- 1
Animaniacs - As Nações do Mundo
- 2
Animaniacs - Nations Of The World
- 3
Animaniacs - Los Países Del Mundo (Versión En Español)
- 4
Animaniacs - Yakko's World
- 5
Animaniacs - Abertura
- 6
Animaniacs - The Presidents
- 7
Animaniacs - 2ª Abertura
- 8
Animaniacs - I'm Cute
- 9
Animaniacs - Sou Uma Gracinha
- 10
Animaniacs - Wakko's America
- 11
Animaniacs - A Canção Dos Sentidos
- 12
Animaniacs - Olá Enfermeira
- 13
Animaniacs - Todas As Palavras Na Língua Portuguesa
- 14
Animaniacs - A América de Wakko
- 15
Animaniacs - Banana Hammock
- 16
Animaniacs - Canção Dos Presidentes
- 17
Animaniacs - Canción del universo
- 18
Animaniacs - De Pies a Cabeza
- 19
Animaniacs - I'M Mad
- 20
Animaniacs - Macadamia Nut
- 21
Animaniacs - Main Title
- 22
Animaniacs - Modelo de Indivíduo de Desenho
- 23
Animaniacs - Pinky And The Brain
- 24
Animaniacs - The Tiger Prince
- 25
Animaniacs - Theme Song
- 26
Animaniacs - Universo
- 27
Animaniacs - Yakko's Universe
- 28
Animaniacs - A Canção Dos Macacos
- 29
Animaniacs - A Grande Festa Dessa Noite
- 30
Animaniacs - A Place Called Home
- 31
Animaniacs - A Quake! A Quake!
- 32
Animaniacs - A Zit
- 33
Animaniacs - Alien Chorus
- 34
Animaniacs - All The Words In The English Language
- 35
Animaniacs - All Wrapped Up in Love
- 36
Animaniacs - Animaniacs
- 37
Animaniacs - Balada de Magalhães
- 38
Animaniacs - Be Careful What You Eat
- 39
Animaniacs - Be Like Me
- 40
Animaniacs - Bonding
- 41
Animaniacs - Camenbert and Runt
- 42
Animaniacs - Canal do Panamá
- 43
Animaniacs - Canção de Amizade Internacional
- 44
Animaniacs - Carloota
- 45
Animaniacs - Chalkboard Bungle
- 46
Animaniacs - Chicken Boo Introduction (2 Variations)
- 47
Animaniacs - Dear Mister Gingrich
- 48
Animaniacs - Dig Down
- 49
Animaniacs - Do You Hear the Poodles Bark?
- 50
Animaniacs - Dot's Quiet Time
- 51
Animaniacs - FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us?
- 52
Animaniacs - Goodfeathers
- 53
Animaniacs - Hello Nurse
- 54
Animaniacs - Hercule Yakko
- 55
Animaniacs - Hooked On a Ceiling
- 56
Animaniacs - I Am Definitely...
- 57
Animaniacs - I Am The Very Model Of A Cartoon Individual
- 58
Animaniacs - I Feel Feathery
- 59
Animaniacs - I Want Quiet
- 60
Animaniacs - I'm Gonna Eat Cha
- 61
Animaniacs - I'm Nobody's Moma
- 62
Animaniacs - King Yakko
- 63
Animaniacs - La Behemoth
- 64
Animaniacs - Lake Titicaca
- 65
Animaniacs - Lakes Are Fun
- 66
Animaniacs - Let The Anvils Ring
- 67
Animaniacs - Limbs Fall Off
- 68
Animaniacs - Linguagem do Cinema
- 69
Animaniacs - Main Title (Anima-nyet)
- 70
Animaniacs - Me Vale
- 71
Animaniacs - Multiplication
- 72
Animaniacs - Não Tem Outro Como Você
- 73
Animaniacs - Nifty Fifty United States And Capitals, Yakko, Ani
- 74
Animaniacs - Noel Song
- 75
Animaniacs - O Que Nós Somos?
- 76
Animaniacs - Os Ossos do Corpo
- 77
Animaniacs - Para Sair de Uma Furada
- 78
Animaniacs - Paródia Flipper o Golfinho
- 79
Animaniacs - Parts Of The Brain
- 80
Animaniacs - Piano Rag
- 81
Animaniacs - Quando Vou Para Nantucket
- 82
Animaniacs - Rap Battle, Pt. 1
- 83
Animaniacs - Rap Battle, Pt. 2
- 84
Animaniacs - Reboot It
- 85
Animaniacs - Rita And Runt
- 86
Animaniacs - Schnitzelbank
- 87
Animaniacs - Scorsese's Head
- 88
Animaniacs - Several Drops Of Rain
- 89
Animaniacs - Slappy & Skippy
- 90
Animaniacs - Slappy Squirrel Theme
- 91
Animaniacs - Suffragette Song
- 92
Animaniacs - Surpresas da Vida
- 93
Animaniacs - Taming Of The Screwy
- 94
Animaniacs - Te Solte La Rienda
- 95
Animaniacs - Terremoto, Terremoto
- 96
Animaniacs - That Hole is Much Too Small
- 97
Animaniacs - The Alternate Endings
- 98
Animaniacs - The Anvil Song
- 99
Animaniacs - The Ballad Of Magellan
- 100
Animaniacs - The Catch Up Song
- 101
Animaniacs - The Cutening
- 102
Animaniacs - The Etiquette Song
- 103
Animaniacs - The Good-Bye Song
- 104
Animaniacs - The Hello Song
- 105
Animaniacs - The Monkey Song
- 106
Animaniacs - The Panama Canal
- 107
Animaniacs - The Planets
- 108
Animaniacs - The Senses Song
- 109
Animaniacs - Theme From Dangeresque
- 110
Animaniacs - There's a Perch for You
- 111
Animaniacs - This Means War
- 112
Animaniacs - Tô Danado
- 113
Animaniacs - Uma Bigorna
- 114
Animaniacs - Uma Moeda
- 115
Animaniacs - Variety Speak
- 116
Animaniacs - Video Revue
- 117
Animaniacs - Wakko's Wish
- 118
Animaniacs - Wally Llama
- 119
Animaniacs - Warner
- 120
Animaniacs - Warner's Ark
- 121
Animaniacs - Warner's Lot
- 122
Animaniacs - We'll Clean Your Flue for You
- 123
Animaniacs - What Are We?
- 124
Animaniacs - When Rita Met Runt
- 125
Animaniacs - Yakko's Big Idea
The Presidents
Heigh ho!
Do you know,
The names of the US Residents
Who then became the Presidents
And got a view from the White House loo
Of Pennsylvania Avenue
George Washington was the first, you see
He once chopped down a cherry tree
D:President number two would be
John Adams and then Number three
Y:Tom Jefferson stayed up to write
The Constitution late at night
So he and his wife had a great big fight
And she made him sleep on the couch all night
W:James Madison never had a son
And he fought the War of 1812
D:James Monroe's colossal nose
Was bigger than Pinnochio's
Y:John Quincy Adams was number six
And it's Andrew Jackson's butt he kicked
So Jackson learns to play politics
Next time he's the one that the country picks
D:Martin Van Buren number eight
For a one term shot as chief of state
Y:William Harrisson, how do you praise
That guy was dead in thirty days!
W:John Tyler he liked country folk
D:And after him came President Polk
Y:Zachary Taylor liked to smoke
His breath killed friends whenever he spoke
W:1850, really nifty
Millard Fillmore's in
Y:Young and fierce was Franklin Pierce
The man without a chin
D: Follows next a period spannin'
Four long years with James Buchanan
Then the South start shootin' cannon
And we've got a civil war
YW&D:A war!
A war down south in Dixie!
Y:Up to bat comes old Abe Lincoln
D:There's a guy who's really thinkin'
W:Kept the United States from shrinking
Saved the ship of state from sinking
D:Andrew Johnson's next
He had some slight defects
W: Congress each
Would impeach
D:And so the county now elects
Y: Ulysees Simpson Grant
Who would scream and rave and rant
W: While drinking whiskey
Although risky
Cause he'd spill it on his pants
Y: It's 1877 and the democrats would gloat
But they're all amazed when Rutherford Hayes
Wins by just one vote
D:James Garfield, someone really hated
Cause he was assasinated
W:Chester Arthur gets instated
Four years later he was traded
D:For Grover Cleveland, really fat
Elected twice as a democrat
Then Benjamin Harrisson after that
It's William McKinley up at bat
Y:Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill
W:And President Taft he got the bill
Y:In 1913 Woodrow
YW&D: Wiiilllllllson
Takes us into World War One
Y:Warren Harding he does fine
D:It's Calvin Coolidge next in line
W: And then in 1929
The market crashes and we find
Y:It's Herbert Hoover's big debut
He gets the blame and loses to
D:Franklin Roosevelt, President who
Helped us win in World War Two
W:Harry Truman, weird little human
Serves two terms and when he's done
Y:It's Eisenhower who's got the power
From '53 to '61
D:John F. Kennedy, he gets shot
So Lyndon Johnson takes his spot
Y:Richard Nixon he gets caught
And Gerald Ford fell down alot
W:Jimmy Carter liked camping trips
Y:And Ronald Regan's speeches' scripts
Came from famous movie clips
And President Bush said "read my lips"
D:Now in Washington D.C.
W:It's democrats and the G.O.P.
Y:But the one in charge is plain to see
D:It's Clinton, first name Hilary
Y: The next President to lead the way
Well, it just might be yourself one day
Then the press'll distort everything you say
YW&D:So jump in your plane and fly away