- 1
Acappella - Glory and honor
- 2
Acappella - Canon in D
- 3
Acappella - Victory In Jesus
- 4
Acappella - Jesus Is Coming
- 5
Acappella - I Feel Good
- 6
Acappella - Rescue
- 7
Acappella - A Cappella
- 8
Acappella - Hush
- 9
Acappella - Amazing Grace
- 10
Acappella - He Leadeth Me
- 11
Acappella - And They Praised God
- 12
Acappella - Criminal On The Cross
- 13
Acappella - Piper Song
- 14
Acappella - Teaching The Truth In Love
- 15
Acappella - All Hail The Power of Jesus Name
- 16
Acappella - Give Me Jesus
- 17
Acappella - My Lord and My God
- 18
Acappella - Nobody But Jesus
- 19
Acappella - Walking That Line
- 20
Acappella - We Bow Down
- 21
Acappella - Abba Father
- 22
Acappella - Begins
- 23
Acappella - Everybody Said (But Nobody Did)
- 24
Acappella - He Gave Her Water
- 25
Acappella - House Of Praise
- 26
Acappella - How Great Thou Art
- 27
Acappella - I Love You Lord
- 28
Acappella - Only Truth
- 29
Acappella - Resting In Jesus
- 30
Acappella - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
- 31
Acappella - There is Power in the Blood
- 32
Acappella - You're the One
- 33
Acappella - Act Of God
- 34
Acappella - Angels Long To Look Into These Things
- 35
Acappella - Because He Lives
- 36
Acappella - Blessed Assurance
- 37
Acappella - Get To The Point
- 38
Acappella - He's Gonna Let You Know
- 39
Acappella - Lead Me To Rest
- 40
Acappella - Let Us Break Bread Together
- 41
Acappella - Lord Save Me
- 42
Acappella - More
- 43
Acappella - More Precious Than Gold
- 44
Acappella - More Than A Friend
- 45
Acappella - My Country 'Tis of Thee
- 46
Acappella - Nearer, Still Nearer
- 47
Acappella - Now To Him
- 48
Acappella - Peace Be Still
- 49
Acappella - Peace, Perfect Peace
- 50
Acappella - Praise The Lord
- 51
Acappella - Soon I Will Be Done
- 52
Acappella - Special Delivery
- 53
Acappella - Sweet Fellowship
- 54
Acappella - We Have Seen His Glory
- 55
Acappella - Well On My Way
- 56
Acappella - When They Ring Those Golden Bells
- 57
Acappella - A Whole New World
- 58
Acappella - All Men Will Know
- 59
Acappella - All That I Need
- 60
Acappella - Almighty God
- 61
Acappella - And this is Life
- 62
Acappella - Answer My Prayer
- 63
Acappella - Arabian Dance
- 64
Acappella - Arise My Love
- 65
Acappella - Better Than Life
- 66
Acappella - Brave New World
- 67
Acappella - Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary
- 68
Acappella - Celebrate Jesus
- 69
Acappella - Champion Of Love
- 70
Acappella - Create In Me a Clean Heart
- 71
Acappella - Do Right
- 72
Acappella - Don't Be Afraid
- 73
Acappella - Don't Fear the Storm
- 74
Acappella - Doubly Good To You
- 75
Acappella - Dust In The Wind
- 76
Acappella - Everybody Praise
- 77
Acappella - For The Lost
- 78
Acappella - Glorify Thy Name
- 79
Acappella - Good Livin'
- 80
Acappella - His Righteousness
- 81
Acappella - Holy Spirit, Dwell In Me
- 82
Acappella - Holy, Holy, Holy
- 83
Acappella - Humble Thyself
- 84
Acappella - I Gave My Life For Thee
- 85
Acappella - I Have a Friend
- 86
Acappella - I'll Fly Away
- 87
Acappella - I'm At Your Mercy
- 88
Acappella - If There Were No God
- 89
Acappella - In The Garden
- 90
Acappella - In The Name of the Lord
- 91
Acappella - Jehovah Is Our King
- 92
Acappella - Jesus Knows
- 93
Acappella - Jesus Touch My Heart
- 94
Acappella - John the Revelator
- 95
Acappella - Joshua Fit da Battle
- 96
Acappella - Let There Be Love
- 97
Acappella - Love is the Power
- 98
Acappella - Mighty Is Our God
- 99
Acappella - Movin´
- 100
Acappella - Not My Will But Thine
- 101
Acappella - Pass Me Not
- 102
Acappella - Regardless
- 103
Acappella - Set Me Free
- 104
Acappella - Standing Right in Front of You
- 105
Acappella - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
- 106
Acappella - Sweet, Sweet Spirit
- 107
Acappella - The Medley
- 108
Acappella - They Are The Roses
- 109
Acappella - To Him Who Sits On The Throne
- 110
Acappella - Todo Mundo Dijo
- 111
Acappella - Veniste a Salvarme
- 112
Acappella - Walking In The Light
- 113
Acappella - Water From The Well
- 114
Acappella - We Will Glorify
- 115
Acappella - What Was I Supposed To Be?
- 116
Acappella - When You're There
- 117
Acappella - A Aquel Que En El Trono Esta
- 118
Acappella - A Prayer Of David
- 119
Acappella - Abide With Me
- 120
Acappella - Ain't got time to die
- 121
Acappella - América
- 122
Acappella - And My God Will Meet All Your Needs
- 123
Acappella - Angels We Have Heard On High
- 124
Acappella - Army of the Lord
- 125
Acappella - As The Deer Pants
- 126
Acappella - Atom Bomb
- 127
Acappella - Away in a Manger
- 128
Acappella - Awesome God
- 129
Acappella - Be Devoted
- 130
Acappella - Be Ye Glad
- 131
Acappella - Beautiful Lamb Of God
- 132
Acappella - Beyond This Land of Parting
- 133
Acappella - Bridegroom
- 134
Acappella - Broken
- 135
Acappella - Burden Bearer
- 136
Acappella - Calling Forth
- 137
Acappella - Camiño Con El
- 138
Acappella - Center
- 139
Acappella - Children's Prayer
- 140
Acappella - Christ We Do All Adore Thee
- 141
Acappella - Close Your Eyes
- 142
Acappella - Come Near
- 143
Acappella - Common Eyes
- 144
Acappella - Covenant Of Love (x-changed)
- 145
Acappella - Dime Rhyme Segue
- 146
Acappella - Do Not Be Afraid
- 147
Acappella - Do You Love The Lord?
- 148
Acappella - Don't Be Overcome
- 149
Acappella - Don't Be Talkin' 'Bout Friends
- 150
Acappella - Don't Cry
- 151
Acappella - Dulce Amistad
- 152
Acappella - East To West
- 153
Acappella - Easter Song
- 154
Acappella - Emergency
- 155
Acappella - Es Muy Bueno Estar Reunidos
- 156
Acappella - Everybody talkin' 'bout heaven
- 157
Acappella - Everybody Will Be Happy
- 158
Acappella - Everything We Need
- 159
Acappella - Everything's Gonna Be All Right
- 160
Acappella - Find Your Way
- 161
Acappella - Friends
- 162
Acappella - Fullness Of God
- 163
Acappella - Get Right Church
- 164
Acappella - Give
- 165
Acappella - Give Me You
- 166
Acappella - Glory In His Name
- 167
Acappella - Gloryland Way
- 168
Acappella - Go, tell it on the mountain
- 169
Acappella - God Bless America
- 170
Acappella - God Bless The USA
- 171
Acappella - God Inhabits Our Praise
- 172
Acappella - God Loves Women
- 173
Acappella - God Will Make a Way
- 174
Acappella - Goin' home
- 175
Acappella - Going Down To The River
- 176
Acappella - Gotta Grow Up
- 177
Acappella - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- 178
Acappella - Growin' Up In The Lord
- 179
Acappella - Hallelujah Chorus
- 180
Acappella - Hallelujah! What A Savior
- 181
Acappella - Hard Pressed
- 182
Acappella - He Bore it All
- 183
Acappella - He Did It Again
- 184
Acappella - He Had Everything
- 185
Acappella - He Was There All The Time
- 186
Acappella - He Will Come And Save You
- 187
Acappella - He's Gonna Let You
- 188
Acappella - Heaven Is In My Heart
- 189
Acappella - Hello
- 190
Acappella - How Can I Truly Say
- 191
Acappella - How Could You Say No
- 192
Acappella - How Firm A Foundation
- 193
Acappella - How Great is the Love
- 194
Acappella - How Majestic is Your Name
- 195
Acappella - Hush - Live
- 196
Acappella - I Believe in You
- 197
Acappella - I Can Rejoice
- 198
Acappella - I Can Walk
- 199
Acappella - I Could Tell
- 200
Acappella - I Know the Love
- 201
Acappella - I Know You Know
- 202
Acappella - I Need Thee Every Hour
- 203
Acappella - I Stand Amazed
- 204
Acappella - I Understand
- 205
Acappella - I Want to Be Where You Are
- 206
Acappella - I Will Be Here
- 207
Acappella - I'll Live In Glory
- 208
Acappella - In Jesus' Name
- 209
Acappella - In The Cross
- 210
Acappella - In The First Light
- 211
Acappella - In The Sweet By And By
- 212
Acappella - Inspiration
- 213
Acappella - Instrupella
- 214
Acappella - It Is Good For Us To Be Here
- 215
Acappella - It Is Well
- 216
Acappella - It May Be At Morn
- 217
Acappella - It was an act of God
- 218
Acappella - Jamás Hables Mal
- 219
Acappella - Jesus In The U.s.a
- 220
Acappella - Jesus Is Your Ticket
- 221
Acappella - Jesus Loves Me
- 222
Acappella - Joined Together
- 223
Acappella - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
- 224
Acappella - Just As I Am
- 225
Acappella - La Song
- 226
Acappella - LaCanción
- 227
Acappella - LaSong
- 228
Acappella - Lay Down
- 229
Acappella - Let Me Show You Me
- 230
Acappella - Let There Be
- 231
Acappella - Let's Get Together
- 232
Acappella - Let's Go Dreamin
- 233
Acappella - Let's Show And Tell
- 234
Acappella - Life
- 235
Acappella - Lift Every Voice
- 236
Acappella - Lift Him Up
- 237
Acappella - Listen To Him
- 238
Acappella - Livin' Inside
- 239
Acappella - Long Way To Go
- 240
Acappella - Looking Out for #1
- 241
Acappella - Lord Bless our Home
- 242
Acappella - Lord We Worship Your Name
- 243
Acappella - Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
- 244
Acappella - Lover of a Sleeping Child
- 245
Acappella - Mejor que la Vida
- 246
Acappella - Mi Señor Y Mi Dios
- 247
Acappella - More Than Conquerors
- 248
Acappella - Mountain Top
- 249
Acappella - No One Ever
- 250
Acappella - Nothing But The Blood
- 251
Acappella - O Come, All Ye Faithful
- 252
Acappella - O Come, O Come Emanuel
- 253
Acappella - O Happy Day
- 254
Acappella - O Holy Night
- 255
Acappella - O Little Town of Bethlehem
- 256
Acappella - O Sacred Head
- 257
Acappella - O Wretched Man
- 258
Acappella - Oh How I Love Jesus
- 259
Acappella - Old Time Gospel
- 260
Acappella - Once in a Lifetime Love
- 261
Acappella - Our God He Is Alive
- 262
Acappella - Praise Be To The Lord
- 263
Acappella - Radiance Of God's Glory
- 264
Acappella - Ready To Go
- 265
Acappella - Rock-A-My Soul
- 266
Acappella - Rocking Song
- 267
Acappella - Roll Jordan Roll
- 268
Acappella - Roll Jordon Roll
- 269
Acappella - Said I Wasn't
- 270
Acappella - Sanctify My Heart
- 271
Acappella - Share What We've Got
- 272
Acappella - Shut de Do
- 273
Acappella - Side of the Road
- 274
Acappella - Silent Night
- 275
Acappella - Sing To The Glory
- 276
Acappella - Sleep Tight
- 277
Acappella - Softly And Tenderly
- 278
Acappella - Something To Hold On To
- 279
Acappella - Song For Odin
- 280
Acappella - Soul Doctor
- 281
Acappella - Special Kind Of Love
- 282
Acappella - Spiritual Touch
- 283
Acappella - Stamp Of Approval
- 284
Acappella - Stand On The Rock
- 285
Acappella - Standin On The Solid Rock
- 286
Acappella - Take It Away
- 287
Acappella - Talk To Jah
- 288
Acappella - Temptations Of Christ
- 289
Acappella - Thank You
- 290
Acappella - That Could Have Been Me
- 291
Acappella - That They May All Be One
- 292
Acappella - The Great Physician
- 293
Acappella - The Lord's My Shephered
- 294
Acappella - The Spacious Firmament On High
- 295
Acappella - The Time Has Come
- 296
Acappella - The Walls Came Down
- 297
Acappella - There Is A Fountain
- 298
Acappella - There Is A Habitation
- 299
Acappella - There Is Love
- 300
Acappella - There Is No Excuse
Dime Rhyme Segue
Downtown early morning he stopped me and said
Could you spare some change or maybe even a buck
He scribbled "Jesus Loves You!" on a cardboard box
I looked him over quickly just so see if he was worthy
But he was dirty, he was dingy and he'd had a few too many
So I turned away and I walked on by
I was headed to Mickey D's for coffee and an apple pie
But I couldn't get him out of my mind
"When you're doing it to the least of these
You're doing it to me," kept creepin' up in the back of my mind ya see
I forgot to be Jesus; I had missed an opportunity
I turned around to go back and be the man I know I should be
When I got back to the corner where I knew the guy was standin'
He was already gone, he disappeared without a warnin'
The only thing left was a "Jesus Loves You!" sign and
The dot on the exclamation point was covered with a dime
POSTED by Alexandre W.F. Lyra