1. 1

    AFI - Miss Murder

  2. 2

    AFI - Girl's Not Grey

  3. 3

    AFI - The Boy Who Destroyed The World

  4. 4

    AFI - Silver And Cold

  5. 5

    AFI - Summer Shudder

  6. 6

    AFI - ...But Home Is Nowhere

  7. 7

    AFI - Beautiful Thieves

  8. 8

    AFI - Chicken Song

  9. 9

    AFI - Dark Snow

  10. 10

    AFI - Kiss And Control

  11. 11

    AFI - Love Like Winter

  12. 12

    AFI - Medicate

  13. 13

    AFI - The Leaving Song

  14. 14

    AFI - The Leaving Song Pt. 2

  15. 15

    AFI - 17 Crimes

  16. 16

    AFI - Endlessly, She Said

  17. 17

    AFI - Fall Children

  18. 18

    AFI - God Called In Sick Today

  19. 19

    AFI - Hidden Track

  20. 20

    AFI - The Days Of The Phoenix

  21. 21

    AFI - 37mm

  22. 22

    AFI - At A Glance

  23. 23

    AFI - Bleed Black

  24. 24

    AFI - Dancing Through Sunday

  25. 25

    AFI - Death Of Seasons

  26. 26

    AFI - Ever And a Day

  27. 27

    AFI - I Am Trying Very Hard To Be Here

  28. 28

    AFI - Kill Caustic

  29. 29

    AFI - Kiss My Eyes And Lay Me To Sleep

  30. 30

    AFI - Miseria Cantare (The Beginning)

  31. 31

    AFI - My Michelle

  32. 32

    AFI - Perfect Fit

  33. 33

    AFI - Prelude 12/21

  34. 34

    AFI - Rabbits Are Roadkill On Route 37

  35. 35

    AFI - The Conductor

  36. 36

    AFI - The Great Disappointment

  37. 37

    AFI - The Interview

  38. 38

    AFI - The Last Kiss

  39. 39

    AFI - The Lost Souls

  40. 40

    AFI - The Missing Frame

  41. 41

    AFI - This Secret Ninja

  42. 42

    AFI - Three Reasons

  43. 43

    AFI - Totalimmortal

  44. 44

    AFI - Trash Bat

  45. 45

    AFI - Where We Used To Play

  46. 46

    AFI - White Offerings

  47. 47

    AFI - "Three And A Half"

  48. 48

    AFI - (Untitled) Secret Track-Poem On Sing The Sorrow

  49. 49

    AFI - [Untitled]

  50. 50

    AFI - 100 words

  51. 51

    AFI - 3 1/2

  52. 52

    AFI - 31/2

  53. 53

    AFI - 37 MM

  54. 54

    AFI - 6 To 8

  55. 55

    AFI - 99 Red Balloons

  56. 56

    AFI - A Deep Slow Panic

  57. 57

    AFI - A Single Second

  58. 58

    AFI - A Story At Three

  59. 59

    AFI - A Winter's Tale

  60. 60

    AFI - A Winters Tale (cifra Guitarra)

  61. 61

    AFI - Above the Bridge

  62. 62

    AFI - Advances In Modern Technology

  63. 63

    AFI - Affliction

  64. 64

    AFI - Anxious

  65. 65

    AFI - Aspirin Free

  66. 66

    AFI - Aurelia

  67. 67

    AFI - Back From The Flesh

  68. 68

    AFI - Back Into The Sun

  69. 69

    AFI - Battled

  70. 70

    AFI - Battled (Hidden Song)

  71. 71

    AFI - Begging For Trouble

  72. 72

    AFI - Born In The USA

  73. 73

    AFI - Break Angels

  74. 74

    AFI - Breathing Towers To Heaven

  75. 75

    AFI - Brownie Bottom Sundae

  76. 76

    AFI - Carcinogen Crush

  77. 77

    AFI - Catch A Hot One

  78. 78

    AFI - Cereal Wars

  79. 79

    AFI - Charles Atlas

  80. 80

    AFI - Clove Smoke Catharsis

  81. 81

    AFI - Coin Return

  82. 82

    AFI - Cold Hands

  83. 83

    AFI - Consult My Lover

  84. 84

    AFI - Crop Tub

  85. 85

    AFI - Cruise Control

  86. 86

    AFI - Cult Status

  87. 87

    AFI - Darling, I Want to Destroy You

  88. 88

    AFI - Days Of Pheonix

  89. 89

    AFI - Death Of The Party

  90. 90

    AFI - Demonomania

  91. 91

    AFI - Don't Change

  92. 92

    AFI - Don't Make Me Ill

  93. 93

    AFI - Dream Of Waking

  94. 94

    AFI - Dulceria

  95. 95

    AFI - Dumb Kids

  96. 96

    AFI - End Transmission

  97. 97

    AFI - Escape From Los Angeles

  98. 98

    AFI - Ether

  99. 99

    AFI - Exsanguination

  100. 100

    AFI - Fainting Spells

  101. 101

    AFI - Fallen Like The Sky

  102. 102

    AFI - Far Too Near

  103. 103

    AFI - Feed From the Floor

  104. 104

    AFI - File 13

  105. 105

    AFI - Fishbowl

  106. 106

    AFI - Get Dark

  107. 107

    AFI - Get Hurt

  108. 108

    AFI - Girl's Not Grey (cifra Baixo)

  109. 109

    AFI - Greater Than 84

  110. 110

    AFI - Half-Empty Bottle

  111. 111

    AFI - Halloween

  112. 112

    AFI - He Who Laughs Last

  113. 113

    AFI - Head Like a Hole

  114. 114

    AFI - Heart Stops

  115. 115

    AFI - Hearts Frozen Soil Sod Once More By The Spring Of Rage, Despair, And Hopelessness

  116. 116

    AFI - Hidden Knives

  117. 117

    AFI - Hidden talking part after "...but home is nowhere"

  118. 118

    AFI - High School Football Hero

  119. 119

    AFI - Highschool Football Hero

  120. 120

    AFI - I Hope You Suffer

  121. 121

    AFI - I Wanna Get A Mohawk (But Mom Won't Let Me Get One)

  122. 122

    AFI - I Wanna Get A Mowhawk (But Mom Won't Let Me Get One)

  123. 123

    AFI - Initiation

  124. 124

    AFI - It Was Mine

  125. 125

    AFI - Jack The Ripper

  126. 126

    AFI - Just Like Heaven (The Cure Cover)

  127. 127

    AFI - Keeping Out Of Direct Sunlight

  128. 128

    AFI - Keeping Out Of Direct Sunlight (An Introduction)

  129. 129

    AFI - Key Lime Pie

  130. 130

    AFI - Kung-Fu Devil

  131. 131

    AFI - Last Caress

  132. 132

    AFI - Last Caress (misfits Cover)

  133. 133

    AFI - Let It Be Broke

  134. 134

    AFI - Looking Tragic

  135. 135

    AFI - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing

  136. 136

    AFI - Lower It

  137. 137

    AFI - Lower Your Head And Take It In The Body

  138. 138

    AFI - Malleus Maleficarum

  139. 139

    AFI - Man In A Suitcase

  140. 140

    AFI - Midnight Sun

  141. 141

    AFI - Mini Trucks Suck

  142. 142

    AFI - Miss Murder (Director's cut)

  143. 143

    AFI - Miss Murder (Espanhol)

  144. 144

    AFI - Miss Murder (español)

  145. 145

    AFI - Modern Epic

  146. 146

    AFI - Morning Star

  147. 147

    AFI - Morning Star (bateria Cifra)

  148. 148

    AFI - Morning Star (español)

  149. 149

    AFI - My Michelle (Guns N' Roses cover)

  150. 150

    AFI - Narrative Of a Soul Against Soul

  151. 151

    AFI - Narrative Of Soul Against Soul

  152. 152

    AFI - No Eyes

  153. 153

    AFI - No Poetic Device

  154. 154

    AFI - No Resurrection

  155. 155

    AFI - Not That Beautiful

  156. 156

    AFI - Now The World

  157. 157

    AFI - Ny-Quil

  158. 158

    AFI - Of Greetings And Goodbyes

  159. 159

    AFI - Okay, I Feel Better Now

  160. 160

    AFI - On The Arrow

  161. 161

    AFI - On Your Back

  162. 162

    AFI - Open Your Eyes

  163. 163

    AFI - Open Your Eyes (Tradção)

  164. 164

    AFI - Over Exposure

  165. 165

    AFI - Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings)

  166. 166

    AFI - PH Low

  167. 167

    AFI - Pink Eyes

  168. 168

    AFI - Poem On Sing The Sorrow

  169. 169

    AFI - Porphyee

  170. 170

    AFI - Porphyria Cutanea Tarda

  171. 171

    AFI - Prelude 12/21 (español)

  172. 172

    AFI - Red Hat

  173. 173

    AFI - Reiver's Music

  174. 174

    AFI - Rewind

  175. 175

    AFI - Rizzo In The Box

  176. 176

    AFI - Rolling Balls

  177. 177

    AFI - Sacrifice Theory

  178. 178

    AFI - Sacrilege

  179. 179

    AFI - Salt For Your Wounds

  180. 180

    AFI - Secret Track / Poem On Sing The Sorrow

  181. 181

    AFI - Secret Track/Poem On Sing The Sorrow

  182. 182

    AFI - Self Pity

  183. 183

    AFI - Shatty Fatmas

  184. 184

    AFI - She Speaks the Language

  185. 185

    AFI - Single Second

  186. 186

    AFI - Smile

  187. 187

    AFI - Snow Cats

  188. 188

    AFI - So Beneath You

  189. 189

    AFI - Soap-Box Derby

  190. 190

    AFI - Song 2

  191. 191

    AFI - Spoken Word

  192. 192

    AFI - Still a Stranger

  193. 193

    AFI - Story At Three

  194. 194

    AFI - Strength Through Wounding

  195. 195

    AFI - Synesthesia

  196. 196

    AFI - Take The Test

  197. 197

    AFI - The Checkered Demon

  198. 198

    AFI - The Chicken Song

  199. 199

    AFI - The Despair Factor

  200. 200

    AFI - The Devil Loves You

  201. 201

    AFI - The Embrace

  202. 202

    AFI - The Face Beneath The Waves

  203. 203

    AFI - The Hanging Garden

  204. 204

    AFI - The Hanging Garden (The Cure Cover)

  205. 205

    AFI - The Killing Lights

  206. 206

    AFI - The Leaving Song Pt.2

  207. 207

    AFI - The Missing Man

  208. 208

    AFI - The Mother In Me

  209. 209

    AFI - The Nephilim

  210. 210

    AFI - The New Patron Saints And Angels

  211. 211

    AFI - The Prayer Posistion

  212. 212

    AFI - The Prayer Position

  213. 213

    AFI - The Sinking Night

  214. 214

    AFI - The Weathered Tome

  215. 215

    AFI - The Wind That Carries Me Away

  216. 216

    AFI - Theory Of Revolution

  217. 217

    AFI - Third Season

  218. 218

    AFI - This Celluloid Dream

  219. 219

    AFI - This Celluloid Dream (Demo Version)

  220. 220

    AFI - This Time Imperfect

  221. 221

    AFI - Three Second Notice

  222. 222

    AFI - Three Seconds Notice

  223. 223

    AFI - Tied To a Tree

  224. 224

    AFI - Today's Lesson

  225. 225

    AFI - Today's Lesson (Filth cover)

  226. 226

    AFI - Too Late For Gods

  227. 227

    AFI - Too Shy To Scream

  228. 228

    AFI - Torch Song

  229. 229

    AFI - Transference

  230. 230

    AFI - Triple Zero

  231. 231

    AFI - Twisted Tongues

  232. 232

    AFI - Two Of A Kind

  233. 233

    AFI - Values Here

  234. 234

    AFI - Veronica Sawyer Smokes

  235. 235

    AFI - Wake Up Call

  236. 236

    AFI - We Bite

  237. 237

    AFI - We've Got The Knife

  238. 238

    AFI - Weathered Tome

  239. 239

    AFI - Wester

  240. 240

    AFI - Whatever I Do

  241. 241

    AFI - Who Knew?

  242. 242

    AFI - Who Said You Could Touch Me?

  243. 243

    AFI - Wild

  244. 244

    AFI - Words Spoke Before The Hidden

  245. 245

    AFI - Your Name Here

  246. 246

    AFI - Yürf Rendenmein

  247. 247

    AFI - Yurf Rendenmein

  248. 248

    AFI - Ziggy Stardust

Kiss My Eyes And Lay Me To Sleep


This is what I brought you,
This you can keep.
This is what I brought
You may forget me.

I promise to depart,
Just promise one thing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

This is what I brought you,
This you can keep.
This is what I brought you,
May forget me.

I promise you my heart,
Just promise to sing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

This is what I thought,
I thought you need me.
This is what I thought,
So think me naive.

I promised you a heart,
You promised to keep,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh

Kiss my eyes and lay me to... Sleep.

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