1. 1

    Aflightoremember - The Machinist

  2. 2

    Aflightoremember - A Canvas, A Mattress, A Patient, A Practice

  3. 3

    Aflightoremember - And This Was Nothing Short Of Tragic...

  4. 4

    Aflightoremember - Ellipses

  5. 5

    Aflightoremember - Exausted Face

  6. 6

    Aflightoremember - Eyesore

  7. 7

    Aflightoremember - Falling Through Glass

  8. 8

    Aflightoremember - In Bastogne

  9. 9

    Aflightoremember - Is There Anything?

  10. 10

    Aflightoremember - It's Blind!

  11. 11

    Aflightoremember - Lauren

  12. 12

    Aflightoremember - Monster

  13. 13

    Aflightoremember - Sharkbites & Flashbacks

  14. 14

    Aflightoremember - Smoke Your Cigarettes

  15. 15

    Aflightoremember - Stairways & X-Rays

  16. 16

    Aflightoremember - Sunrise

  17. 17

    Aflightoremember - The American Dream

  18. 18

    Aflightoremember - The Long Road Back South

  19. 19

    Aflightoremember - The Machinst's Hand

  20. 20

    Aflightoremember - The Pilot Lost His Head

  21. 21

    Aflightoremember - The Startling Truth That You Are Terrific

  22. 22

    Aflightoremember - This Might Just Be The Next Miss World, Just Maybe

  23. 23

    Aflightoremember - When The Tide Is High And The Locks Are Cut, We Can Settle

  24. 24

    Aflightoremember - Wireless

It's Blind!


Didn't you need someone to prove the sky was breaking over our heads?
Or are these solar dreams not bleak enough for you?
Did you need the photo to fold back over itself two times are these colours brusing you?
But what if I were wishing it were fall?
These clouds could break and I could throw stones at your second storey window when I call
"We used to talk about murder and everything that made the sky turn black outside your second storey window when I fall"
But if we need someone to forge a change I'm gonna break this hall tonight
And though these pale white rooms are killing me I'm gonna sit this out tonight
Didn't your little fabric heart grow with the pieces that you took from floors and radios to make you feel alright?
Are you sure that your awake?
Did'nt you think that I could make stars fall?
While I'm writing this the T.Vs picking up static from this rail track where I'm from
But you need this hospital bed to make you feel alright?
And though these pale white rooms are killing me I'm gonna sit this out a while?
But don't say this diarys crooked if the words arn't black and white
And though these pale white rooms are killing you
I'm gonna send this out tonight

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