1. 1

    Animaniacs - As Nações do Mundo

  2. 2

    Animaniacs - Nations Of The World

  3. 3

    Animaniacs - Los Países Del Mundo (Versión En Español)

  4. 4

    Animaniacs - Yakko's World

  5. 5

    Animaniacs - Pinky And The Brain

  6. 6

    Animaniacs - Abertura

  7. 7

    Animaniacs - FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us?

  8. 8

    Animaniacs - Hello Nurse

  9. 9

    Animaniacs - I'm Cute

  10. 10

    Animaniacs - 2ª Abertura

  11. 11

    Animaniacs - A Canção Dos Sentidos

  12. 12

    Animaniacs - A Canção Dos Macacos

  13. 13

    Animaniacs - A Zit

  14. 14

    Animaniacs - Modelo de Indivíduo de Desenho

  15. 15

    Animaniacs - Não Tem Outro Como Você

  16. 16

    Animaniacs - Quando Vou Para Nantucket

  17. 17

    Animaniacs - Rita And Runt

  18. 18

    Animaniacs - Slappy & Skippy

  19. 19

    Animaniacs - Theme Song

  20. 20

    Animaniacs - Todas As Palavras Na Língua Portuguesa

  21. 21

    Animaniacs - Wakko's America

  22. 22

    Animaniacs - A América de Wakko

  23. 23

    Animaniacs - A Grande Festa Dessa Noite

  24. 24

    Animaniacs - A Place Called Home

  25. 25

    Animaniacs - A Quake! A Quake!

  26. 26

    Animaniacs - Alien Chorus

  27. 27

    Animaniacs - All The Words In The English Language

  28. 28

    Animaniacs - All Wrapped Up in Love

  29. 29

    Animaniacs - Animaniacs

  30. 30

    Animaniacs - Balada de Magalhães

  31. 31

    Animaniacs - Banana Hammock

  32. 32

    Animaniacs - Be Careful What You Eat

  33. 33

    Animaniacs - Be Like Me

  34. 34

    Animaniacs - Bonding

  35. 35

    Animaniacs - Camenbert and Runt

  36. 36

    Animaniacs - Canal do Panamá

  37. 37

    Animaniacs - Canção de Amizade Internacional

  38. 38

    Animaniacs - Canção Dos Presidentes

  39. 39

    Animaniacs - Canción del universo

  40. 40

    Animaniacs - Carloota

  41. 41

    Animaniacs - Chalkboard Bungle

  42. 42

    Animaniacs - Chicken Boo Introduction (2 Variations)

  43. 43

    Animaniacs - De Pies a Cabeza

  44. 44

    Animaniacs - Dear Mister Gingrich

  45. 45

    Animaniacs - Dig Down

  46. 46

    Animaniacs - Do You Hear the Poodles Bark?

  47. 47

    Animaniacs - Dot's Quiet Time

  48. 48

    Animaniacs - Goodfeathers

  49. 49

    Animaniacs - Hercule Yakko

  50. 50

    Animaniacs - Hooked On a Ceiling

  51. 51

    Animaniacs - I Am Definitely...

  52. 52

    Animaniacs - I Am The Very Model Of A Cartoon Individual

  53. 53

    Animaniacs - I Feel Feathery

  54. 54

    Animaniacs - I Want Quiet

  55. 55

    Animaniacs - I'm Gonna Eat Cha

  56. 56

    Animaniacs - I'M Mad

  57. 57

    Animaniacs - I'm Nobody's Moma

  58. 58

    Animaniacs - King Yakko

  59. 59

    Animaniacs - La Behemoth

  60. 60

    Animaniacs - Lake Titicaca

  61. 61

    Animaniacs - Lakes Are Fun

  62. 62

    Animaniacs - Let The Anvils Ring

  63. 63

    Animaniacs - Limbs Fall Off

  64. 64

    Animaniacs - Linguagem do Cinema

  65. 65

    Animaniacs - Macadamia Nut

  66. 66

    Animaniacs - Main Title

  67. 67

    Animaniacs - Main Title (Anima-nyet)

  68. 68

    Animaniacs - Me Vale

  69. 69

    Animaniacs - Multiplication

  70. 70

    Animaniacs - Nifty Fifty United States And Capitals, Yakko, Ani

  71. 71

    Animaniacs - Noel Song

  72. 72

    Animaniacs - O Que Nós Somos?

  73. 73

    Animaniacs - Olá Enfermeira

  74. 74

    Animaniacs - Os Ossos do Corpo

  75. 75

    Animaniacs - Para Sair de Uma Furada

  76. 76

    Animaniacs - Paródia Flipper o Golfinho

  77. 77

    Animaniacs - Parts Of The Brain

  78. 78

    Animaniacs - Piano Rag

  79. 79

    Animaniacs - Rap Battle, Pt. 1

  80. 80

    Animaniacs - Rap Battle, Pt. 2

  81. 81

    Animaniacs - Reboot It

  82. 82

    Animaniacs - Schnitzelbank

  83. 83

    Animaniacs - Scorsese's Head

  84. 84

    Animaniacs - Several Drops Of Rain

  85. 85

    Animaniacs - Slappy Squirrel Theme

  86. 86

    Animaniacs - Sou Uma Gracinha

  87. 87

    Animaniacs - Suffragette Song

  88. 88

    Animaniacs - Surpresas da Vida

  89. 89

    Animaniacs - Taming Of The Screwy

  90. 90

    Animaniacs - Te Solte La Rienda

  91. 91

    Animaniacs - Terremoto, Terremoto

  92. 92

    Animaniacs - That Hole is Much Too Small

  93. 93

    Animaniacs - The Alternate Endings

  94. 94

    Animaniacs - The Anvil Song

  95. 95

    Animaniacs - The Ballad Of Magellan

  96. 96

    Animaniacs - The Catch Up Song

  97. 97

    Animaniacs - The Cutening

  98. 98

    Animaniacs - The Etiquette Song

  99. 99

    Animaniacs - The Good-Bye Song

  100. 100

    Animaniacs - The Hello Song

  101. 101

    Animaniacs - The Monkey Song

  102. 102

    Animaniacs - The Panama Canal

  103. 103

    Animaniacs - The Planets

  104. 104

    Animaniacs - The Presidents

  105. 105

    Animaniacs - The Senses Song

  106. 106

    Animaniacs - The Tiger Prince

  107. 107

    Animaniacs - Theme From Dangeresque

  108. 108

    Animaniacs - There's a Perch for You

  109. 109

    Animaniacs - This Means War

  110. 110

    Animaniacs - Tô Danado

  111. 111

    Animaniacs - Uma Bigorna

  112. 112

    Animaniacs - Uma Moeda

  113. 113

    Animaniacs - Universo

  114. 114

    Animaniacs - Variety Speak

  115. 115

    Animaniacs - Video Revue

  116. 116

    Animaniacs - Wakko's Wish

  117. 117

    Animaniacs - Wally Llama

  118. 118

    Animaniacs - Warner

  119. 119

    Animaniacs - Warner's Ark

  120. 120

    Animaniacs - Warner's Lot

  121. 121

    Animaniacs - We'll Clean Your Flue for You

  122. 122

    Animaniacs - What Are We?

  123. 123

    Animaniacs - When Rita Met Runt

  124. 124

    Animaniacs - Yakko's Big Idea

  125. 125

    Animaniacs - Yakko's Universe

All The Words In The English Language


Announcer: And now, Yakko Warner sings all of the words in the
English language!

Yakko: Aardvark, abating, abet, abdicating
Abandon, abase and abreast
Ablaze and ablution, abhor and abusion
Abbreviate, abbey, abscessed

Abduct and ablation, abridge and abrasion
Abash and abrupt and abride
Abscond and absentia, absent, abstentia
Abdomen, ably, abide

Abominable, abrogate, absolute, absent
Absorbent, abstention, abstraction
Absurd and abundant, abusive, abutment
Acacia, academy, action

Accede and accost and accept and across
And accompany, Acre, accord
Accomplish, account and accrue and amount
Acrimonious, active, adored

Adrenaline, adulate, adder and advocate
Advertise, adverse, abrade
Advice, adversarial, advent and aerial
Affluent, after, afraid

Dot: Well, there it is: Yakko Warner now well under way in singing
All the words in the English language. I'm Dot Warner. With
Me is Dick Button. Dick, a good start?

Dick: Oh, yes, Dot - a marvelous start to what is a difficult
Difficult routine

Dot: Stay tuned, and we'll be back to bring you the whole thing

Yakko: Level and levity, lewd and longevity
Libel, libation, Lanai
Lithium, litigate, legal, legitimate
Liberty, levy and lie

Dot: Welcome back. Yakko's now at the L's as he tries to sing all
The words in the English language. A slight mistake at the
F's - here's what it looked like

Yakko: Facial and faction and fractal and fraction
And fraudulent, fragrant, frappé
Frankincense, frankish and frakisish, frashhh
Shoot! Yada yada flambé!

Dick: Now, that mistake could have proved costly for Yakko, but he
Recovered beautifully

Dot: Now let's watch as Yakko continues with the L's

Yakko: Libation and libertine, limited, limousine
Limpid and limbo and lime
Lima and lipid and literature, liquid
And listing and liter and line

There's lobby and loading and loathsome and loaning
And logo and then locomotion
There's lotus and lottery, lobo, lobotomy
Logic and loosen and lotion

Lozenge and lubber and lucky and lover
And lullaby, lumber and luke
Luster and luscious and lunatic, lustrous
And lurking and lunar and lute

Dot: Yakko's now about halfway through all the words in the English
Language. Dick Button and I will be back with more

Yakko: Zachary, Zanzibar, zappy and zamindar
Zillion and ZIP code and Zen
Zany and zoning and zeal and zirconium
Zodiac, zombie, ze-in

Dot: Yakko Warner, now moments away from having sung all the words
In the English language. Dick Button, is he going to make it?

Dick: If it was anyone else, I'd say no, but he's young, he's
Resilient; we'll just have to see

Yakko: Zigging and zagging and zealous and zebra
And zenith and zap and zaffer
Zeppelin and zipper and zephyr and zither
Then zinc and zombini
And zoo and zucchini
And Zulu and Zorro
Then zit and zamoro
And zero and zoom and... Ugh!

Dot: Guess not!

Yakko: Wait!

Dot: He did it! Yakko Warner has just sung all the words in the
English language!

Dick: Hey, congratulations, Yakko

Yakko: Thanks, Dick

Dick: Join us next time, when Yakko Warner will sing all of the
Numbers above zero. Goodnight

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