1. 1

    Arto Lindsay - Alviverde

  2. 2

    Arto Lindsay - Combustível

  3. 3

    Arto Lindsay - Simply Are

  4. 4

    Arto Lindsay - Child Prodigy

  5. 5

    Arto Lindsay - Illuminated

  6. 6

    Arto Lindsay - Into Shade

  7. 7

    Arto Lindsay - Jardim da Alma

  8. 8

    Arto Lindsay - Mar da Gávea

  9. 9

    Arto Lindsay - Marda Gávea

  10. 10

    Arto Lindsay - Mundo Civilizado

  11. 11

    Arto Lindsay - Personagem


Arto Lindsay

I'm a student of just one master
I'm only afraid of one monster
I stand illuminated
All my visions crowd down to one bead of sweat

My whole life bears down on one hour
I stand illuminated
I know world holds many words
Pearls hang down in necklaces

Islands come around in archipelagoes
I get all my light from one light bulb
I stand illuminated
I'm devoted to a telling a detail

I'm awash in overall impressions
I stand illuminated
I only roll down the one staircase
I only have foresight the first time
I stand illuminated

I know the world holds many words
Pearls hang down in necklaces
Islands come round in archipelagoes
I get all my light from one light bulb
I stand illuminated

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O melhor de 3 artistas combinados