[Lugaid] Mental vigour's Been right on the egde To a 'stupefying' hole of no return Now we dance a holy war is won But there must be more We got to learn
[Gabriel] Don't you know That I'm here I must go Into the morning light Illuminate the night Be the guide on our side The Gnosis
No return, I will go Follow the call of my spirit No return, I must know all that I Never could ask, no return
No I still can't leave The world in here Soon I feel that I am gonna get her free But I've smelled at And I long for more Take me in, oh I beg Philosophy
Oh I got to know More now so I must go on Into the morning light Illuminate the night Be the guide on our side The Gnosis
No return, I will go Follow the call of my spirit No return, I must know all that I Never could ask, no return
[Elderane] No return Maybe you must pay Many've been in quest for truth Insanity has swallowed away No return, but I wish You all the best Go and face the tree of knowledge And be free
[Gabriel] No return, I will go Follow the call of my spirit No return, I must know all that I Never could ask, no return