- 1
Andrew Bird - Sisyphus
- 2
Andrew Bird - The Happy Birthday Song
- 3
Andrew Bird - Manifest
- 4
Andrew Bird - Fake Palindromes
- 5
Andrew Bird - Railroad Bill
- 6
Andrew Bird - Roma Fade
- 7
Andrew Bird - Bloodless
- 8
Andrew Bird - Pulaski At Night
- 9
Andrew Bird - A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left
- 10
Andrew Bird - Are You Serious
- 11
Andrew Bird - It's Not Easy Being Green
- 12
Andrew Bird - Oh No
- 13
Andrew Bird - Olympians
- 14
Andrew Bird - Tenuousness
- 15
Andrew Bird - Three White Horses
- 16
Andrew Bird - Anonanimal
- 17
Andrew Bird - Capsized
- 18
Andrew Bird - Don't Be Scared
- 19
Andrew Bird - Fitz And Dizzy Spells
- 20
Andrew Bird - Give It Away
- 21
Andrew Bird - Lusitania
- 22
Andrew Bird - Masterfade
- 23
Andrew Bird - MX Missiles
- 24
Andrew Bird - Near Death Experience
- 25
Andrew Bird - Night Sky
- 26
Andrew Bird - Opposite Day
- 27
Andrew Bird - Puma
- 28
Andrew Bird - Scythian Empire
- 29
Andrew Bird - Sifters
- 30
Andrew Bird - Sovay
- 31
Andrew Bird - Spare-Ohs
- 32
Andrew Bird - Tables and Chairs
- 33
Andrew Bird - The Giant Of Illinois
- 34
Andrew Bird - 11:11
- 35
Andrew Bird - 50 Pieces
- 36
Andrew Bird - A Drinking Song (In the Grande Style)
- 37
Andrew Bird - A Woman's Life And Love
- 38
Andrew Bird - Action / Adventure
- 39
Andrew Bird - Action/Adventure
- 40
Andrew Bird - Archipelago
- 41
Andrew Bird - Armchairs
- 42
Andrew Bird - Banking on a Myth
- 43
Andrew Bird - Begging Questions
- 44
Andrew Bird - Being Green
- 45
Andrew Bird - Bellevue Bridge Club
- 46
Andrew Bird - Beware
- 47
Andrew Bird - Candy Shop
- 48
Andrew Bird - Case In Point
- 49
Andrew Bird - Cataracts
- 50
Andrew Bird - Cock O' the Walk
- 51
Andrew Bird - Core and Ring
- 52
Andrew Bird - Cracking Codes
- 53
Andrew Bird - Danse Caribe
- 54
Andrew Bird - Danse Carribe
- 55
Andrew Bird - Dark Matter
- 56
Andrew Bird - Darkmatter
- 57
Andrew Bird - Dear Old Greenland
- 58
Andrew Bird - Effigy
- 59
Andrew Bird - Eugene
- 60
Andrew Bird - Eyeoneye
- 61
Andrew Bird - Fallorun
- 62
Andrew Bird - Fatal Flower Garden
- 63
Andrew Bird - Feetlips
- 64
Andrew Bird - Fiery Crash
- 65
Andrew Bird - First Song
- 66
Andrew Bird - Fitz & Dizzyspells
- 67
Andrew Bird - Glass Figurine
- 68
Andrew Bird - Goth Olympians
- 69
Andrew Bird - Grinnin'
- 70
Andrew Bird - Gris-Gris
- 71
Andrew Bird - Happy Day
- 72
Andrew Bird - Headsoak
- 73
Andrew Bird - Heretics
- 74
Andrew Bird - How Indiscreet
- 75
Andrew Bird - How YOu Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm
- 76
Andrew Bird - I
- 77
Andrew Bird - Ides Of Swing
- 78
Andrew Bird - If I Needed You
- 79
Andrew Bird - Imitosis
- 80
Andrew Bird - Lazy Projector
- 81
Andrew Bird - Left Handed Kisses
- 82
Andrew Bird - Lull
- 83
Andrew Bird - Masterswarm
- 84
Andrew Bird - Measuring Cups
- 85
Andrew Bird - Meet me here at dawn
- 86
Andrew Bird - Minor Stab
- 87
Andrew Bird - My Skin Is
- 88
Andrew Bird - Natural Disaster
- 89
Andrew Bird - Never Fall Apart
- 90
Andrew Bird - Nomenclature
- 91
Andrew Bird - Not A Robot, But A Ghost
- 92
Andrew Bird - Nuthinduan Waltz
- 93
Andrew Bird - Oh Sister
- 94
Andrew Bird - Orpheo
- 95
Andrew Bird - Orpheo Looks Back
- 96
Andrew Bird - Pathetique
- 97
Andrew Bird - Plasticities
- 98
Andrew Bird - Satisfied
- 99
Andrew Bird - Self-Torture
- 100
Andrew Bird - Sic of Elephants
- 101
Andrew Bird - Simple X
- 102
Andrew Bird - Skin Is, My
- 103
Andrew Bird - Some Of These Days
- 104
Andrew Bird - Some Of These Days/chinatown, My Chinatown
- 105
Andrew Bird - Something Biblical
- 106
Andrew Bird - Song Of Foot
- 107
Andrew Bird - Souverian
- 108
Andrew Bird - Spanish For Monsters
- 109
Andrew Bird - Spirograph
- 110
Andrew Bird - Tea And Therazine
- 111
Andrew Bird - Tea And Thorazine
- 112
Andrew Bird - The Confession
- 113
Andrew Bird - The Idiot's Genius
- 114
Andrew Bird - The Naming of Things
- 115
Andrew Bird - The Privateers
- 116
Andrew Bird - The Sifters
- 117
Andrew Bird - The Trees Were Mistaken
- 118
Andrew Bird - The Water Jet Cilice
- 119
Andrew Bird - Tin Foil
- 120
Andrew Bird - Too Long
- 121
Andrew Bird - Twa Sisters
- 122
Andrew Bird - Two Sisters
- 123
Andrew Bird - Two Way Action
- 124
Andrew Bird - Vidalia
- 125
Andrew Bird - Wait
- 126
Andrew Bird - Waiting To Talk
- 127
Andrew Bird - Way Out West
- 128
Andrew Bird - Weather Systems
- 129
Andrew Bird - When That Helicopter Comes
- 130
Andrew Bird - Why?
- 131
Andrew Bird - Wishing for Contentment
- 132
Andrew Bird - Woman's Life and Love
Opposite Day
Andrew Bird
And there was no warning as it took me by surprise as it
Hit me like an Act of God, causing my alarm
That I had now become a cephalopod
I still had legs and arms
Still had legs and arms
Today was supposed to be the day
Molecules decide to change their form
Laws of physics lose their sway
Youthful indiscretion now is suddenly the norm
With the good kids sprouting horns, yeah yeah
And today was supposed to be
Not just another day
Today was supposed to be
Not just another day
It was supposed to be, today was supposed to be
And today
Those who can't quite function in society at large
They've got to wake up on this morning to find that they're in charge
But those the world's set up for, who are really doing quite well
They're going to wake up in institutions
In prison or in hell
Prison or in hell
Today was supposed to be the day
Molecules decide to change their form
Laws of physics lose their sway
Youthful indiscretion now is suddenly the norm
With the good kids sprouting horns, yeah yeah
And today was supposed to be
Not just another day
Today was supposed to be
Not just another day
Today was supposed to be
Not just another day
Toady was supposed to be
Not just another day
It was supposed to be, today was supposed to be
And today
But if you think there's something else
Well you're right, there is
There's something else
But if you think I'm gonna tell you, think again
Why should I even think of telling you what there is
Yeah, 'cause silence is knowledge
And knowledge is power
I'm under explicit orders to dare not speak its name
Listen up, I just work here
Oh I dare not speak its name
I can't keep talking about it
Oh, I dare not speak its name