- 1
Aquabats - Pool Party
- 2
Aquabats - Adventure Today
- 3
Aquabats - All My Money!
- 4
Aquabats - Amino Man
- 5
Aquabats - Anti-Matter
- 6
Aquabats - Aquabat March
- 7
Aquabats - Attacked By Snakes
- 8
Aquabats - Awesome Forces
- 9
Aquabats - B.f.f!
- 10
Aquabats - Best Day Of My Life
- 11
Aquabats - Big Sky
- 12
Aquabats - Canis Lupus
- 13
Aquabats - Captain Hampton And The Midget Pirates!
- 14
Aquabats - Cd Repo Man
- 15
Aquabats - Cheeseburger Politics
- 16
Aquabats - Chemical Bomb
- 17
Aquabats - Controller
- 18
Aquabats - Danger Woman
- 19
Aquabats - Dear Spike
- 20
Aquabats - Demolition Rickshaw
- 21
Aquabats - Fashion Zombies
- 22
Aquabats - Fight Song!
- 23
Aquabats - Food Fight On The Moon!
- 24
Aquabats - Giant Robot Birdhead
- 25
Aquabats - Hello Goodnight
- 26
Aquabats - Hey Homies!
- 27
Aquabats - Hey Luno!
- 28
Aquabats - Hi-Five City
- 29
Aquabats - Hot Summer Night (Won't Last Forever)
- 30
Aquabats - I Fell Asleep On My Arm
- 31
Aquabats - Idiot Box!
- 32
Aquabats - In My Dreams!
- 33
Aquabats - Invisible Man
- 34
Aquabats - It's Crazy Man!
- 35
Aquabats - Just Can't Lose!
- 36
Aquabats - Knowledge
- 37
Aquabats - Lobster Bucket
- 38
Aquabats - Look At Me, I'm a Winner
- 39
Aquabats - Lotto Fever
- 40
Aquabats - Lovers Of Loving Love
- 41
Aquabats - Luck Dragon Lady!
- 42
Aquabats - Magic Chicken
- 43
Aquabats - Marshmallow Man
- 44
Aquabats - Martian Girl
- 45
Aquabats - Mechanical Ape
- 46
Aquabats - Meltdown
- 47
Aquabats - Monsters Wedding
- 48
Aquabats - My Skateboard!
- 49
Aquabats - Nerd Alert
- 50
Aquabats - Pinch And Roll
- 51
Aquabats - Pink Pants!
- 52
Aquabats - Pizza Day
- 53
Aquabats - Plastic Lips
- 54
Aquabats - Playdough
- 55
Aquabats - Playin' It Cool
- 56
Aquabats - Poppin' a Wheelie!
- 57
Aquabats - Powdered Milk Man!
- 58
Aquabats - Radiation Song
- 59
Aquabats - Radio Down
- 60
Aquabats - Red Sweater
- 61
Aquabats - Robot Theme Song
- 62
Aquabats - Sandy Face
- 63
Aquabats - Sequence Erase
- 64
Aquabats - Ska Robot Army
- 65
Aquabats - Stuck in a movie
- 66
Aquabats - Super Rad
- 67
Aquabats - Tarantula
- 68
Aquabats - The Baker
- 69
Aquabats - The Ballad Of Mr. Bonkers
- 70
Aquabats - The Cat With Two Heads
- 71
Aquabats - The Legend Is True!
- 72
Aquabats - The Man With Glooey Hands
- 73
Aquabats - The Shark Fighter!
- 74
Aquabats - The Story Of Nothing
- 75
Aquabats - The Thing In The Bass Amp
- 76
Aquabats - The Wild Sea
- 77
Aquabats - Theme Song
- 78
Aquabats - Throw Away The Trash
- 79
Aquabats - Tiger Rider Vs. The Time Sprinkler
- 80
Aquabats - Tiny Pants
- 81
Aquabats - Todd-1 In Space Mountain Land
- 82
Aquabats - Video Nite
- 83
Aquabats - Waterslides
- 84
Aquabats - Why Rock?
- 85
Aquabats - Worms Make Dirt
- 86
Aquabats - Yo, Check Out This Ride!
- 87
Aquabats - Zero Hour
All My Money!
Uh oh, uh oh - Whoopsie!
Uh oh, uh oh - Whoopsie!
Uh oh, uh oh
I had a birthday and grandma gave me money
She said
"Don't spend it all in one place, honey"
Then I got twenty bucks
For Columbus Day
And I found sixty-five in The Everglades
Oh can't you see me
Check… a look at me
Running round town on a shopping spree
G-G-Got some new skis
And some break dance shoes
Like boogaloo shrimp
And a shabba-doo!
I spent all my money! I can't believe myself
I spent all my money! I can't believe myself
I bought some tropical fish
For my Japanese cat
And some ostrich feathers
For my black leather hat
Got some shiny gold rings
And an X-ray machine
So I can take a few pictures
Of the inside of me
Oh can't you see me
Can't you see me oh?
Running round town like an Eskimo
In a fuzzy fur coat
On a fondue bike
This is my money baby
Gonna buy what I like
I dropped it, I dropped it, I dropped
You got some money
And POOF!! It's gone again
That's just the way it goes
No No No don't you worry
You just go to grandma's house
That's where the money tree grows!
So come one come on come on
Let's spend some money now
So come on come on come on
Roll up those quarters
So come on come on come on
Let's spend some money now
So come on come on come on