Note: Is An Instrumental With Speaking At the Beginning. Not Sure Who Says What.
-- God Damn, I Wanna Rock.
-- Ready to Rock, Man?
-- (Laughing) Yeah!
-- Hey! Hey! Hey, Quit Fucking Around! I Wanna Rock, Ok? 1, 2, 1, 2, 3..
(Robert's Fuzz Bass, and Darren Plays a Swing Beat. Robert Stops and Ben
Plays. Everything Stops.)
-- Man, I Am Serious. (Laughing in Bg) I'm Not Fuckin' Around Now, I'm
Three Inches Tall On This Little Fuckin' Mic and It Sucks! I Wanna Rock!
Enough (?) Bullshit, You Motherfuckers, Let's Go! 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4...