1. 1

    Aflightoremember - The Machinist

  2. 2

    Aflightoremember - A Canvas, A Mattress, A Patient, A Practice

  3. 3

    Aflightoremember - And This Was Nothing Short Of Tragic...

  4. 4

    Aflightoremember - Ellipses

  5. 5

    Aflightoremember - Exausted Face

  6. 6

    Aflightoremember - Eyesore

  7. 7

    Aflightoremember - Falling Through Glass

  8. 8

    Aflightoremember - In Bastogne

  9. 9

    Aflightoremember - Is There Anything?

  10. 10

    Aflightoremember - It's Blind!

  11. 11

    Aflightoremember - Lauren

  12. 12

    Aflightoremember - Monster

  13. 13

    Aflightoremember - Sharkbites & Flashbacks

  14. 14

    Aflightoremember - Smoke Your Cigarettes

  15. 15

    Aflightoremember - Stairways & X-Rays

  16. 16

    Aflightoremember - Sunrise

  17. 17

    Aflightoremember - The American Dream

  18. 18

    Aflightoremember - The Long Road Back South

  19. 19

    Aflightoremember - The Machinst's Hand

  20. 20

    Aflightoremember - The Pilot Lost His Head

  21. 21

    Aflightoremember - The Startling Truth That You Are Terrific

  22. 22

    Aflightoremember - This Might Just Be The Next Miss World, Just Maybe

  23. 23

    Aflightoremember - When The Tide Is High And The Locks Are Cut, We Can Settle

  24. 24

    Aflightoremember - Wireless

The Machinst's Hand


If this speakers working then the microphones cut out and I'm finding it difficult to speak.
Because I've put up posters, I've painted signs, I've skecthed my name on rough designs of hotels, airports, shopping malls and schools. I've put my tick on every list thats hoping to avoid the risk of movement.
But if the shopping centers are only stocking clothes that are in black, I'll do my best to change them to white and If security guards threaten me with shards, I'll do my upper most to set them alight.
But if I manage to get myself close enough to the machine, then I'll tear down walls, extract the fans and throw myself in between.
But if I manage to stop the world from moving for minute then I'll exit.
But if it fails to stops the turning I will use the other half of me thats left.
But if I make a change that they can't explain and they're struggling to fix, then I'll throw myself under every truck thats rushing to assist.
Down every avenue will be a promise that you can't undo, stappled to the tallest roof will be a circuit board connected up to bruise all their loved ones set the timer to the time when the night draws in and all their seditives and their medatives won't stop them wearing thin.
They're melting.

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