- 1
Alesana - Apology
- 2
Alesana - What Goes Around
- 3
Alesana - Seduction
- 4
Alesana - Ambrosia
- 5
Alesana - The Thespian
- 6
Alesana - A Lunatic's Lament
- 7
Alesana - Congratulations, I Hate You
- 8
Alesana - Annabel
- 9
Alesana - The Artist
- 10
Alesana - Heavy Hangs The Albatross
- 11
Alesana - Lullaby Of The Crucified
- 12
Alesana - And They Call This Tragedy
- 13
Alesana - Beautiful In Blue
- 14
Alesana - Fatima Rusalka
- 15
Alesana - In Her Tomb By The Sounding Sea
- 16
Alesana - The Lover
- 17
Alesana - Adagio For Catastrophe
- 18
Alesana - Early Mourning
- 19
Alesana - The Temptress
- 20
Alesana - And Now For The Final Illusion
- 21
Alesana - Catharsis
- 22
Alesana - Curse Of The Virgin Canvas
- 23
Alesana - Fatal Optimist
- 24
Alesana - Hymn For The Shameless
- 25
Alesana - It Was a Dark And Stormy Night
- 26
Alesana - Not a Single Word About This
- 27
Alesana - Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen
- 28
Alesana - Paradox
- 29
Alesana - Pathetic, Ordinary
- 30
Alesana - Red And Dying Evening
- 31
Alesana - The Goddess
- 32
Alesana - The Last Three Letters
- 33
Alesana - The Murderer
- 34
Alesana - A Gilded Masquerade
- 35
Alesana - A Most Profound Quiet
- 36
Alesana - A Siren's Soliloquy
- 37
Alesana - Alchemy Sounded Good At The Time
- 38
Alesana - All Night Dance Parties In The Underground Palace
- 39
Alesana - As You Wish
- 40
Alesana - Better Luck Next Time, Prince Charming
- 41
Alesana - Beyond The Sacred Glass
- 42
Alesana - Ciao, Bella
- 43
Alesana - Circle VII: Sins Of The Lion
- 44
Alesana - Comedy Of Errors
- 45
Alesana - Dancing Alone
- 46
Alesana - Early Mourning
- 47
Alesana - Goodbye, Goodnight, For Good
- 48
Alesana - Hand In Hand With The Damned
- 49
Alesana - Icarus
- 50
Alesana - Labyrinth
- 51
Alesana - Nero's Decay
- 52
Alesana - Requiem
- 53
Alesana - This Is Usually The part Where People Scream
- 54
Alesana - To Be Scared by an Owl
- 55
Alesana - Vestige
- 56
Alesana - Welcome To The Vanity Faire
- 57
Alesana - A Forbidden Dance
- 58
Alesana - A Most Profund Quiet
- 59
Alesana - Alesana
- 60
Alesana - And Now For The Final Ilusion
- 61
Alesana - Apology (remix)
- 62
Alesana - Before Him All Shall Scatter
- 63
Alesana - Best Ex-Friend
- 64
Alesana - Circle VII
- 65
Alesana - Daggers Speak Louder Than Words
- 66
Alesana - Deja Vu All Over Again
- 67
Alesana - Double Or Nothing
- 68
Alesana - Endings Without Stories
- 69
Alesana - Fits And Starts
- 70
Alesana - Hiatus
- 71
Alesana - Interlude 4
- 72
Alesana - Interval (Hiatus Reborn)
- 73
Alesana - Kiss Me Kill Me
- 74
Alesana - Madeline
- 75
Alesana - Nevermore
- 76
Alesana - Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
- 77
Alesana - Praeludium
- 78
Alesana - Ravenous
- 79
Alesana - Second Guessing
- 80
Alesana - Sweetheart, You Are Sadly Mistaken
- 81
Alesana - The Acolyte
- 82
Alesana - The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Marionettes
- 83
Alesana - The Coward
- 84
Alesana - The Dark Wood Of Error
- 85
Alesana - The Fiend
- 86
Alesana - The Martyr
- 87
Alesana - The Puppeteer
- 88
Alesana - The Third Temptation Of Paris
- 89
Alesana - The Uninvited Thirteenth
- 90
Alesana - The Wanderer
- 91
Alesana - This Conversation Is Over
- 92
Alesana - Through The Eyes Of Uriel
- 93
Alesana - Tilting The Hourglass
- 94
Alesana - Toxic
- 95
Alesana - Untitled
- 96
Alesana - What Goes Around... Comes Around
The Dark Wood Of Error
Our story is about to begin.
Salvation cries.
And all i can see is darkness following me..
And i might be crazy just for looking at you..
I must be crazy if i think that it's true..
The things i've done to be with you..
The echo in my every move..
And i might be crazy just for looking at you..
I must be crazy if i think that it's true..
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
Ché la diritta via era smarrita.
Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura
Esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
Che nel pensier rinova la paura!
Tant'è amara che poco è più morte;
Ma per trattar del ben ch'i' vi trovai,
Dirò de l'altre cose ch'i' v'ho scorte.
Io non so ben ridir com'i' v'intrai,
Tant'era pien di sonno a quel punto
Che la verace via abbandonai.
Ma poi ch'i' fui al piè d'un colle giunto,
Là dove terminava quella valle
Che m'avea di paura il cor compunto,
Guardai in alto, e vidi le sue spalle
Vestite già de' raggi del pianeta
Che mena dritto altrui per ogne calle.
Allor fu la paura un poco queta
He nel lago del cor m'era durata
La notte ch'i' passai con tanta pieta.
E come quei che con lena affannata
Uscito fuor del pelago a la riva
Si volge a l'acqua perigliosa e guata,
Così l'animo mio, ch'ancor fuggiva,
Si volse a retro a rimirar lo passo
Che non lasciò già mai persona viva.
Can you hear them cry?
Can you hear them cry?
Can you hear?
Can you hear?
Can you hear them cry?
Can you hear?
Can you hear?
Can you hear them cry?