 8

    Bethany Dillon - 26 Letters

  9. 9

    Bethany Dillon - A Voice Calling Out

  10. 10

    Bethany Dillon - Adoration (Duet With Matt Hammitt)

  11. 11

    Bethany Dillon - Aimless

  12. 12

    Bethany Dillon - Airplane

  13. 13

    Bethany Dillon - All Comes Down

  14. 14

    Bethany Dillon - All That I Can Do

  15. 15

    Bethany Dillon - Are You Sure?

  16. 16

    Bethany Dillon - Be Near Me

  17. 17

    Bethany Dillon - Beggars Heart

  18. 18

    Bethany Dillon - Change

  19. 19

    Bethany Dillon - Clinging To The Cross

  20. 20

    Bethany Dillon - Come Find Me

  21. 21

    Bethany Dillon - Deliver Me

  22. 22

    Bethany Dillon - Everlasting God

  23. 23

    Bethany Dillon - Everyone To Know

  24. 24

    Bethany Dillon - Exodus

  25. 25

    Bethany Dillon - Exodus (faithful)

  26. 26

    Bethany Dillon - Get Up And Walk

  27. 27

    Bethany Dillon - Great Big Mystery

  28. 28

    Bethany Dillon - Hero

  29. 29

    Bethany Dillon - Holy Is The Lord

  30. 30

    Bethany Dillon - How Deep The Father's Love For Us

  31. 31

    Bethany Dillon - I Am Yours

  32. 32

    Bethany Dillon - I Believe in You

  33. 33

    Bethany Dillon - Imagination

  34. 34

    Bethany Dillon - In Christ Alone

  35. 35

    Bethany Dillon - In The Beginning

  36. 36

    Bethany Dillon - Lead Me On

  37. 37

    Bethany Dillon - Let Your Light Shine

  38. 38

    Bethany Dillon - Move Forward

  39. 39

    Bethany Dillon - My Love Hasn't Grown Cold

  40. 40

    Bethany Dillon - New

  41. 41

    Bethany Dillon - Reach Out

  42. 42

    Bethany Dillon - Revolutionaries

  43. 43

    Bethany Dillon - Satisfy

  44. 44

    Bethany Dillon - Say Your Name

  45. 45

    Bethany Dillon - So Close

  46. 46

    Bethany Dillon - Something There

  47. 47

    Bethany Dillon - Stop & Listen

  48. 48

    Bethany Dillon - Stop And Listen

  49. 49

    Bethany Dillon - Tell Me

  50. 50

    Bethany Dillon - The Kingdom

  51. 51

    Bethany Dillon - The Way I Come To You

  52. 52

    Bethany Dillon - The Way I See You

  53. 53

    Bethany Dillon - The Wonder Of The Cross

  54. 54

    Bethany Dillon - To Those Who Wait

  55. 55

    Bethany Dillon - Vagabond

  56. 56

    Bethany Dillon - Waiting On You

  57. 57

    Bethany Dillon - Waking Up

  58. 58

    Bethany Dillon - We Can Work It Out

  59. 59

    Bethany Dillon - When You Love Someone

  60. 60

    Bethany Dillon - Who Else

  61. 61

    Bethany Dillon - Why

  62. 62

    Bethany Dillon - You Are On Our Side

  63. 63

    Bethany Dillon - You Could Be The One

  64. 64

    Bethany Dillon - You Did Not Have a Home (feat. Shane Barnard)

  65. 65

    Bethany Dillon - You're the Best Song (feat. Shane Barnard)

In Christ Alone

Bethany Dillon

In Christ alone
My hope is found
He is my light
My strength, my song
This cornerstone
This solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought
And storm

What heights of love
What depths of peace
When fears are stilled
When striving cease
My Comforter
My All in All
Here in the love of Christ
I stand

In Christ alone
Who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love
And righteousness
Scorned by the ones
He came to save

Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground
His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave
He rose again

And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His
And He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life
No fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry
To final breath
Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell
No scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns
Or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ
I stand

Till He returns
Or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ
I stand

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