- 1
Bal Sagoth - A Black Moon Broods Over Leumria
- 2
Bal Sagoth - A Tale From The Deep Woods
- 3
Bal Sagoth - And Atlantis Falls...
- 4
Bal Sagoth - And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, Then Dark Sorceries Shall
- 5
Bal Sagoth - And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, Then Dark Sorceries Shall Enshroud The Citade
- 6
Bal Sagoth - Arcana Antediluvia
- 7
Bal Sagoth - As The Vortex Illumines The Crystalline Walls Of Kor-Avul-Thaa
- 8
Bal Sagoth - At The Altar Of The Dreaming Gods (Epilogue)
- 9
Bal Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant
- 10
Bal Sagoth - Battle Magic
- 11
Bal Sagoth - Behold, The Armies Of War Descend Screaming From The Heavens!
- 12
Bal Sagoth - Beneath The Crimson Vaults Of Cydonia
- 13
Bal Sagoth - Black Dragons Soar Above The Mountain Of Shadows (Prologue)
- 14
Bal Sagoth - Blood Slakes The Sand At The Circus Maximus
- 15
Bal Sagoth - Callisto Rising
- 16
Bal Sagoth - Crystal Shards
- 17
Bal Sagoth - Draconis Albionensis
- 18
Bal Sagoth - Dreaming Of Atlantean Spires
- 19
Bal Sagoth - Enthroned In The Temple Of The Serpent Kings
- 20
Bal Sagoth - Epilogue
- 21
Bal Sagoth - In Search of the Lost Cities of Antarctica
- 22
Bal Sagoth - In The Raven-Haunted Forests Of Darkenhold, Where Shadows Reign And The Hues Of
- 23
Bal Sagoth - In The Raven-Haunted Forests Of Darkenhold, Where Shadows Reign And The Hues Of Sunlight Never Dance
- 24
Bal Sagoth - Into The Silent Chambers Of The Sapphirean Throne
- 25
Bal Sagoth - Invocations Beyond The Outer - World Night
- 26
Bal Sagoth - Journey To The Isle Of Mists (Over The Moonless Depths Of Night-Dark Seas)
- 27
Bal Sagoth - Naked Steel (The Warrior's Saga)
- 28
Bal Sagoth - Of Carnage And A Gathering Of The Wolves
- 29
Bal Sagoth - Prologue
- 30
Bal Sagoth - Return To Hatheg-Kla
- 31
Bal Sagoth - Return To The Praesidium Of Ys
- 32
Bal Sagoth - Shackled To The Trilithon Of Kutulu
- 33
Bal Sagoth - Shadows 'Neath The Black Pyramid
- 34
Bal Sagoth - Six Keys to the Onyx Pyramid
- 35
Bal Sagoth - Spellcraft & Moonfire (Beyond The Citadel Of Frosts)
- 36
Bal Sagoth - Star-Maps of the Ancient Cosmographers
- 37
Bal Sagoth - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
- 38
Bal Sagoth - Summoning The Guardians Of The Astral Gate
- 39
Bal Sagoth - The Awakening Of The Stars
- 40
Bal Sagoth - The Chronicle of Shadows
- 41
Bal Sagoth - The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed...
- 42
Bal Sagoth - The Dreamer in the Catacombs of Ur
- 43
Bal Sagoth - The Empyreal Lexicon
- 44
Bal Sagoth - The Epsilon Exordium
- 45
Bal Sagoth - The Fallen Kingdoms Of The Abyssal Plain
- 46
Bal Sagoth - The Ghosts of Angkor Wat
- 47
Bal Sagoth - The Hammer Of The Emperor
- 48
Bal Sagoth - The Obsidian Crown Unbound
- 49
Bal Sagoth - The Ravening
- 50
Bal Sagoth - The Scourge Of The Fourth Celestial Host
- 51
Bal Sagoth - The Sixth Adulation Of His Chthonic Majesty
- 52
Bal Sagoth - The Splendour of a Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborea
- 53
Bal Sagoth - The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean Empire
- 54
Bal Sagoth - The Splendour of a Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire (Part: III)
- 55
Bal Sagoth - The Thirteen Cryptical Prophecies Of Mu
- 56
Bal Sagoth - The Voyagers Beneath The Mare Imbrium
- 57
Bal Sagoth - Thwarted By The Dark (Blade Of The Vampyre Hunter)
- 58
Bal Sagoth - To Dethrone The Witch-Queen Of Mytos K'Unn (The Legend Of The Battle Of Blackhel)
- 59
Bal Sagoth - To Dethrone The Witch-Queen Of Mytos K'Unn (The Legend Of The Battle Of Blackhelm Vale)
- 60
Bal Sagoth - To Storm The Cyclopean Gates Of Byzantium
- 61
Bal Sagoth - Unfettering The Hoary Sentinels Of Karnak
- 62
Bal Sagoth - When Rides The Scion Of The Storms
- 63
Bal Sagoth - Witch-Storm
When Rides The Scion Of The Storms
Bal Sagoth
Hearken boy; for I would tell thee a tale before we set sail for the Bay of
Biscay on the morrow. I was not always called by this name, you know... To
you, I am Caleb Blackthorne, battle-scarred master of an English galleon,
survivor of a score of sea-fights, cheater of the notched blades of many an
over ambitious Spanish pirate... the Scourge of Medina Sedonia! But to many
others over the countless centuries since my first birth, I have been known by
a host of other names... so many that even I begin to forget all but the ones
distinguished by the most vivid deeds... for I hide a wondrous secret, boy...
a secret some would call a blessing, but which others would deem a grim curse.
Aye, it all began a very long time ago...
Memories of death and life...
For countless thousands of centuries I have walked the earth...
I have seen endless battle,
And untold centuries of slaughter.
I am reborn once more!
The same grim spirit once again given flesh...
O' to be ravished by the seductress death...
[The Scion of the Storms:]
Dethroned 'ere Atlantis fell, haunted by a dark queen's curse,
My son's soul shackled by this spell of endless death and grim rebirth.
Fly, o' skyborne steed of Lyonesse, ride the tempest's wings,
I am the scion of the vengeful skies, a god to warriors and kings!
[Reflections on lifetimes of carnage:]
I have been slain by Roman gladius,
And by Norman spear dealt a mortal wound,
The threads of my ensorcelled destiny
Endlessly woven on some unknown cosmic loom.
I have lost my life to longbow shafts
Fighting for the English crown,
And mayhap I'll end this mariner's life
A good three score fathoms down!
I marched with vast armies 'ere gleaming Atlantis sank beneath the waves...
I reddened my blade against Caesar's legions long ago...
I stood beside Boudicca at Colchester...
I dealt honed steel death from the ranks of Arthur Pendragon...
I slew and looted gloriously at Lindisfarne...
I slaked my scramasax at Maldon...
I crossed blades with Brian Boru at Clontarf...
I slaughtered left and right with Harold at Hastings...
I dispatched Norman swordsmen with Robin of Loxley...
I wielded a Claymore at Stirling Bridge...
I was in the thick of the fray beside Henry at Agincourt...
I spilled blood for the White Rose at Bosworth Field...
I captained a galleon against the great Armada of Philip II...
I have witnessed the rise of corrupt religions, but my heathen blade was red
countless centuries before their flaccid laws were ever carved in stone.
They call me the Scourge of Medina Sedonia... my ship sails at dawn, and may
our English steel ring gloriously against the cutlasses of the outlander
Aye boy, it is a strange tale indeed. I know not why I am destined to live and
die in this way, my soul moving from life to life, ever dying and being again
reborn, with every memory of my past incarnations intact. A whim of the gods?
An ancient sorcerous spell? Some cruel machination of fate, mayhap? Or is it
all for some mysterious, greater purpose? Sometimes I feel the gaze of inhuman
eyes upon me, and fragments of some past existence which I cannot wholly
recall flash before my mind's eye. And time and time again I know precisely
when I am to die in the fray, for always 'ere the fatal blow is struck, I see
him... grim and noble astride his great winged steed, gleaming spear crackling
in his grasp, beckoning me onwards to the next life... to ever more slaughter
and carnage... Yes, adour and brooding spirit he is, and in his burning eyes I
see a great secret which I must discover, a powerful mystery I alone must
solve. I cannot speculate as to what strange destiny the fate! s ! have
written for me in the stars... but the gods have decreed that this is the path
I must follow, and I am sure that my adventures are far from over...