- 1
Ace Troubleshooter - Today Is a New Day
- 2
Ace Troubleshooter - I Miss You Girl
- 3
Ace Troubleshooter - Ace
- 4
Ace Troubleshooter - Se101
- 5
Ace Troubleshooter - 1 Corinthians 13
- 6
Ace Troubleshooter - 2:00 Your Time
- 7
Ace Troubleshooter - Age Of Gold
- 8
Ace Troubleshooter - All I Ever Needed To Know I Learned In Calculus
- 9
Ace Troubleshooter - Amanda
- 10
Ace Troubleshooter - Anything
- 11
Ace Troubleshooter - Arms Of Love
- 12
Ace Troubleshooter - Ball & Chain
- 13
Ace Troubleshooter - Ball And Chain
- 14
Ace Troubleshooter - Blank Contract
- 15
Ace Troubleshooter - But For Grace
- 16
Ace Troubleshooter - Chilly Minnesota
- 17
Ace Troubleshooter - Denise
- 18
Ace Troubleshooter - Die, Vedder
- 19
Ace Troubleshooter - Don't Do It Again
- 20
Ace Troubleshooter - Don't Trust That Girl
- 21
Ace Troubleshooter - Don't Wait
- 22
Ace Troubleshooter - Driving Against Velocities Extreme
- 23
Ace Troubleshooter - Drummer Tune
- 24
Ace Troubleshooter - Earth Angel
- 25
Ace Troubleshooter - Estella
- 26
Ace Troubleshooter - Fortress
- 27
Ace Troubleshooter - Full Release
- 28
Ace Troubleshooter - German Song
- 29
Ace Troubleshooter - Get Off My Back
- 30
Ace Troubleshooter - Have It All
- 31
Ace Troubleshooter - Helen Burns
- 32
Ace Troubleshooter - Hey There Girly
- 33
Ace Troubleshooter - Hoping
- 34
Ace Troubleshooter - I Corinthians 13
- 35
Ace Troubleshooter - I Love Jesus
- 36
Ace Troubleshooter - I Worship You
- 37
Ace Troubleshooter - In My Dreams
- 38
Ace Troubleshooter - Jasmine
- 39
Ace Troubleshooter - Jessicah Bean
- 40
Ace Troubleshooter - Jessicah Song
- 41
Ace Troubleshooter - JLMS
- 42
Ace Troubleshooter - Jock Rock
- 43
Ace Troubleshooter - Kiss Goodnight
- 44
Ace Troubleshooter - Let's Go Away
- 45
Ace Troubleshooter - Little Miss Hazel Eyes
- 46
Ace Troubleshooter - Make It Right
- 47
Ace Troubleshooter - Misconception
- 48
Ace Troubleshooter - Misconceptions
- 49
Ace Troubleshooter - Misconseptions
- 50
Ace Troubleshooter - Misery
- 51
Ace Troubleshooter - My Defense
- 52
Ace Troubleshooter - My Way
- 53
Ace Troubleshooter - Numinous
- 54
Ace Troubleshooter - Ode To the Armed Services
- 55
Ace Troubleshooter - Only You
- 56
Ace Troubleshooter - Out To Sea
- 57
Ace Troubleshooter - Phoenix
- 58
Ace Troubleshooter - Plastic
- 59
Ace Troubleshooter - Punk Rock Chicks
- 60
Ace Troubleshooter - Ravioli
- 61
Ace Troubleshooter - Rudy
- 62
Ace Troubleshooter - Se 101
- 63
Ace Troubleshooter - Seaside
- 64
Ace Troubleshooter - Slip Away
- 65
Ace Troubleshooter - Sloppy Copy
- 66
Ace Troubleshooter - So Long
- 67
Ace Troubleshooter - Tapeworm
- 68
Ace Troubleshooter - Tempest
- 69
Ace Troubleshooter - The Madness Of The Crowd
- 70
Ace Troubleshooter - The Madness Of The Crowds
- 71
Ace Troubleshooter - The Undies Song
- 72
Ace Troubleshooter - There She Goes
- 73
Ace Troubleshooter - Tonight
- 74
Ace Troubleshooter - Turn Round
- 75
Ace Troubleshooter - Ustabe
- 76
Ace Troubleshooter - Welcome To Dumpsville
- 77
Ace Troubleshooter - Well, Hello
- 78
Ace Troubleshooter - Yesterday
- 79
Ace Troubleshooter - Yoko
- 80
Ace Troubleshooter - Your Reach
The Madness Of The Crowd
Ace Troubleshooter
It's time to yet again complain.
And make some noise.
Make some noise.
We've got all our sciences, making our appilances.
To dull the pain.
It's novacain for the soul.
For the soul.
Hollywood, pop cultures best,
You do no good you vultures nest,
And i want out!! I WANT OUT.
It's gambling now, the more you wait.
And think that you can have your Kate and Edith too.
And so to lose your own soul.
Your own soul.
I'll call your Bluff, I've had enough.
Oh-No, Ho-Jo!
So is it fantasy or is it reality TV?
So here's your world condoned.
You get the chisel, I'll get the stone.
Know that with each path i take, we become the choices that we make.
It's true, and so do you.
Forbear to keep obstinate will, and to choose to wait until the dream dissolves.
And we're absolved from our guilt, from our guilt.
I'll call your Bluff, I've had enough.
Oh-No, Ho-Jo!
So is it fantasy or is it reality TV?
So here's your world condoned.
You get the chisel, I'll get the stone.
So numbed, to fate resigned, and in your grave you'll lie.