- 1
Ace Troubleshooter - Today Is a New Day
- 2
Ace Troubleshooter - I Miss You Girl
- 3
Ace Troubleshooter - Ace
- 4
Ace Troubleshooter - Se101
- 5
Ace Troubleshooter - 1 Corinthians 13
- 6
Ace Troubleshooter - 2:00 Your Time
- 7
Ace Troubleshooter - Age Of Gold
- 8
Ace Troubleshooter - All I Ever Needed To Know I Learned In Calculus
- 9
Ace Troubleshooter - Amanda
- 10
Ace Troubleshooter - Anything
- 11
Ace Troubleshooter - Arms Of Love
- 12
Ace Troubleshooter - Ball & Chain
- 13
Ace Troubleshooter - Ball And Chain
- 14
Ace Troubleshooter - Blank Contract
- 15
Ace Troubleshooter - But For Grace
- 16
Ace Troubleshooter - Chilly Minnesota
- 17
Ace Troubleshooter - Denise
- 18
Ace Troubleshooter - Die, Vedder
- 19
Ace Troubleshooter - Don't Do It Again
- 20
Ace Troubleshooter - Don't Trust That Girl
- 21
Ace Troubleshooter - Don't Wait
- 22
Ace Troubleshooter - Driving Against Velocities Extreme
- 23
Ace Troubleshooter - Drummer Tune
- 24
Ace Troubleshooter - Earth Angel
- 25
Ace Troubleshooter - Estella
- 26
Ace Troubleshooter - Fortress
- 27
Ace Troubleshooter - Full Release
- 28
Ace Troubleshooter - German Song
- 29
Ace Troubleshooter - Get Off My Back
- 30
Ace Troubleshooter - Have It All
- 31
Ace Troubleshooter - Helen Burns
- 32
Ace Troubleshooter - Hey There Girly
- 33
Ace Troubleshooter - Hoping
- 34
Ace Troubleshooter - I Corinthians 13
- 35
Ace Troubleshooter - I Love Jesus
- 36
Ace Troubleshooter - I Worship You
- 37
Ace Troubleshooter - In My Dreams
- 38
Ace Troubleshooter - Jasmine
- 39
Ace Troubleshooter - Jessicah Bean
- 40
Ace Troubleshooter - Jessicah Song
- 41
Ace Troubleshooter - JLMS
- 42
Ace Troubleshooter - Jock Rock
- 43
Ace Troubleshooter - Kiss Goodnight
- 44
Ace Troubleshooter - Let's Go Away
- 45
Ace Troubleshooter - Little Miss Hazel Eyes
- 46
Ace Troubleshooter - Make It Right
- 47
Ace Troubleshooter - Misconception
- 48
Ace Troubleshooter - Misconceptions
- 49
Ace Troubleshooter - Misconseptions
- 50
Ace Troubleshooter - Misery
- 51
Ace Troubleshooter - My Defense
- 52
Ace Troubleshooter - My Way
- 53
Ace Troubleshooter - Numinous
- 54
Ace Troubleshooter - Ode To the Armed Services
- 55
Ace Troubleshooter - Only You
- 56
Ace Troubleshooter - Out To Sea
- 57
Ace Troubleshooter - Phoenix
- 58
Ace Troubleshooter - Plastic
- 59
Ace Troubleshooter - Punk Rock Chicks
- 60
Ace Troubleshooter - Ravioli
- 61
Ace Troubleshooter - Rudy
- 62
Ace Troubleshooter - Se 101
- 63
Ace Troubleshooter - Seaside
- 64
Ace Troubleshooter - Slip Away
- 65
Ace Troubleshooter - Sloppy Copy
- 66
Ace Troubleshooter - So Long
- 67
Ace Troubleshooter - Tapeworm
- 68
Ace Troubleshooter - Tempest
- 69
Ace Troubleshooter - The Madness Of The Crowd
- 70
Ace Troubleshooter - The Madness Of The Crowds
- 71
Ace Troubleshooter - The Undies Song
- 72
Ace Troubleshooter - There She Goes
- 73
Ace Troubleshooter - Tonight
- 74
Ace Troubleshooter - Turn Round
- 75
Ace Troubleshooter - Ustabe
- 76
Ace Troubleshooter - Welcome To Dumpsville
- 77
Ace Troubleshooter - Well, Hello
- 78
Ace Troubleshooter - Yesterday
- 79
Ace Troubleshooter - Yoko
- 80
Ace Troubleshooter - Your Reach
My Defense
Ace Troubleshooter
This flesh, this mess I am
Empty promises my steady diet
Won't be quiet till I
Spread so thin devotion
Thus far my notions rant
Don't put all Your hopes
Don't put all Your trust in me
You must not see I can't
Set the sights on failing
Target no control
Grips relax and lose hold
I lose my defense at Your answers
And I come all undone with Your gaze
Sunless skies this progress
Thicker skin can't stretch the length
Wearying with face set against the elements
Is how I spent my strength
Set the sights on failing
Target no control
Grips relax and lose hold
I lose my defense at Your answers
And I come all undone with Your gaze
I lose my defense at Your answers
And my resolve at Your counter ways
I can't run forever
With the lions loose on me
Show us no escape
Lest we forget we're dying
Fill my mind with Your thoughts
My lungs with Your breath
My mouth with Your words
My soul with Your death
I lose my defense at Your answers
And I come all undone with Your gaze
I lose my defense at Your answers
And my resolve at Your counter ways