- 1
Acappella - Glory and honor
- 2
Acappella - Canon in D
- 3
Acappella - Victory In Jesus
- 4
Acappella - Jesus Is Coming
- 5
Acappella - Hush
- 6
Acappella - I Feel Good
- 7
Acappella - Rescue
- 8
Acappella - I Love You Lord
- 9
Acappella - A Cappella
- 10
Acappella - Criminal On The Cross
- 11
Acappella - Everybody Said (But Nobody Did)
- 12
Acappella - He Leadeth Me
- 13
Acappella - My Lord and My God
- 14
Acappella - Nobody But Jesus
- 15
Acappella - Amazing Grace
- 16
Acappella - Because He Lives
- 17
Acappella - Give Me Jesus
- 18
Acappella - Teaching The Truth In Love
- 19
Acappella - Walking That Line
- 20
Acappella - We Bow Down
- 21
Acappella - Abba Father
- 22
Acappella - All Hail The Power of Jesus Name
- 23
Acappella - And They Praised God
- 24
Acappella - Champion Of Love
- 25
Acappella - Create In Me a Clean Heart
- 26
Acappella - He Gave Her Water
- 27
Acappella - If There Were No God
- 28
Acappella - Lead Me To Rest
- 29
Acappella - Peace, Perfect Peace
- 30
Acappella - They Are The Roses
- 31
Acappella - You're the One
- 32
Acappella - Act Of God
- 33
Acappella - Begins
- 34
Acappella - Blessed Assurance
- 35
Acappella - Do Not Be Afraid
- 36
Acappella - Get To The Point
- 37
Acappella - He Was There All The Time
- 38
Acappella - He's Gonna Let You Know
- 39
Acappella - How Great Thou Art
- 40
Acappella - In The Cross
- 41
Acappella - Let Us Break Bread Together
- 42
Acappella - Lord Save Me
- 43
Acappella - More
- 44
Acappella - More Precious Than Gold
- 45
Acappella - More Than A Friend
- 46
Acappella - Movin´
- 47
Acappella - My Country 'Tis of Thee
- 48
Acappella - Nearer, Still Nearer
- 49
Acappella - Piper Song
- 50
Acappella - Praise The Lord
- 51
Acappella - Resting In Jesus
- 52
Acappella - Soon I Will Be Done
- 53
Acappella - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
- 54
Acappella - When They Ring Those Golden Bells
- 55
Acappella - A Prayer Of David
- 56
Acappella - A Whole New World
- 57
Acappella - Almighty God
- 58
Acappella - And My God Will Meet All Your Needs
- 59
Acappella - Answer My Prayer
- 60
Acappella - Arabian Dance
- 61
Acappella - Arise My Love
- 62
Acappella - Atom Bomb
- 63
Acappella - Better Than Life
- 64
Acappella - Brave New World
- 65
Acappella - Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary
- 66
Acappella - Do Right
- 67
Acappella - Don't Be Afraid
- 68
Acappella - Don't Fear the Storm
- 69
Acappella - Dust In The Wind
- 70
Acappella - For The Lost
- 71
Acappella - Glorify Thy Name
- 72
Acappella - Good Livin'
- 73
Acappella - His Righteousness
- 74
Acappella - Holy Spirit, Dwell In Me
- 75
Acappella - Humble Thyself
- 76
Acappella - I Gave My Life For Thee
- 77
Acappella - I Have a Friend
- 78
Acappella - I Want to Be Where You Are
- 79
Acappella - I'll Fly Away
- 80
Acappella - I'm At Your Mercy
- 81
Acappella - In The Garden
- 82
Acappella - In The Name of the Lord
- 83
Acappella - Jesus Knows
- 84
Acappella - Jesus Touch My Heart
- 85
Acappella - John the Revelator
- 86
Acappella - Joshua Fit da Battle
- 87
Acappella - Let There Be Love
- 88
Acappella - Lift Every Voice
- 89
Acappella - Love is the Power
- 90
Acappella - Mi Señor Y Mi Dios
- 91
Acappella - Mighty Is Our God
- 92
Acappella - Not My Will But Thine
- 93
Acappella - Now To Him
- 94
Acappella - Only Truth
- 95
Acappella - Pass Me Not
- 96
Acappella - Roll Jordan Roll
- 97
Acappella - Set Me Free
- 98
Acappella - Softly And Tenderly
- 99
Acappella - Special Delivery
- 100
Acappella - Special Kind Of Love
- 101
Acappella - Standing Right in Front of You
- 102
Acappella - Sweet Fellowship
- 103
Acappella - Thank You
- 104
Acappella - The Great Physician
- 105
Acappella - The Medley
- 106
Acappella - There is Power in the Blood
- 107
Acappella - This Little Light
- 108
Acappella - To Him Who Sits On The Throne
- 109
Acappella - Veniste a Salvarme
- 110
Acappella - Walking In The Light
- 111
Acappella - War With Myself
- 112
Acappella - Water From The Well
- 113
Acappella - We Will Glorify
- 114
Acappella - Well On My Way
- 115
Acappella - What Was I Supposed To Be?
- 116
Acappella - When You're There
- 117
Acappella - Where He Leads Me I Will Follow
- 118
Acappella - A Aquel Que En El Trono Esta
- 119
Acappella - Abide With Me
- 120
Acappella - Ain't got time to die
- 121
Acappella - All Men Will Know
- 122
Acappella - All That I Need
- 123
Acappella - América
- 124
Acappella - And this is Life
- 125
Acappella - Angels Long To Look Into These Things
- 126
Acappella - Angels We Have Heard On High
- 127
Acappella - Army of the Lord
- 128
Acappella - As The Deer Pants
- 129
Acappella - Away in a Manger
- 130
Acappella - Awesome God
- 131
Acappella - Be Devoted
- 132
Acappella - Be Ye Glad
- 133
Acappella - Beautiful Lamb Of God
- 134
Acappella - Beyond This Land of Parting
- 135
Acappella - Bridegroom
- 136
Acappella - Broken
- 137
Acappella - Burden Bearer
- 138
Acappella - Calling Forth
- 139
Acappella - Camiño Con El
- 140
Acappella - Celebrate Jesus
- 141
Acappella - Center
- 142
Acappella - Children's Prayer
- 143
Acappella - Christ We Do All Adore Thee
- 144
Acappella - Close Your Eyes
- 145
Acappella - Come Near
- 146
Acappella - Common Eyes
- 147
Acappella - Covenant Of Love (x-changed)
- 148
Acappella - Dime Rhyme Segue
- 149
Acappella - Do You Love The Lord?
- 150
Acappella - Don't Be Overcome
- 151
Acappella - Don't Be Talkin' 'Bout Friends
- 152
Acappella - Don't Cry
- 153
Acappella - Doubly Good To You
- 154
Acappella - Dulce Amistad
- 155
Acappella - East To West
- 156
Acappella - Easter Song
- 157
Acappella - Emergency
- 158
Acappella - Es Muy Bueno Estar Reunidos
- 159
Acappella - Everybody Praise
- 160
Acappella - Everybody talkin' 'bout heaven
- 161
Acappella - Everybody Will Be Happy
- 162
Acappella - Everything We Need
- 163
Acappella - Everything's Gonna Be All Right
- 164
Acappella - Find Your Way
- 165
Acappella - Friends
- 166
Acappella - Fullness Of God
- 167
Acappella - Get Right Church
- 168
Acappella - Give
- 169
Acappella - Give Me You
- 170
Acappella - Glory In His Name
- 171
Acappella - Gloryland Way
- 172
Acappella - Go, tell it on the mountain
- 173
Acappella - God Bless America
- 174
Acappella - God Bless The USA
- 175
Acappella - God Inhabits Our Praise
- 176
Acappella - God Loves Women
- 177
Acappella - God Will Make a Way
- 178
Acappella - Goin' home
- 179
Acappella - Going Down To The River
- 180
Acappella - Gotta Grow Up
- 181
Acappella - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- 182
Acappella - Growin' Up In The Lord
- 183
Acappella - Hallelujah Chorus
- 184
Acappella - Hallelujah! What A Savior
- 185
Acappella - Hard Pressed
- 186
Acappella - He Bore it All
- 187
Acappella - He Did It Again
- 188
Acappella - He Had Everything
- 189
Acappella - He Will Come And Save You
- 190
Acappella - He's Gonna Let You
- 191
Acappella - Heaven Is In My Heart
- 192
Acappella - Hello
- 193
Acappella - Holy, Holy, Holy
- 194
Acappella - House Of Praise
- 195
Acappella - How Can I Truly Say
- 196
Acappella - How Could You Say No
- 197
Acappella - How Firm A Foundation
- 198
Acappella - How Great is the Love
- 199
Acappella - How Majestic is Your Name
- 200
Acappella - Hush - Live
- 201
Acappella - I Believe in You
- 202
Acappella - I Can Rejoice
- 203
Acappella - I Can Walk
- 204
Acappella - I Could Tell
- 205
Acappella - I Know the Love
- 206
Acappella - I Know You Know
- 207
Acappella - I Need Thee Every Hour
- 208
Acappella - I Stand Amazed
- 209
Acappella - I Understand
- 210
Acappella - I Will Be Here
- 211
Acappella - I'll Live In Glory
- 212
Acappella - In Jesus' Name
- 213
Acappella - In The First Light
- 214
Acappella - In The Sweet By And By
- 215
Acappella - Inspiration
- 216
Acappella - Instrupella
- 217
Acappella - It Is Good For Us To Be Here
- 218
Acappella - It Is Well
- 219
Acappella - It May Be At Morn
- 220
Acappella - It was an act of God
- 221
Acappella - Jamás Hables Mal
- 222
Acappella - Jehovah Is Our King
- 223
Acappella - Jesus In The U.s.a
- 224
Acappella - Jesus Is Your Ticket
- 225
Acappella - Jesus Loves Me
- 226
Acappella - Joined Together
- 227
Acappella - Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
- 228
Acappella - Just As I Am
- 229
Acappella - La Song
- 230
Acappella - LaCanción
- 231
Acappella - LaSong
- 232
Acappella - Lay Down
- 233
Acappella - Let Me Show You Me
- 234
Acappella - Let There Be
- 235
Acappella - Let's Get Together
- 236
Acappella - Let's Go Dreamin
- 237
Acappella - Let's Show And Tell
- 238
Acappella - Life
- 239
Acappella - Lift Him Up
- 240
Acappella - Listen To Him
- 241
Acappella - Livin' Inside
- 242
Acappella - Long Way To Go
- 243
Acappella - Looking Out for #1
- 244
Acappella - Lord Bless our Home
- 245
Acappella - Lord We Worship Your Name
- 246
Acappella - Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
- 247
Acappella - Lover of a Sleeping Child
- 248
Acappella - Mejor que la Vida
- 249
Acappella - More Than Conquerors
- 250
Acappella - Mountain Top
- 251
Acappella - No One Ever
- 252
Acappella - Nothing But The Blood
- 253
Acappella - O Come, All Ye Faithful
- 254
Acappella - O Come, O Come Emanuel
- 255
Acappella - O Happy Day
- 256
Acappella - O Holy Night
- 257
Acappella - O Little Town of Bethlehem
- 258
Acappella - O Sacred Head
- 259
Acappella - O Wretched Man
- 260
Acappella - Oh How I Love Jesus
- 261
Acappella - Old Time Gospel
- 262
Acappella - Once in a Lifetime Love
- 263
Acappella - Our God He Is Alive
- 264
Acappella - Peace Be Still
- 265
Acappella - Praise Be To The Lord
- 266
Acappella - Radiance Of God's Glory
- 267
Acappella - Ready To Go
- 268
Acappella - Regardless
- 269
Acappella - Rock-A-My Soul
- 270
Acappella - Rocking Song
- 271
Acappella - Roll Jordon Roll
- 272
Acappella - Said I Wasn't
- 273
Acappella - Sanctify My Heart
- 274
Acappella - Share What We've Got
- 275
Acappella - Shut de Do
- 276
Acappella - Side of the Road
- 277
Acappella - Silent Night
- 278
Acappella - Sing To The Glory
- 279
Acappella - Sleep Tight
- 280
Acappella - Something To Hold On To
- 281
Acappella - Song For Odin
- 282
Acappella - Soul Doctor
- 283
Acappella - Spiritual Touch
- 284
Acappella - Stamp Of Approval
- 285
Acappella - Stand On The Rock
- 286
Acappella - Standin On The Solid Rock
- 287
Acappella - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
- 288
Acappella - Sweet, Sweet Spirit
- 289
Acappella - Take It Away
- 290
Acappella - Talk To Jah
- 291
Acappella - Temptations Of Christ
- 292
Acappella - That Could Have Been Me
- 293
Acappella - That They May All Be One
- 294
Acappella - The Lord's My Shephered
- 295
Acappella - The Spacious Firmament On High
- 296
Acappella - The Time Has Come
- 297
Acappella - The Walls Came Down
- 298
Acappella - There Is A Fountain
- 299
Acappella - There Is A Habitation
- 300
Acappella - There Is Love
Just As I Am
But that thy blood was shed for me
And that thou bidd'st me come to thee
O, lamb of God I come, I come
I'm not that strong, my hands are unclean
My heart sometimes fills with sins unseen
And yet he bids, oh, he pleads, but I can't understand
Why he loves me, yet I come
Nobody knows me better than you lord
Nadie me conoce mejor que tu señor
I guess because you see beyond my pretenses
Debe ser porque tu ves mas allá de mis pretenciones
Beyond what I say
Mas allá de lo que digo
And what I do
Mas allá de lo que hago
Before you, my heart seems to be as na open book
Ante ti mi corazón es un libro abierto
Exposed and uncovered
Expuesto, y descubierto
You not only see who I am
Tu no solo ves quien soy
But who I can be
Pero quien puedo llegar a ser
And in spite of my frailties
Y a pesar de mis debilidades
You accept
Tu me aceptas
Just as I am
Tal como soy
How do I say thank you?
¿Cómo puedo decir: Gracias?
Just as I am, thy love unknown
Has broken ever barrier down
Now to be thine, yea thine alone
Oh, lamb of God I come, I come