- 1
Alphaville - Forever Young
- 2
Alphaville - Big In Japan
- 3
Alphaville - Sounds Like a Melody
- 4
Alphaville - Dance With Me
- 5
Alphaville - A Victory Of Love
- 6
Alphaville - Jerusalem
- 7
Alphaville - Summer In Berlin
- 8
Alphaville - I'll Die For You Today
- 9
Alphaville - In The Mood
- 10
Alphaville - Lassie Come Home
- 11
Alphaville - Sensations
- 12
Alphaville - Beyond The Laughing Sky
- 13
Alphaville - Arianna
- 14
Alphaville - Fallen Angel
- 15
Alphaville - Flame
- 16
Alphaville - The Mysteries Of Love
- 17
Alphaville - Welcome to the Sun
- 18
Alphaville - A Handful Of Darkness
- 19
Alphaville - About A Heart
- 20
Alphaville - Afternoons in Utopia
- 21
Alphaville - And I Wonder
- 22
Alphaville - Heaven On Earth (The Things We've Got To Do)
- 23
Alphaville - Lies
- 24
Alphaville - Next Generation
- 25
Alphaville - Return to Paradise I/II
- 26
Alphaville - Romeos
- 27
Alphaville - The Jet Set
- 28
Alphaville - The Things I Didn't do
- 29
Alphaville - To Germany with Love
- 30
Alphaville - Universal Daddy
- 31
Alphaville - For A Million
- 32
Alphaville - Golden Feeling
- 33
Alphaville - Ivory Tower
- 34
Alphaville - Say it Ain't So, Joe
- 35
Alphaville - Seeds
- 36
Alphaville - Song For no One
- 37
Alphaville - Summer Rain
- 38
Alphaville - Zoo
- 39
Alphaville - 20th Century
- 40
Alphaville - Ames
- 41
Alphaville - Around the Universe
- 42
Alphaville - Astral Body
- 43
Alphaville - Beethoven
- 44
Alphaville - Big Yellow Sun
- 45
Alphaville - Blauer Engel
- 46
Alphaville - Call Me
- 47
Alphaville - Carry Your Flag (superheroes)
- 48
Alphaville - Demon Eyes
- 49
Alphaville - Dream Machine
- 50
Alphaville - Elevator
- 51
Alphaville - Faith
- 52
Alphaville - Guardian Angel
- 53
Alphaville - I.A.O./International Aquarian Opera
- 54
Alphaville - If the Audience Was Listening
- 55
Alphaville - Inside Out
- 56
Alphaville - Iron John
- 57
Alphaville - Life is King
- 58
Alphaville - Love Will Find Away
- 59
Alphaville - Miracle Healing
- 60
Alphaville - Monkey In The Moon
- 61
Alphaville - Oh Patti
- 62
Alphaville - One Step Behind You
- 63
Alphaville - Over The Hills And Far Away
- 64
Alphaville - Phantoms
- 65
Alphaville - Point of Know Return
- 66
Alphaville - Red Rose
- 67
Alphaville - Sister Sun
- 68
Alphaville - The Deep
- 69
Alphaville - The Impossible Dream
- 70
Alphaville - The Voyager
- 71
Alphaville - Traumtänzer
- 72
Alphaville - Dangerous Places
- 73
Alphaville - (Waiting For) The New Light
- 74
Alphaville - Ain't it Strange?
- 75
Alphaville - All In The Golden Afternoon
- 76
Alphaville - And as For Love
- 77
Alphaville - Anyway
- 78
Alphaville - Apollo
- 79
Alphaville - Ascension Day
- 80
Alphaville - Because of You
- 81
Alphaville - Bitch
- 82
Alphaville - Burning Wheels
- 83
Alphaville - C Me Thru
- 84
Alphaville - Carol Masters
- 85
Alphaville - Caroline
- 86
Alphaville - Change the World
- 87
Alphaville - Control
- 88
Alphaville - Cosmopolitician
- 89
Alphaville - Crazyshow
- 90
Alphaville - Dance With Me (German Version)
- 91
Alphaville - Danger in Your Paradise
- 92
Alphaville - Days Full Of Wonder
- 93
Alphaville - Diamonds Are 4 Eva
- 94
Alphaville - Do The Strand
- 95
Alphaville - Dogs
- 96
Alphaville - Dreamscape#9 / On the Beach
- 97
Alphaville - Duel
- 98
Alphaville - Elegy
- 99
Alphaville - Emily
- 100
Alphaville - Enigma
- 101
Alphaville - Epilogue
- 102
Alphaville - Euphoria
- 103
Alphaville - Fantastic Dream
- 104
Alphaville - Feathers & Tar
- 105
Alphaville - Fever!
- 106
Alphaville - First Monday in The Year Y3k
- 107
Alphaville - Five Years
- 108
Alphaville - Flying
- 109
Alphaville - Fools
- 110
Alphaville - For The Sake of Love
- 111
Alphaville - Freedom
- 112
Alphaville - Giants
- 113
Alphaville - Girl From Pachacamac
- 114
Alphaville - Guest Of Honour
- 115
Alphaville - Headlines
- 116
Alphaville - Heart of The Flower
- 117
Alphaville - Heartbreak City
- 118
Alphaville - Heartbreaker
- 119
Alphaville - Heaven Or Hell
- 120
Alphaville - Here by Your Side
- 121
Alphaville - HEY CHARLES!
- 122
Alphaville - Highschool Confidential
- 123
Alphaville - House Of Ghosts
- 124
Alphaville - Hurricane
- 125
Alphaville - Ice
- 126
Alphaville - In Bubblegum
- 127
Alphaville - Into the Dark
- 128
Alphaville - Lady Bright
- 129
Alphaville - Land
- 130
Alphaville - Leben Ohne Ende
- 131
Alphaville - Legend
- 132
Alphaville - Life on Mars?
- 133
Alphaville - Like Thunder
- 134
Alphaville - London Sky
- 135
Alphaville - Love
- 136
Alphaville - Mafia Island
- 137
Alphaville - Marionettes With Halos
- 138
Alphaville - Mercury Girl
- 139
Alphaville - Message In a Bottle
- 140
Alphaville - Middle Of The Riddle
- 141
Alphaville - Missionary
- 142
Alphaville - Monday's For Good (Demo)
- 143
Alphaville - Montego Bay
- 144
Alphaville - Moonboy (Thank You)
- 145
Alphaville - Moongirl
- 146
Alphaville - My Very Blood
- 147
Alphaville - Nevermore
- 148
Alphaville - New Horizons
- 149
Alphaville - Nostradamus
- 150
Alphaville - On Islands
- 151
Alphaville - One Night In Bangkok
- 152
Alphaville - Pandora's Lullaby
- 153
Alphaville - Parade
- 154
Alphaville - Paradigm Shift
- 155
Alphaville - Parallel Girlz
- 156
Alphaville - Peace on Earth
- 157
Alphaville - Private Plane
- 158
Alphaville - Questions Of Happiness
- 159
Alphaville - Recycling
- 160
Alphaville - Rendezvoyeur
- 161
Alphaville - Ring Of Fire
- 162
Alphaville - Roll Away the Stone
- 163
Alphaville - Romance
- 164
Alphaville - Script of a Dead Poet
- 165
Alphaville - Scum of The Earth
- 166
Alphaville - Seeds (Demo Remix)
- 167
Alphaville - Sexyland
- 168
Alphaville - Shadows She Said
- 169
Alphaville - She Fades Away
- 170
Alphaville - Ship of Fools
- 171
Alphaville - Sirens
- 172
Alphaville - Skin
- 173
Alphaville - Some People
- 174
Alphaville - Something
- 175
Alphaville - Soul Messiah
- 176
Alphaville - Soulman
- 177
Alphaville - Spirit Of The Age
- 178
Alphaville - State of Dreams
- 179
Alphaville - Still Falls the Rain
- 180
Alphaville - Swallow Paradise
- 181
Alphaville - Sweet Dreams
- 182
Alphaville - Sweet Needles of Success
- 183
Alphaville - Talk Talk
- 184
Alphaville - Tempelhof
- 185
Alphaville - That's All
- 186
Alphaville - The End
- 187
Alphaville - The One Thing
- 188
Alphaville - The Opium Den (...Dahinter Schimmern Die Sterne)
- 189
Alphaville - The Other Side of You
- 190
Alphaville - The Shape of Things to Come
- 191
Alphaville - Those Were the Days
- 192
Alphaville - Those Were The Days (Revisited)
- 193
Alphaville - Those Wonderful Things
- 194
Alphaville - Thunder & Lightning
- 195
Alphaville - To Whom It Might Concern
- 196
Alphaville - Today
- 197
Alphaville - Underworld
- 198
Alphaville - Upside Down
- 199
Alphaville - Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers/The Garage
- 200
Alphaville - Wake Up!
- 201
Alphaville - Ways
- 202
Alphaville - Whales
- 203
Alphaville - What Is Love?
- 204
Alphaville - Wishful Thinking
- 205
Alphaville - Wonderboy
- 206
Alphaville - World
Message In a Bottle
A rusty fan with grubby grey blades that would never turn again, was hanging above him like a huge dead insect. the distant roar of the montego bay expressway some three miles away, had started a few hours back. no sound was coming from the beach.
Jerry sat up and tried to peer through the grimy window-pane. the day was slouching against the hut like a wounded boxer. the sun brooded venomously yellow above the bay.
A new day. hallelujah!
He got up staggering & tripped over the empty whisky bottle on the floor by his bed, kicking it across the shabby room and under the sink where it joined an army of other empty bottles.
Shit, good lord and hallelujah!
His head was thundering. sunlight which was pouring through the window-frame in four thick beams corroded his eyes.
The water container beneath the window was empty. he sat down at the wooden table in the center of the room. a cigarette butt was floating in the half-empty coffee cup in front of him. shit.
Somebody knocked at the door. ""come in,"" he growled. the door opened with a creak. an angel walked in. he sat down across from jerry and put two bottles of whisky on the table. ""message from him,"" the angel said. ""drink.""
Without a word jerry opened one of the bottles, its message stuck in its neck as always. he pulled out the note and took a big gulp. then he sniffed the alcohol- drenched note. the smell of whisky. everything here smelled of whisky as if to cover the stench of the immense garbage dump at the foot of which his hut stood. he listened outside.
Distant roaring, nothing else.
Write down what you see was the message. at last something simple enough.
""he's not here anymore, right...""
It was a rhetorical question.
""what do you care, you get whisky, so wr ite,"" the angel replied coldly.
""not here anymore,"" jerry insisted. ""pissed off i bet, and you guys are stuck here, bored out of your brains.""
""you're talking bollocks,"" the angel said without the slightest sign of emotion.
""what the fuck. thrown half my life into this god-forsaken bay, all these god-forsaken stories.""
The angel got up. his wings rustled quietly.
""we're all just doing our job. just you drink and write."" then he disappeared. the door didn't even creak. he'd simply disappeared.
It was always the same. okay, he had the whisky, hallelujah! and all these god-forsaken heathens with their god-forsaken cars, they had whisky too but they would never fork it out. that's why he preferred the angel.
He took another gulp. the sun was at its peak, directly above the hut.
The heat was murderous. jerry plucked the butt from the coffee cup and drank it dry in one big swallow.
Then he reached for the bottle and his bleached umbrella and stepped outside. he squinted his eyes and looked across the still, blue sea. not a single ripple. not a single seagull.
This was hell and he was supposed to convert the devils. that was that.
He walked down to the beach, planted the umbrella in the grubby sand, settled down beneath and pulled the note from his pocket:
Write down what you see.
In the distance, the wreck of an old steamboat poked out of the lazy tide. the sky stretched across the bay in a breathtaking blue. the air shimmered. a large lizard crouched on top of a stranded oil barrel. now and then its tongue darted from its mouth.
Suddenly he remembered how as a child he had once found a colony of wild bees in the forest. back then in europe before all the shit came down. his father had told him that all the bees would follow their queen.
But what happened if the queen flew too fast? or flew the coup?
Had enough? go to hell, my people??
He gulped again. and what about the people? did they always follow god? with all their damned crap, their god-damned civilization & their thrice damned wars, always following, one upon the other?
What if god had enough of that?
Another gulp.
Praise be to the lord and jack daniel's.
Life goes on.
Even without god. oh man. how he longed for the night. the heat would stay but the darkness would devour him with all his whisky and all the god-forsaken light. and maybe he'd dream: of coolness, wind and dawn, of rain-swept forests, of bees and honey... cool honey. instead he was squatting drunkenly in front of this stinking dump, preaching to heathens.
Hallelujah! and what did god do? - brought whisky. a triple hallelujah!!! he started scribbling on the back of the note. now and then he raised his head and squinted at the radiant blue sky. no doubt about it. up there was nothing but metal and steel. and beyond that, greyness and waste. and god had pissed off. that was that. painted over everything with his merciless blue.
As he wrote, he poured back the whisky. at last it was done. he stuffed the note into the empty bottle, corked it and threw it weakly into the water.
How often had he done that? thousands? millions?
And who fished them back out of the sea? were they always different? damn it, why did they never answer? jerry stood up with a groan and trekked back to his hut. - ""not a single god-damned answer...""
The door closed behind him with a creak. there were rumbling noises, clinking of glass, ebbing curses, abrupt silence.
The umbrella stood lonely on the beach in the glowing embers, melting into unalterable eternity.
But then, reluctantly, a foreign, distant sound mixed into the sleepy silence.
Above the sea a light wind had picked up.
Music blew across.